How to Stay Calm and Present Throughout the Day


Do you notice yourself feeling tense shoulders? A cleansed jaw? Perhaps you’re holding your breath in some ways and you don’t even know it? Maybe you feel a clenched tummy from time to time and have tricky digestion. You might notice yourself rushing through life, tasks, wanting to get to the next thing. You may not be paying full attention to your life and everything feels like autopilot.

If this is the case, you’re not alone.
This is a very calm state of being for most people in highly developed countries who are living the average everyday life. You wake up, go to your job, work all day, come home and then either veg out or spend time with family and go to sleep. This is the modern life that we have accepted as a good life and yet almost every aspect of it presents a challenge to our health and wellbeing. But, at this time, money is required to live our lives, and so we must play within this system in some way or another as we actively transform it.

The good news is you have ultimate freedom within yourself to perceive your reality as you wish to perceive it. When we are unconscious, or allowing our programmed states of being to run our lives, we typically move through life on autopilot, going from one habit to another. However, when we begin to gain presence, and pull ourselves out of all these unconscious habits, we begin to gain some freedom back. This builds over time.

Before we get to the exercise, remember that skipping the personal transformation end of our journeys only holds us in our current state of being and understanding.

A Simple Process

One powerful exercise you can do to begin seeing the subtleties in life, noticing the magic and incredible beauty around you and within you at all times is going back to the breath. Combine that with a few processes in releasing tension and getting into your heart, and you’ll truly begin waking up to who you truly are on a daily basis. The best part is this “muscle” grows with time: the more you practice, the more present you become, and the more your monkey mind goes into the passenger seat instead of the driver seat.

Approx. time needed: 5 mins

1. There are two ways to initiate the exercise, either you do it when you notice yourself tense or not present, or you set an alarm that souds about 7 times per day. If you choose the first method, you want to know that your awareness already catches yourself about 7 times a day so you can make sure you are doing this enough.

2. When the alarm goes on, or when you notice yourself, stop what you are doing and take a couple of deep breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Do this slowly and controlled. Nothing too fast and nothing too out of control.

3. After about 2 to 5 breaths, allow yourself to breathe normally, making sure it is still through the nose. Begin to say within yourself: “I am releasing all tension in my head, my neck, my shoulders, my jaw, my stomach, my fists, and my legs.” This is like a force idea if you will, but don’t take it too seriously in that it has to be said any particular way. You’re simply noticing and instructing the body to relax.

4. After you have gone through the releasing, notice your body is more relaxed and your breathing has brought you back to the moment. Sense yourself in your chair or where you stand. Feel the air around you, notice any breezes on your skin or any scents that you smell. Notice all the various sounds around you, not focusing on anyone or feeling any as a distraction, but noticing them and allowing them to be. This is presence, while in this state. Being aware.

If you have any rampant thoughts, or feelings of stress arise during this at any point, simply notice it and say within yourself “All right, task I have to complete, I see you, I will take care of you momentarily” and allow it to pass.

5. Once in presence, turn your attention to the area of your sternum, to ANAHATA CHAKRA. You may put your hand or fingers on this area, and simply focus your attention on this space. See your awareness moving into this space as if you yourself are moving from your mind to your heart. However that looks or feels to you is fine. It doesn’t have to be anything mystical. This is a common mistake of overcomplicating simple methods.

Finally, allow yourself to be in that space for as long as you like. 1 min, 10 mins, whatever works. Usually this exercise is meant to be done as a check-in for about 5 mins.

Repeat this each time your alarm goes on or when you notice yourself tense. Through this, you are gaining more awareness of self more regularly. You are also beginning to realize you have a lot more control over your state of being than once thought. This is a key step to emotional freedom. In this space, your mind does not run you, nor do your emotions.

Bonus: As an extended tip, once you gain a sense of what that short meditation felt like: if you notice yourself 20 or 30 minutes later being tense, just take one deep breath and recall the energy and feeling of your meditation.

The Takeaway

When will full disclosure occur, or big transformations in our world? When people focus deeply enough on personal transformation, so our consciousness becomes ready to hear what’s being hidden and becomes ready for a world that is grounded in a state of peace, love, and freedom as opposed to monkey mind behavior.


November 26, 2019


Also available in: Français

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