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Attention! “Each of these beneficial moments, which are also enigmatic gifts that are offered to us by God, help us to understand and savour, spiritually speaking, the mysteries of the occult astral resonances. By focusing our attention firmly and continuously upon them, these ineffable moments also give us the opportunity to live…

What Moves Water Inside the Body? (2)

Untangling the Mysteries of Life, Aging and Spike Protein Injuries Read the first part of the article Mysteries of Microcirculation A consistent pattern emerges when each circulatory pathway is looked at in the body. Tiny spaces with no extrinsic force driving their flow (or only a very small one) simultaneously require a regular…

What Moves Water Inside the Body? (1)

Untangling the Mysteries of Life, Aging and Spike Protein Injuries One of the fascinating aspects about science is that while it is an excellent tool for discerning the nature of reality, it will simultaneously refuse to look at data with implications that challenge the existing scientific orthodoxy. As such, an unfortunate situation is…

WEF Document Seeks Global Government & Digital ID for Life “Within” the Internet

The World Economic Forum (WEF) published a white paper in November detailing the need for global governance due to life within a future internet or ‘metaverse’ as well as how digital methods of verifying a user’s identity are necessary, as well as mentioning the role of biometric sensors. Note that the ‘metaverse’ the document…

How can you tell if it’s a bot or AI leaving comments on virtual communication platforms or in the comments section under articles?

Automated computer programs posting comments on virtual communication platforms or under articles that appear to be human raises the issue of paid-for comments, astroturfing and the potential for fake opinions to be spread online. This could lead to a realisation of the Dead Internet Theory as one of the consequences of artificial…

World Leaders Sign WEF Treaty Introducing ‘Age of Death’ Laws in West

The World Economic Forum has reportedly instructed world governments to dismantle age of consent laws while introducing something even more sinister: “Age of Death” laws. Under this new system, people will no longer have the right to live beyond a government-mandated age—let’s say 70 years old, for example—without first obtaining…

The Geopolitics of Elite Insanity: Teetering on the Brink of Armageddon, The Danger of Nuclear War

As the world simultaneously teeters on the brink of nuclear war in Central Asia, shatters any remaining sense of ‘international justice’ by taking no effective action to halt the televised genocide in Palestine (let alone the risk of a dramatically expanded war in West Asia), and runs headlong into the rapidly advancing technocracy – to…

Biden bombs 75 “targets” in Syria, opening possibility ISIS uses Syria’s massive chemical and biological weapons arsenal to wipe out U.S. food supply

Now that the psychotic and demented Biden regime has bombed Syria, it wouldn’t be difficult for ISIS to take their massive supply of chemical and biological weapons, fly to Latin America or Mexico, and then just walk right into the USA through our open southern border. This would be like 9/11 times 1,000, where ISIS terrorists get…

Kissinger’s Final Threat Exposes Globalists’ Dystopian End Game: ‘Bioengineer to Co-exist with AI—or Die’

In his final message to humanity, Henry Kissinger co-authored a disturbing book titled Genesis, published recently. Kissinger’s final message for humanity warns that artificial intelligence (AI) will create “superhumans,” meaning ordinary humans become “useless.” Kissinger passed away last year, but his co-authors, Eric Schmidt and…

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