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Unmasking Freemasonry

Scientific “proof” is a myth: the limitations of science and the medical paradigm (2)

There was an article published back in 2014 by Dr. David Stewart, who so eloquently articulated the limitations of the scientific method, and the short-comings of the medical paradigm. Since 2020 we are witnessing an unparalleled phenomenon in medicine where religious beliefs are passed off as “science,” while indoctrination of ideas is…

PhD chemist whistleblower who worked 17 years developing chemtrails: 90% of chemtrails designed to alter emotions / mood / state of conscience and…

We continue to present the transcription in which a courageous chemtrail chemist whistleblower, known only as OP, appeared on’s blog and spilled the beans on his 17 years of developing chemicals for dispersion on the human population, 90% of which were designed to “alter emotions / mood / state of conscience” as…

PhD chemist whistleblower who worked 17 years developing chemtrails: 90% of chemtrails designed to alter emotions / mood / state of conscience and…

Excerpts: The following is a blog trabscription that reporters of stumbled on back in 2012 in which a courageous chemtrail chemist whistleblower, known only as OP, appeared on’s blog and spilled the beans on his 17 years of developing chemicals for dispersion on the human population, 90% of which…

Scientific “proof” is a myth: the limitations of science and the medical paradigm (1)

There was an article published back in 2014 by Dr. David Stewart, who so eloquently articulated the limitations of the scientific method, and the short-comings of the medical paradigm. Since 2020 we are witnessing an unparalleled phenomenon in medicine where religious beliefs are passed off as “science,” while indoctrination of ideas…

Dr. Pierre Gilbert, on magnetic vaccines, from 1995. Zombification by vaxx. Essential reading, watch the brief video link

In light of what I said in the previous post (please read if you have not), I have become aware of something which I think is very much of significance as to the real hidden purpose of the covid 19 injection push on humanity. As I have said before, it has not been clear at all to me what the real purpose of the injections are, but this…

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