The legend describing Great Cosmic Power Bhuvaneshwari’s apparition into manifestation
Bhuvaneshwari is the space manifesting God’s will and endless love. Indeed even at the human level, the pure and deep feeling of true and unconditioned love always generates the feeling of endless space and freedom. We may even state that unless love generates the feeling of space and freedom to the being it spreads over (so if it “suffocates” any tendency for free and spontaneous manifestation), it is but the mere _expression of egotistic and possessive affection, lacking spiritual maturity and does not represent divine love. It is known that such egotistic love will soon lead the human being to harsh sufferance and attachment, especially when manifested through exacerbated jealousy. God’s immense love (especially expanded through Bhuvaneshwari) generates the powerful desire to create and then attend the wondrous performance of Creation. From this perspective, Bhuvaneshwari creates the worlds where the endless power of divine love is manifested. This divine game (lila) is continuously effervescent, because space (akasha) represents an infinite potential energy permanently actualized in various ways and forms of manifestation.
The legend describing Great Cosmic Power, Bhuvaneshwari’s apparition into manifestation says that in the Beginning only the Sun (as the Creator of the entire Universe) was the master of the sky. He was worshipped and adored by all beings. The sages (rishis) begged the mighty Sun (Surya) to create more worlds and offered him soma, a sacred plant (or the divine nectar) as sacrifice. Then Surya used his Supreme Energy in order to manifest the worlds (lokas or bhuvanas). This Supreme Energy thus assumed a shape of its own as the splendid manifestation of the Great Cosmic Power Bhuvaneshwari, Governess of all worlds or Mistress of the three worlds: Bhur, Bhuvar şi Svar or in other words, the earth or the physical dimension, the atmosphere or the astral dimension and the sky or the heavenly dimension. It is also said that this form of the Supreme Energy, Shakti was not manifested until the moment of creation. This is why the yogi tradition associates Bhuvaneshwari to the visible, manifested world.
Other writings speak of Lokas (the worlds) as the divisions of the universe, representing the subtle worlds corresponding to the consciousness level of the beings inhabiting them. Generally here we are talking about a division into three fundamental worlds, Triloka, or the Sky, the Earth and the Infernal world or in other words the Divine, the Intermediary and the Inferior world. Another classifying mentions the seven higher worlds: Bhur Loka – the Earth; Bhuvar Loka – the space between the Earth and the Sun, the realm of the sages; Svar Loka –Indra’s sky; Mahar Loka – the realm of the great saints; Jnana Loka – country of Brahma’s sons; Tatar Loka – residence of the Vairaja class (Vira-s) and Satya Loka or Brahma Loka –Brahma’s residence that once reached generates liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth. Seven inferior worlds correspond to these seven higher worlds called Patala. Samhita and Vedanta philosophical schools also mention eight Loka or higher and inferior regions: 1. Brahma Loka, the world of the supreme gods; 2. Pitri Loka, the realm of the sages; 3. Soma Loka, the realm of the world and planets; 4. Indra Loka, the world of the inferior deities; 5. Gandharva Loka, the realm of the celestial spirits; 6. Rakshasa Loka, the relam of raksha-s; 7. Zaksha Loka, Zaksha’s realm; 8. Pisacha Loka, the realm of demons and devils.