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9 Mistakes that Ruin Relationships

  Everybody knows how important is to have a healthy and successful romantic relationship. Not only can it boost your spirits and moods, but it can also enhance your overall mental well-being. While relationships are usually full of highs and lows, it can sometimes be hard to maintain the highs when you are going through rough…

Compassionate Mirroring In Relationships

  By Bernhard Guenther We all need feedback and reflection sometimes from a good friend about some stuff we are going through on a personal level because there is only so much self-work you can do by yourself. We all have blind spots and can’t see ourselves fully objectively. Most unconscious stuff only comes up in…

Five Ways to be Fully Authentic

  How to be you involves accepting, loving, and discovering who you are. But what does that really mean? The appeal of authenticity is obvious. Who would you be if you could just ‘be you?’ What if you didn’t have to worry about what other people think of you? Does your body sigh with relief at the…

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