Top signs of Kundalini activation and how best to respond


by Openhand

Kundalini is an essential Gateway to full awakening and alignment with the Earth’s Great 5D Shift. As I travel the world working with groups of people, I’m witnessing that Kundalini is activating and rising in many more people right now. It’s essential we share awareness of this highly alchemical phenomenon because it’s likely to feel very destabilizing physically, emotionally and mentally, whilst simultaneously opening your being to new heights of joy, psychic skills, unconditional love, and interconnectivity.

So what are the key signs that kundalini might be moving in you?

1) Energy surges from the base: You literally start to feel powerful surges of energy moving up from the base chakra. If you stand in stillness or even sit, you’ll likely find your body wanting to sway and gyrate. If this is the case, bring attention to the movement and attune to it – the movement itself will help integrate Kundalini. These surges could feel very sexual at times.

2) Lucid and prophetic dreaming: If you start prophetic and lucid dreaming that appear to give you messages for key situations in your life or the sense of ‘future-landing-now’, this could also be a sign of Kundalini beginning to activate. The dreams are giving you indications of how to move forward. In which case, begin a dream journal where you go to bed with the intention of waking up after the dream.

Record what took place but without immediately trying to interpret. Then come back later in the day when you’re relaxed and expanded. Simply write down the first things that come to you. Progressively the interpretations of higher mind will make increasing sense within the landscape you’re moving into.

3) Inner purification: with the onset of kundalini activation, there will be a natural desire to purify the physical, emotional and mental bodily vehicles. Carefully consider diet – explore moving to a plant-based diet and away from processed food. It’s especially important to ditch processed meat, sugar, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. Let the emotional expression flow. Be very careful to cut out negative mental influences from the media and the internet. Regulate the use of the internet and social media time.

4) Chakra blockages and karma: usually Kundalini will rise until it hits a blockage in one of the chakras (such as the heart) or starts to activate a karmic past life felt as an inexplicable pain in a particular area of the body – although there’s no apparent physical cause. In which case, let yourself explore into the karma, animate and express the feelings. Watch for synchronistic reflections pointing to attachments that you need to let go of.

5) Signs and synchronicity: you’ll feel a natural pull to follow more the higher dimensional flow in life. In which case be attentive to signs and synchronicity. Work to interpret what they are trying to tell you, predominantly in terms of how the reflections make you feel on the inside. What aspect of shadow identity are you being invited to release? What new aspect of being-ness wants to come through? What Right Action are you being invited to take now?

6) Increased empathy with nature: your connection to nature will most likely increase, with deep empathic feelings for all sentient life. It becomes increasingly difficult to do things that might harm other creatures. The natural word begins to speak to you with the reflection of power animals for your journey. Creatures appear at exactly the right time to reflect you what you now need to work through.

7) Inner child/teenager identities: rising Kundalini will cause the confrontation of any inner identity filters that maintain the polarity of the lower and higher self – these must be purged from your being. Hence you’ll likely be projected into family challenges based on conditioning from your childhood.

8) Integration of Higher Self: with Kundalini Activation, the higher self will begin to integrate into your lower being. You’ll start to appreciate more of the multidimensional landscape your soul is moving through. The outer reality becomes more metaphoric and it becomes progressively easier to interpret the deeper meaning behind events and circumstances.

9) Experiences of No-Self: at times you’ll find yourself slipping into the Void of Presence, where you feel completely at one with everything, where time seems to disappear, there’s total acceptance of the moment and the sense that the ego personality is unraveling and disappearing – that it is ‘dying’. There will come moments of tremendous clarity and the sense of non-localised presence. Work to embody these perceptions and sensations. Unravel fear or attachment to it.

Kundalini: an awe-inspiring life-changing phenomenon!

As Kundalini begins to activate, know that this will likely be one of the most phenomenal and alchemical experiences you’ll have on the spiritual journey. Life will never be the same again. You’ll tap into psychic gifts and experiences you never dreamed possible. The nature of your entire being will transform in a relatively short period of time. It will help greatly if you’re attentive and conscious of what is happening. Integration can be challenging, so you’ll need to focus plenty of attention on it in your daily life. But when Kundalini does fully activate, the experiences can be literally mind-blowing in a very positive and sacred way. It’s an essential marker on the path of Enlightenment and Ascension. It’s definitely something to fully embrace and embody.


September 28, 2019


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