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LGBTQ+ Deviations

There’s nothing sexy about castration

Under what conditions should a person be free to indulge his sexual fetishes in public? This question was brought into stark relief at a school in Ontario, where the attire of a male teacher now identifying as a woman raised a new version of the old question “how many grains of sand make a heap?”: How many cup sizes make a pair of…

Trans-pushing researchers publish fake study claiming that puberty blockers and hormones improve mental health of transgender children

Researchers from Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington-Seattle released a study claiming that so-called “transgender” youth end up much happier when they are allowed to go on puberty blockers and hormone pharmaceuticals versus having to stick with their own natural biology. The problem is that this claim is…

CDC now promoting sexual perversion, identity delusions, and genital mutilation to the nation’s youth

After spending two years threatening parental rights and terrorizing children into isolation, suffocation and self-harm, the predatory U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is now seeking to confuse, mislead, pervert, and castrate the youth of the nation. The CDC is now promoting genital mutilation to the youth and encouraging castration…

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