The Brain Myth: Your Consciousness and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain (2)

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This departure from believing that man’s consciousness and all rational thought was centered in the heart, to now believing that they are centered in the brain, can easily be traced back to the development of academia in late 18th century and early 19th century Europe, and specifically to the theories of Charles Darwin.

Darwin came up with a theory of origins for the human race that completely excluded God and the work of a master designer, and instead was based on “natural selection” in biological evolution.

Charles Darwin was not the only scientist who developed the concept of “natural selection” in evolution, however. One of his contemporaries was Alfred Russel Wallace, who shared his work on natural selection with Darwin.

Unlike Darwin, however, Wallace’s observation of the natural world led him to believe there is an “intelligent design” behind nature.

So how did Darwin’s work go on to gain such prominence, that it became the entire foundation of “science” in Western Culture today?

Darwin was a Freemason. As documented for years, Freemasonry is the driving force behind who gains worldly fame, whether it is science, politics, business, or entertainment, and who does not.

This is very thoroughly documented by Altiyan Childs:

Darwin’s contemporaries in Freemasonry were Karl Marx, who wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848, and Karl Ritter (1779-1859), who was a German Professor of History and Geopolitical science, and wrote the anti-thesis to Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, drawing up a plan by which he maintained the Aryan Race would first dominate Europe, and then the entire world.

But it was Darwin’s work that had more impact on modern culture than even Marx or Ritter, as his theories of evolution are mostly accepted as fact today by everyone, no matter which side of the political debate (Marx – Left – Communism, or Ritter – Right – Nazism) one follows.

Altiyan Childs (and others) have exposed the secret society of Freemasonry as being no different than Satanism. The only difference is one is done out in the open, and the other one, Freemasonry, is done in secret.”

The “Heart” of Life is Completely Excluded in Modern Science

Darwin laid the foundation of biological evolution that explained the origins of the human race without God, by defining “science” as only what one can observe in the natural world – the physical world.

But this presented some problems in dealing with the non-physical and meta-physical world, which cannot be observed by the means of “scientific discovery.”

To deal with this obvious gaping hole in their theory of evolution, the Freemasons turned to Austrian neurologist, Sigmund Freud.

In the ancient literature such as the Bible, the non-physical part of man is generally referred to as man’s “soul,” which in the Greek language is ψυχή – psyché, from which we get English words such as psychology and psychiatry today.

Today, modern science has attempted to reduce the human “soul” to the physical sciences in the field of psychology and psychiatry, which started with Freud.

This entire branch of “science” today is a complete fraud, as it has nothing to do with physical science, and the main way they try to make the field sound “scientific” is to claim that the human soul, our psyche, is contained in our brain, and therefore can be “observed” by physical science.

This branch of modern medicine has developed their own manual of “sicknesses” which are not based on anything at all that resembles “science,” but are symptoms that are voted on by psychiatrists to include in their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychic Disorders.

They use “scientific” sounding terms such as “chemical imbalance, bipolar” etc. to try and explain what is observable in the brain, but there is not a single independent diagnostic test that can be laboratory-tested to diagnose any of these “diseases.”

The main purpose of this “manual” is to identify these “sicknesses” of human behavior so that psych drugs can be prescribed to “correct” them.

This is the field of “medicine” that has brought us lobotomies and psycho-shock therapies that if agencies like the CIA would be found using on their enemies would probably be labeled “torture” by human rights groups, but are perfectly legal and acceptable if they fall under the field of “medicine.”

The whole field of psychiatry and their psych drugs is a fraud, starting with the fact that our consciousness and thoughts originate in our heart, and not our brain.

Back when the corporate news media still did some real investigative reporting, the news show 60 Minutes actually proved that this field was a total fraud featuring the work of Dr. Irving Kirsch from the Harvard Medical School, who proved that psych drugs did not cure anything, and that it was only the belief in the drugs, the placebo effect, that made people feel better.

Much of “Computer Science” Today is Actually Science Fiction

When one understands that a person’s heart is actually not only the center of a person’s “psyche” but also a person’s consciousness and rational thought, it exposes much of modern-day computer “science” to be just as fraudulent as the field of psychology because it is built on false premises.

And yet, there is one analogy in computer science that compares computers to humans that is mostly true, and that is comparing the microprocessor chip to the human brain.

A computer microprocessor chip does not generally store much information, and it is not the origin of information (data). It receives information (data), and then processes that information based on written language, or “computer code.”

Since the brain is not the origin of man’s non-physical or meta-physical life, it works in much the same way through the body’s neurological system. Like a microprocessor, it regulates the human nervous system, passing along information.

But in the human body, that information originates from the heart, where the consciousness and rational thought is located, and the words that come out of our mouth also originate from our heart.

The same is true of a computer, which can also be made to resemble a human being and is generally called a “robot.”

A robot computer does not create data, it only processes it. The data always originates from humans.

In the early days when the first PCs were made and sold to the public, the most common data input device was a keyboard, used by a human being to input data.

Then when graphical interfaces developed, another input device was added, the “mouse,” also used by human beings to input data.

Keyboards and computer mice do not create data. They just pass it along from the humans who are using them.

Computers have evolved today to be able to input much greater amounts of data, and can now include audio data, as well as visual data via cameras, etc.

But all of that data is still put into the computer by human beings. Computers cannot create data, they can only process the data that is fed into it.

Computers don’t have hearts, like human beings do.

How is data put into your heart? It can be put in through your five senses via your eyes, ears, skin, nose, and mouth, and no computer can replicate these five senses as well as the human organs that receive them.

But your five senses are not the only way you receive information (data). When a thought just pops into your heart (not your head!), where does it come from?

It comes from your “psyche,” which includes your soul and your spirit. These can be strong feelings and emotions, “intuitions,” and other non-physical means of obtaining information that can result from prayer, meditation, memories, etc.

It is at this level, in our hearts, that God speaks to us as well.

Computers have none of this. They just have data that was supplied to them, and a processor.

Even the most advanced AI driven computers today work in the same way, just faster.

ChatGPT, which is taking up all the headlines today, also works that way. It takes input from a user as a command to do something, and then rapidly scans through all the data online available to it, that human beings put on the Internet, and then processes it to display that data in a different form, such as a story, or an image, or even a video today.

But what it does NOT do is create data. It just processes the data.

Computers and robots are not smarter than humans, they are only faster processors of information.

The speed at which computers can operate today truly is dangerous, but the danger is not in the actual computer, but the people who feed the data to the computer (or the data they choose to exclude), and their intentions.

Computers cannot replace humans either. They have no heart.

I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.” (Ephesians 1:16-21)

Author: Brian Shilhavy


June 24, 2023


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