The Top Twelve Lies about Covid-19

 Many lies have been told about this virus.
These are just the top 12 we have selected.

1. People dropping dead in the

This is how the media portrayed Covid-19 at the
beginning: a disease so dangerous that people walking along the street suddenly dropped
down dead. Virtually all the UK media carried photos about this. It’s very odd that in
the first two pictures, and variants of them in other papers, those emergency workers
have no equipment with them, and appear to be just standing around doing nothing. Are
these faked photos?

There have been no reports of people dropping dead in
the street anywhere since then. And if it had been true in China, the virus would have
been noticed very quickly. We now know that the symptoms are indistinguishable from
colds, flu or pneumonia. These photos were the start of the Coronapanic lies.

2. Three Percent Will Die.

The WHO put out this 3% death rate figure early on.
You don’t need to be a maths wizard to know that’s one person in thirty. That’s a
serious reason to panic. We now know that the death rate is around 0.1%. That’s about
one in a thousand, and comparable to seasonal flu. But just as important, the figures
are massively skewed towards people around eighty who have at least two existing serious
conditions, and are already in a care home: people who have minimal quality of life, and
little remaining expectation of life. For younger, healthy people, and younger here can
mean under seventy, never mind twenty or thirty, the risk of death is vanishingly

3. Herd Immunity is a Dangerous

This is one of the most serious corruptions of
science ever. You don’t need a degree in epidemiology to know that epidemics come and
go. The very definition of the word implies that. (Conversely, a disease which stays
around for many years is called endemic.) You do need to know just a smidgen of
epidemiology to understand why epidemics come and go. It’s not rocket science. When the
new disease arrives, everybody is susceptible to it, because it is new and therefore
nobody has any immunity. The disease can race through the population, but as it does so
it leaves immune people in its wake. As the number of immune people grows, the disease
finds it harder and harder to spread. When the number of immune people reaches a certain
point (which varies with different diseases) the bug can find no new people to infect,
so the bug itself effectively dies. That point is called herd immunity. It is the only
way to defeat a new virus. But see number 4.

4. We Need a Vaccine to Give us Herd

Vaccines work by creating artificial herd immunity,
but that’s no better than natural herd immunity. And the simple fact is, as everyone
knows, we don’t have a vaccine. How long will it take to make one, test it properly, and
roll it out? Eighteen months? Three years? Never? In any event, even if we use a vaccine
before proper safety testing, it will still take longer than it does to reach herd
immunity naturally. (And note that the Common Cold is also often caused by some other
Coronaviruses. Still no sign of a vaccine for any of those.)

5. Lockdowns Work.

The evidence here is very, very weak. It is common
sense that they must have some effect. But we have New York, with a hard lockdown and
massive deaths, while Tokyo with a minimal lockdown has hardly any. Or Sweden with a
very mild lockdown having a lower death rate than Britain with a draconian one. Or Spain
and Portugal, which together make up the Iberian Peninsula, having massively different
death rates. There is another factor, or factors, involved here, and the mass media seem
to have no concern as to what they might be. Happily there are some scientists who do
seek to explain the differences. Several factors have been put forward with good

a. Vitamin D plays a huge role in the immune
system, and variations in deficiency certainly play a part, at least in individual
cases. In fact, it is negligent of the Government not to have promoted Vitamin D
supplementation on a large scale.

b. Flu vaccines also play a role in causing
worse outcome with Coronaviruses. The mechanism is called vaccine-induced viral
interference. Naturally those who make vaccines are not keen for you to know about such
undesirable side-effects.

c. Obesity is a negative indicator, which
will partly explain New York’s high death rate. One of the oddest Covid statistics to
date is that out of the small number of deaths in Japan, no less than seven are Sumo

One could tease out many other factors, but not one
comes close to the Grand Deal-Breaker in Epidemiology, which is immunity. Immunity is
the principal reason people do not get sick with any disease. Hence the primary factor
in differential death rates must be how long different countries had the virus before
they realised.

As the infection travelled through populations,
confused with colds and flu, it was steadily building immunity. China has a truly
miniscule number of deaths given its huge population. The virus there was on the rampage
right through Winter Flu Season, before they realised there was something new. When they
did, they locked down, and the lockdown appeared to be very effective; but only because
they were already close to herd immunity.

The countries surrounding China, which have a great
deal of intercourse with it, have similarly low death rates (Vietnam, nobody at all!)
How and when the virus got into other countries is difficult to unravel now; but one
should be aware that Wuhan Airport is a major hub, with flights all over the world. We
can reasonably infer that Norway, for example, was infected early, yielding the much
lower recorded deaths later. Such a conclusion is borne out by the fact that, having now
eased its lockdown, cases are still going down. In other words, there is no sign of a
‘Second Wave’.

After a tight and effective lockdown preventing
transmission, and also therefore preventing the growth of immunity, there should indeed
be a second wave. The lack of one points very strongly to previously acquired

6. Lockdown Does Not Cause More Deaths than
it Saves.

The leaked figure of 150,000 lockdown-caused deaths
has never been refuted by the UK Government. It is only common sense that with the NHS
shut down to almost everyone, there will be more deaths from other causes. Also more
suicides, more domestic violence, and the array of problems that increase mortality when
poverty increases. The economic crash is going to have a big effect there. And do we
regard the suicide of a healthy 20-year-old as equivalent to the death of an ailing 85-
year old? Lockdown is not a One-Way Street when it comes to saving lives; more likely a
Wrong-Way Street.

7. Being Infected May Not (or Does Not) Make
You Immune.

This is a truly bizarre assumption to make about any
specific infection. (Note that the common cold, which is endemic, is caused by a number
of different viruses.) This ‘fact’ was allegedly based on some people who
seemed to be infected twice.
But the extreme difficulty of distinguishing between
Colds, Flu, Covid-19 and Pneumonia means this was always a ridiculous conclusion to
reach. And if it were true it would be a one shot kill of the Race for a Vaccine.
Vaccines only work because they stimulate the immune system in the way a natural
infection does. If Covid-19 did not provoke a normal immune response, any vaccine would
be useless.

8. Having Covid Means Having Serious

In the beginning of this sorry saga, the most serious
symptom, as noted in Lie 1 above, was instant death. Now we know that it mostly has no
symptoms at all, or presents like a Common Cold. All the World’s highly-paid and
endlessly-promoted “experts” somehow didn’t notice this.

9. Masks Work.

If they do, why can’t we all wear them and get back
to normal? If they don’t, why are we ever recommended to use them? The effectiveness or
otherwise of masks has been a controversial matter for months. Some Doctors have said
that healthy people wearing them outside of a clinical setting is definitely a bad idea.
Is the mask controversy just another way to ramp up fear and confusion?

10. Two Meter Social Distancing is

There is no good science behind this. In Norway, with
its incredibly low death rate, they use one metre. And there is never a reference to
whether you are indoors or out. If you breathe out virus indoors, it has little choice
but to hang around in the room for a while. If you are outside in fairly still air,
which has a speed of about 2 metres per second, the virus you breathed out 2 seconds ago
is already 4 metres away. And because the air you breathe out is always warmer than the
surrounding air, and warm air rises, that potentially virus-laden air will rise up
outside with no ceiling to stop it. So two metres is not necessary in Norway, but it is
in England, whether you are in a small room or on a breezy beach. Is this fear-mongering
nonsense, or science? It is certainly not the latter.

11. Money has Nothing to do with Any of

The influence and mega-bucks of Bill Gates and Big
Pharma is supposedly not skewing the debate. Bill Gates’s donations to Prof Lockdown
Ferguson’s Imperial College, or to the WHO, make no difference, and Bill Gates’s desire
to produce seven billion doses of vaccine does not give him a financial interest. Bill
Gates is a nice guy who knows a lot about computer viruses, so we should all look to him
as our Saviour from this virus. There’s more logic in Alice in Wonderland.

12. The Destruction of Basic Human Rights is
a Price Worth Paying.

People being under virtual House Arrest, with Freedom
of Movement, Freedom of Association, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Work, Freedom to
attend School, all curtailed, is OK? The introduction of mass personal surveillance is a
good thing? If a foreign invader threatened our Rights like that we would fight for
them, and accept casualties in the process. Why are we suddenly turning that logic on
its head, and deciding to give up Rights to (possibly) save lives? Do we all fondly
imagine that we will soon have our Rights back?

History shows that Rights are generally hard won, and
once lost they are very hard to get back. And if you think you still have Freedom of
Speech, try as many have, to put across a view that is different to the Government. Yes,
you can get it across to a few. But if it reaches many more, Google, or YouTube, or
Facebook will soon censor it. If you are reading this article, it is because you are one
of a small number, meaning the article is still below the censor’s radar, or the
popularity level that triggers censorship.

In those wonderful days before Covid-19, we all knew
that Politicians, Journalists and Salesmen are inveterate Purveyors of Porky Pies. Now
these same people are regarded as Saints and Saviours, with absolutely nothing but our
best interests and well-being in their hearts. It is a fact, meaning a real one, not a
fake one, that anyone can think of no topic ever that has had so many utterly bizarre
lies told about it. It is also a fact that it is hard not to think of any matter where
politicians around the World all suddenly started braying like donkeys with the same
awful hoo-ha. And also a fact that of any occurrence which has simultaneously destroyed
human rights and wrecked the economy across the entire Globe it’s

Is it not odd that all of those three extreme
observations should apply to the very same little virus? If anyone can’t see a problem
here, it can only be that Coronapanic has totally obliterated their thought


July 14, 2020

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