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Sexual Continence

Attention! New Issue:The sexual continence!You shall no longer do it... without it!For it lasts longer, it makes it better and it’s all yours ever after! Making love! Such a wonderful thing...Yes, it is...but making love not sex...!Sex is good as well, but love makes us feel and even be better, more beautiful, generous,…

Romanian Justice keeps pushing the procedure errors in the file of Gregorian Bivolaru Appeal ruled on though lawyers not announced

Gregorian Bivolaru cannot enjoy a fair trial in RomaniaThe decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of Sweden once again reasonable Last week the Bucharest Court of Appeal declined the appeal for the warrant of arrest issued on the name of Gregorian Bivolaru for the file of human beings trafficking. The appeal was ruled on by…

The Spiritual Approach of Tantra

Though lately it is much spoken and written about Tantra, just a few really knew what does it mean. Tantra is an oriental spiritual system that has as main purpose the unification of the contraries at the all levels of the human being. In Tantra the men and the woman are seen as expressions or mirrors of the macrocosmic energies…

Love and the Magic of Simplicity

Motto: “Seems that the only aim of nature is throwing all beings one in each other’s arms, and make them share, in virtue of love transfiguration between two infinite noughts, the frantic intoxication of the divine embracement.” We are living hasty lives. We are caring “synthesis” of…

What tantra is and what it is not

When practiced in a couple, Tantra is a kind of meditation in two, which springs from the union of the feminine and masculine principles, and is fuelled by the sexual energy. It is an invitation to discover the sacred dimension of the erotic encounters and the means to make the body, soul and consciousness vibrate in unison.…

Tantrism and YOGA

Yoga and Tantra form the primary basis of the Indian spirituality and they are closely connected to universal philosophy. There have been lots of things written and reported about these spiritual disciplines, but due to their depth and hidden symbolism, they mostly remain unknown to the West. Being concealed along ages,…

Aswini Mudra

One of the most efficient methods to avoid the discharging of the sexual potential is to practice ASWINI MUDRA for long periods of time. ASWINI MUDRA is the strong contraction of the anus muscles, maintained for as long as possible. This technique is extremely simple and can easily be done in the “dead” times during the day (eg…

Intermittent Urination

This process involves the successive contraction and relaxation of the urinary sphincters during urination. Developing this skill leads to greater control of the sexual muscles and to heightened awareness of some of the processes occurring during sexual discharge. It also allows the person to anticipate, and so avoid, the…

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