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Intermittent Urination

This process involves the successive contraction and relaxation of the urinary sphincters during urination. Developing this skill leads to greater control of the sexual muscles and to heightened awareness of some of the processes occurring during sexual discharge. It also allows the person to anticipate, and so avoid, the…

Slow Penetration

To obtain perfect sexual continence you must begin intercourse with a transfigurating vision of the erotic attraction between man and woman and maintain this transfiguration throughout lovemaking. Both lovers have to understand that sexual attraction has its roots in the primordial attraction between the masculine…

The Orgasm

A great secret in the practice of continence is to learn the mechanism of orgasm. There are both men and women who so skilled in the art of making love with continence that they can experience the state of orgasm whenever they wish. Moreover they can induce these ineffable states in others without full erotic…

Sublimation of Sexual Energy

Sublimation is the inner movement of the energy created through biological transmutation at the superior levels of the body. This energy movement is progresses level by level (power centre by power centre) and it modifies the frequency vibrations. In this way it provokes specific effects at every level. Through sublimation, sexual…

Weak penetration

"Many of man''s victories are the expression of the way he makes love." Penny SlingerHave you ever felt embarrassed when...? Even from the beginning...? Or just the moment she…? If you have, then we are talking about the same thing: impotence. And if it is not your situation… Who does not want to be infallible?From…

Transmutation of Sexual Potential Energy

Transmutation represents the transforming of a chemical element into another chemical element, accompanied by a huge release of energy. Transmutation is produced by radioactive disintegration or by a nuclear reaction which is possible even at biological levels at low temperature.Sexual biological transmutation consists of the…

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