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Unmasking Freemasonry

Benjamin Fulford 8/9/21 Report: The Illuminati challenge the Elders of Zion  

After the Asian secret societies targeted the Western criminal elite, a total storm broke out among secret societies. Many of these societies have operated over millennia and mostly remained dormant. Now they all sprang to life and mobilized their members. I experienced this firsthand, as their members approached me or aimed to destroy…

Netflix yet again pushing satanism on viewers: new reality dating show called ‘sexy beasts’ where contestants aim to resemble demons

We understand the concept behind a ‘blind date’ that causes you to focus on something other than whether or not a person is good looking, because looks aren’t everything, right? Right. But the new Netflix series ‘Sexy Beasts’ goes waaaaaaaay past merely disguising the superficial, and winds up smack dab in the end times bible prophecy…

NSA whistleblower about HAVANA Act of 2021: Time to discuss innocent victims of Microwave Weapons experiments

The U.S. senate has admitted the existence of bioweapons, and has passed a bill allowing retribution to CIA and officials who have been affected by such weapons. The former National Security Agency (NSA) analyst Karen Melton-Stewart thought this should be the time to discuss the effects on innocent citizens who were forcefully…

Benjamin Fulford 05/31/21: World Military and Intelligence Agencies to Remove Western Civilian Governments

“A decision has been made at the highest echelons of power that the world is just not working,” and a wholesale revamp is needed, according to a senior European royal. In particular, the ongoing “pandemic is entirely a drug-pushing effort” and means “all of the world’s civilian governments are suspected of engaging in genocide,” according…

Biological weapons, chemical weapons, brain machine interfaces … and that’s just the covid-19 injections

Neuro technologies are based upon various tools to assess, access and affect structures and functions of the brain that may be involved in cognition, emotion and behaviours. It’s not just a question of pursuing to figure out what makes the brain tick and the way it’s built, it’s “can we get in there to effect the ticking and, by affecting…

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