Love Alchemy-The Science of Fulfilment

Researchers declare that perception can release desire. That is fulfillment of a desire implies total detachment from it. In the usual conscious state we perceive external surroundings in a certain way, most of the time without realizing the fact that we are perceiving. So we can say that we are not aware, do not actually “perceive”; we just dream the perception, because the usual state we are in can be compared with the unconscious state while we are sleeping and dreaming.

However in the pure conscious state, actual perception becomes existential. Remaining conscious of the external world makes it easy for us to access pure existence and its essence-pure beatitude.

When we are aware of the erotic transfiguring sexual fusion with continence, the direct perception is of the source of pleasure and sensual joy. To be in the middle of this situation, to be totally aware and to perfectly control perception represents the fundamental key for the alchemic art of sensual love. We must learn to be aware of and fully experience erotic pleasure, and to realize through conscious directed effort the divine nature of this bliss. To be in fusion with ourselves, through fusion with the beloved partner, is to realize that we abandon ourselves in the beatitude of love. We come into ecstasy and are penetrated by ecstasy; this is the authentic alchemy of love. This alchemy of love is in fact a complete state.

Being aware of the breath as associated with making love, promotes a global and refined perception as well as an increased control of the flow of energy. This sensitivity towards the breath produces lucidity in the consciousness and develops a new vision of entire existence and of love in particular.

By breathing in a controlled and regulated rhythm with awareness, we increase the “fire of passion” and at the same time we maintain control. Stopping the breath at the peak of pleasure-when the energy becomes difficult to control-implicitly induces a ceasing of all processes in connection with lovemaking and spontaneously bring us into a state of void. If we are sufficiently aware, it is in this state that we can experience genuine fusion with God. The appearance of a slight pause (a hiatus) during the time of the exact sexual climax, at the most intense time, grants us in entry into a dimension beyond space and time. It is here we gain direct access to the perception of eternity, where we can find our true divine nature, our divine Self.

Beginning with the initial warmth and fervency of the “sacred fire” during sexual intercourse with continence, we can gain unique luminous and pure Knowledge. Here we experience a new keen awareness, in fact a non-awareness, as it is a direct experience. One feels a fusion with what is untold, unlimited and ineffable: the Divine. A new way of feeling appears and develops in the unknown, beyond any qualitative and quantitative attribute; beyond any dimension of space or time. We can only say that It Exists or It is Born every minute in and by ourselves.

Also available in: Română Français

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