The Science To Prevent The Great Reset And Save Humanity

Any informed person in this world is fully aware of the severe health risks posed by vaccines. Especially a rushed, untested experimental biological agent, that is falsely marketed as a vaccine, activates all the alarm bells within the educated part of humanity.

As most of us understand by now, the pandemic was planned with the sole purpose of submitting humanity to a New World Order of unprecedented tyrannical control by the superrich elite. If you haven’t seen the evidence for this yet, then we strongly encourage you to read many articles on our site, that reveal all the undeniable evidence of how the pandemic is the smokescreen for implementing a new level of totalitarian control.

Covid is the excuse to lock down the world, supposedly to save humanity. In reality the agenda behind the lockdowns is very different. In their own books, videos, websites and conferences the globalists make it crystal clear what the purpose of the lockdowns is: “Great Reset”. Destroy the economy of every nation on Earth, plunge humanity into despair and poverty, and then offer their solution: “The Great Reset”.

The essence of this Great Reset is that all debt of every human being would be cancelled, which would save us from the financial devastation resulting from the lockdowns. Having all your debt cancelled surely sounds like a wonderful solution. “Thank you, globalist elite!” However, it comes with a price tag. In return for this so-called “financial rescue” everyone would have to give up all private property. From that moment on, nobody would own anything, and we would all rent everything: cars, houses, etc.

The evil conscience behind this plan is Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum, which is working closely with the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the European Union, the United Nations, and other globalist entities. Schwab has become a key player in the globalist movement, steering most nations and industries towards this agenda. He welcomes globalist world leaders every year in the renowned World Economic Forum conferences in Davos, Switzerland. So what we are telling you here is no weird tale, it is fact.

This notorious leader of the globalist elite released a video with the presentation of their plans, and he literally says: “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”

Yeah, right, while they will own everything…

Bluntly said: their plan is to throw the world into an abyss of despair, so they can become our “saviors” who will “take good care of us”. No debt, no need, no worries, but… also no possessions, no privacy, no rights, no freedom, no voice. Slaves forever.

The elite would become the true owners of all humanity, claiming this is for our wellbeing. Their magic word is “sustainability”. They claim that this insane plan is the only way to sustain life on Earth. How convenient for themselves…

Their agenda however goes on. Once these globalists are in full power, they would basically end the human race, by replacing most people with Artificial Intelligence. Klaus Schwab announced that 40% of all jobs will be performed by A.I. in the near future. So they need to erase 40% of humanity, to make room for this, naturally. No use of having 40% of humanity walking around doing nothing…

In his notorious book The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab explains how the original human race will end, and make room for the next step in human evolution: we will all become cyborgs. Our bodies will be greatly altered using technology. Man and machine becoming one.

No, that is not the script for a science fiction movie, this is a reality envisioned by Schwab. His book is right there, on the shelves of stores around the world, and this is the man pushing the current events in the world. Governments around the world are embracing his “wonderful ideas” and they are already telling children in schools how much smarter they will be with a chip in their head. Elon Musk wanted to call his child A.I. and is a pioneer in the human-robot fusion.

Mark Zuckerberg said during a public speech: ‘I was human…

Let that sink in for a few seconds…

Becoming a cyborg may sound fascinating, as it could give us some technological “superpowers”. The conscience programming of humanity has already been occurring for decades, through movies like Terminator, Robocop, Ironman, etc. The message is always that the symbiosis between man and machine results in a superhuman. The reality is however not as appealing… It will literally mean that your body will be connected to the Cloud, or the worldwide network of digital surveillance.


Simply said: you will lose any and all freedom. Being a digitally connected man-machine, you would no longer have privacy, as they would have direct access to your digitized body and consequently know EVERYTHING you say, do, feel, think, believe, etc.

They would be able to control, manipulate and direct you anyway they want, because your brain and nervous system would be connected to their fingertips, just as our smartphones are connected, and used to constantly spy on you.

Did you know your phone records all your conversations, constantly films you, and tracks your every move? Have you ever wondered why you talk about something and then an hour later you see an ad on Facebook promoting the very aspect you talked about? Or have you ever noticed how you made a phone call to somebody and a little bit later you see that person being suggested as a friend on Facebook? Or have you ever noticed that you are in a certain place, and suddenly Google is offering you shops and events in that exact location? You are tracked nonstop.

Integrating all this into our own bodies, is the next step, which will eliminate our autonomy, and submit us entirely to their totalitarian control. That’s the plan of these psychopaths. Horrible movies becoming reality, just like the pandemic has been announced by dozens of pandemic movies, comic books and TV shows the past years.

For those who dismiss this as “a conspiracy”: we invite you to read the book The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab, listen to Elon Musk, look at Mark Zuckerberg, view the videos by the World Economic Forum, see what’s on YouTube, and you will see how they have been announcing this for decades, and are now openly saying it’s time for this next move “forward”.

Seizing absolute control over every aspect of human life, is the ultimate purpose of the planned pandemic. The lockdowns destroy humanity’s strength and wealth, so everyone would come begging for the solution: eating from the hands of the globalists. Very simple.

It’s also evident from the inventions by Richard Rothschild in 2015: this British lawyer created a virus detection system (labeled as covid-19 testing system!), which scans a person’s most private body functions, and sends this to artificial intelligence in the Cloud. A ‘virtual robot’ then warns health authorities to take action, like placing this person in quarantine.

Artificial intelligence

Connecting people to artificial intelligence, to rule humanity. The first step is submitting the world to their control through lockdowns, vaccine passports, constant testing, track and trace systems, etc. Once that succeeds, they can roll out the next phase: transhumanism, digitizing all life, eradicating original humanity, replacing everything with A.I., and claiming to offer eternal life, in the harness of a robot. They are already making robotic bodies, where humans can transfer their conscience to, to have “eternal life”. Yeah, if you think eternal life is being locked up in a lifeless machine, controlled by the elite.

President Trump has always been a major obstacle in these wicked plans. He made it very clear to the globalists that he was not going to allow them to destroy America, and turn it into a nameless, branded slave of the New World Order. The true vision behind ‘Make America Great Again’ was to prevent it from being absorbed by the monster of the global superstate.

Trump was therefore their greatest threat. That explains their unrelenting attacks on him. It also explains why he was so bashed by the media, nonstop. They just had to take him out. It is also the reason why it was necessary to remove Trump from office through election interference, so a globalist puppet could replace him. Trump was their worst nightmare. A massive stick in their wheels.

What does this have to do with the vaccines? EVERYTHING! When they unleashed the pandemic, their plan was to impose vaccine mandates on all of humanity. This was key to their agenda of turning the earth into one huge prison state. If life is only possible with a vaccine passport, you are a slave of those who mandate all future vaccines, and there’s no way out. You can only move around, if you take the next vaccine, and the next, and the next, and so on. Vaccines become the only key to a normal life.

These brand new mRNA vaccines however serve the plans of the globalists in more horrendous ways than any sane human being can imagine. As we understand the agenda of changing humanity into easily controllable cyborgs, it shouldn’t surprise us that the ultimate goal of forcing people to continually get more and more injections, is in reality to inject into them an increasing amount of DNA and RNA altering material, as part of the plan to shift humanity from version 1.0 to 2.0.

Transhumanism is at the very heart of the globalist agenda.

Ending humanity as we know it, reprogramming the human DNA and making us all fit to become the desired type of obedient, unquestioning citizens of the worldwide superstate, run by this elite. No, it’s not too far fetched. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook was caught on camera, admitting in an insider meeting with his staff, that the mRNA vaccines indeed alter the human DNA. Interestingly enough, he censors anyone talking about this on Facebook…

Video footage available online also shows how the Pfizer vaccine contains an unknown living organism. What is the purpose of this living organism inside the vaccines? Why is there so much talk about inserting nanotechnology into the human body?

We believe the vaccines are used to prepare our bodies to become connected to the digital control networks. Reprogramming human bodies, to increasingly become digitized, making us connectable to technology. Every new vaccine adds a little more nanotechnology, one step at a time, more and more…

Dr. Carrie Madej explained in the documentary The Battle For Humanity how injected nanotechnology, can set up “drug factories” inside of our bodies. These invisibly small “factories” can then produce all kinds of drugs on command. They could be activated by an external source, like satellites, cell towers, or our smartphones. Dr. Madej said how she was present at several top level medical conferences, where the “experts” (she calls them “crazy, evil professors”) openly talked about this.

Besides preparing humanity for transhumanism, the vaccines also serve to dramatically reduce the world population, by killing all the weak and vulnerable ones, whose bodies cannot withstand this biological attack. As you are probably aware of, dramatically decreasing the world’s population is at the top of their to-do list.

Thirdly the vaccines serve to weaken the world population in general, so they would be easier to control. A weak and tired person is only just able to work for the elite, and has no strength left to ask questions or resist.


March 11, 2022

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