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Unmasking Freemasonry

Global elite use 3 giant financial companies to control 88% of the corporations listed on the S&P 500

There is no question that large corporations absolutely dominate our society today. They control what we eat, they control what we watch on television, they own most of the stores that we shop at, they provide the energy that our nation depends upon, and they make almost all of the products that we use. Tens of millions of people make…

Virusomania and covidophobia

Imagine the world in 2050: the average age of the inhabitants of the earth is 30 to 35 years, the life expectancy is 50 to 55 years. No excesses, peace and grace. Every average inhabitant conscientiously performs the work entrusted to him and strives to go home quickly, where he, dissociating himself from everything around him, lives in a…

Experts warn: Smartphone apps, not social media, pose biggest consciousness control threat

That smartphone apps that people use daily can be used to change personalities and perform “consciousness control,” according to experts. In a report by the Daily Star, therapists have warned that “harmless” looking apps can be used to “subtly” shape people’s world views. As such, these pose a bigger threat than fake news on social…

RFK, Jr. interviews investigative journalist Whitney Webb on the ‘deliberate coverup’ of Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein’s relationship + more

Investigative journalist Whitney Webb told Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on the “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” that vaccine passports are part of a global plan to tie together vaccine status, economic activity and biometric identity. Investigative journalist and researcher Whitney Webb dives deep into…

Bilderberg on steroids – meet the secret CIA-funded group behind the ‘War on Terror’

Bilderberg has gained a reputation as the world’s most secretive group of billionaires and political leaders who conspire to impact global events – but reports indicate that they are little compared to another group that includes a host of war criminals responsible for the “War on Terror.” The group is named Le Cercle. In a report…

A narrative between covid-flu RNA vaccine combo and human transmissible vaccines, in nowadays landscape

Despite evidence of serious danger, a number of mRNA “vaccines” are in the pipeline. Among them is a covid-flu RNA vaccine combo, which is currently being tested on ferrets, and several different mRNA seasonal influenza vaccines, which have already entered human trials Companies currently testing mRNA flu “vaccines” on human…

Whole Foods to roll out mark of the beast biometric palm scanning payment technology across its US stores

The first “Amazon Fresh” grocery store equipped with “Just Walk Out” technology has opened, allowing customers to purchase groceries without having to wait in a long checkout line. The catch is that all customers will be surveilled and tracked using an advanced system of cameras and artificial intelligence (AI). And the eventual goal is…

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