Illuminati insider in 1969. ‘The New Order Of The Barbarians’ (6)


This is the transcript of the third and final tape of the “New Order of Barbarians”. This interview by Randy Engel, Director of the U.S. Coalition for Life, with Dr. Larry Dunegan was taped on October 10, 1991 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

On tapes 1 and 2, (made in 1988) Dr. Dunegan spoke about his recollections of the lecture he attended in 1969 where Dr. Richard Day, an insider, revealed the plans for their World System, AKA the totalitarian, socialist World Government. Once again, this final tape/interview speaks for itself.

Transcript of the tape 3

Randy Engel (R.E.):
Why don’t we open up with a little bit about the man who you are talking about on these tapes? Just a little profile and a little bit about his education and particularly his relationship with the population control establishment. I think that probably was his entree into much of this information.

Dr. Lawrence Dunegan (D.L.D.): Yeah. Dr. Day was the Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh from about 1959 thru ’64, about that period of time, and then he left the University of Pittsburgh and went to fill the position of Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

And that was what… about 1965 to ’68, about that period?

D.L.D.: About ’64 or ’65 ’til about ’68 or ’69, and then he left there… I don’t know specifically why, I did not know him intimately. We were, you know, more than acquainted… I was a student and he would see me at lectures and, so he knew my name as a student, probably corrected some of my test scores and that sort of thing. Of course, I knew him as lecturer – would stand in front of the auditorium and listen as he talked about diseases… and take notes.

What’s interesting is that this man is not as well known, I think to our listeners as names like Mary Calderone and Allen Gootmacher (sp). They were medical directors at one time or another for Planned Parenthood, but Dr. Day was not well known. And as a matter of fact when I went back into the SIECUS archives there was very little information that had his actual name on it. So he was not one of the better known of the medical directors, but I’d say he probably had the scoop of what was going on as well – if not better – than any of the others before or after he came. Can you describe the scene of this particular lecture, the approximate date, and what was the occasion – and then a little bit about the audience?

D.L.D.: This was the… the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society holds about four meetings each year where we have some speaker come in and talk about a medical topic related to pediatrics and this was our spring meeting. It’s always late February or early part of March. This was in March, 1969 and it was held at a restaurant called the Lamont which is well known in Pittsburgh. Beautiful place. In attendance, I would say somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 people. Mostly physicians, if not exclusively physicians. Predominantly pediatricians, particularly pediatric surgeons and pediatric radiologists – other people who were involved in medical care of children, even though they might not be pediatricians as such.

And the speech was given after the meal, I presume?

D.L.D.: A very nice meal and everyone was settled down, quite comfortable and quite filled and really an ideal state to absorb what was coming.

But when you listen to the tape, he says some of the most… well not only outrageous things, but things you would think a pediatrician would kind of almost jump out of his seat at… for example when he mentions the cancer cures. There were probably doctors in the audience who were perhaps treating a child or knowing of a child who was in need of a particular cancer cure. And to hear that some of these prescriptions for or treatments for cancer were sitting over at the Rockefeller Institute, and yet, as far as I got from the tape everyone just kind of sat there… didn’t say very much. I mean he was talking about falsifying scientific data and everyone just kind of yawns and… How long did this speech go on?

D.L.D.: Two hours. He spoke for over two hours which was longer than most of our speakers go and one of the interesting things… he hasn’t finished, it was getting late and he said, “there’s much much more, but we could be here all night but it’s time to stop”.

And I think that’s significant, that there was much more that we never heard. In the beginning of the presentation, I don’t know whether I mentioned this at the introduction of the first tape or not, but somewhere in the beginning of this he said, “You will forget most or much of what I’m going to tell you tonight.”

And at the time I thought, well, sure, that’s true. We tend to forget. You know, somebody talks for hours you forget a lot of what they say. But, there is such a thing as the power of suggestion and I can’t say for sure but I do wonder if this may not have been a suggestion when we were all full of a nice dinner and relaxed and listening – we took that suggestion and forgot, because I know a number of my colleagues who were there when I would – some years later – say, “Do you remember when Dr. Day said this, or he said that or said the other?” They’d say, “Well, yeah, I kind of… is that what he said? You know I kind of remember that”.

But most were not very impressed, which to me was surprising because… well use the example of cancer cures. But he said a number of things that…

Like doctors making too much money…?

D.L.D.: Yeah, changing the image of the doctor. You’re just going to be a high-paid technician rather than a professional who exercises independent judgment on behalf of his independent patient. A number of things that I thought should have been offensive and elicited a reaction from physicians because they were physicians. I was surprised at how little reaction there was to it. And then other things that I would have expected people to react to just because they were human beings and I think most of the people at the meeting subscribed more or less to the Judeo-Christian ethic and codes of behavior, and that was violated right and left. And particularly one of my friends I thought would be as disturbed as I was about this just sort of smiled… wasn’t disturbed at all. I thought, gee, this is surprising.

Was part of it also because of his prominence? I mean he was…

D.L.D.: The authority… Authority figure? Yeah, I think there might be something there. This is the authority. We sort of owe some deference here.

And he couldn’t possibly mean what he’s saying or there couldn’t possibly be any… I mean, he’s such a good guy.

D.L.D.: I’ve often heard that phrase, “He’s such a good guy. I can’t believe he’d actually mean the things”… I can only speculate about this. But I do think at the time there was an element of disbelief about all of this. Thinking, well this is somebody’s fairy tale plan but it will never really happen because it’s too outlandish. Of course we know step by step it is indeed happening right under our feet.

Before talking about the specific areas, I think there’s a lot of benefits from this tape. One of them is when we have a good idea of what the opposition is about and the techniques he’s using – then you can turn around and begin your resistance to all the types of manipulations and so forth. So I think that the… seeing that there were four or five “theme songs” – he kept repeating them over and over again.

For example this business which I think is so important… that people fail to distinguish between the ostensible reason and the real reason. In other words, if you want someone to do something and you know that initially he’ll be balky at doing that because it’s against his morals or against his religious beliefs, you have to substitute another reason that will be acceptable. And then, after he accepts it and it’s a fait accompli then there’s just no turning back.

D.L.D.: Right. It was in that connection that he said, “People don’t ask the right questions.” Too trusting. And this was directed, as I recall, mostly at Americans. I had the feelings he thought Europeans maybe were more skeptical and more sophisticated. That Americans are too trusting and don’t ask the right questions.

With regard to this lack of… almost a lack of discernment. I guess that’s basically what he was saying. They were easily tricked or too trusting. The thing that flashed through my mind rather quickly, for example in schools… how quickly so-called AIDS education was introduced.

It did amaze me because if a group stated publicly that they wanted to introduce the concept of sodomy or initiate sex earlier and earlier in children and that was the reason given, most parents I presume wouldn’t go for that. So you have to come up with another reason and of course the reason for this so-called AIDS education was to protect children from this disease. But actually, as it turns out, it’s really been a great boon for the homosexual network, because through various things like Project Ten they now have access to our children from the youngest years.

These programs are going on from K-12 and I imagine well into college and beyond, so that they are reaching a tremendous segment. Speaking of children, I gather that this speaker… he kept on making the point about, well, old people, they’re going to go by the wayside, so I presume that the emphasis for these controllers for this New World Order is really an emphasis on youth.

D.L.D.: Absolutely. Yes. Emphasis on youth. This was stated explicitly. People beyond a certain age… they’re set in their ways and you’re not going to change them. They have values and they’re going to stick to them. But you get to the youth when they’re young, they’re pliable. You mold them in the direction you want them to go. This is correct. They’re targeting the young. They figure, “you old fogies that don’t see it our way, you’re going to be dying off or when the time comes we’re going to get rid of you. But it’s the youngsters we have to mold in the impression we want.”

Now something on homosexuality I want to expand on, I don’t think this came out on the original tape, but there was, first of all, “We’re going to promote homosexuality.” And secondly “We recognize that it’s bizarre abnormal behavior. But, this is another element in the law of the jungle, because people who are stupid enough to go along with this are not fit to inhabit the planet and they’ll go by the wayside”.

I’m not stating this precisely the way he said it, but it wasn’t too far from there where there was some mention of diseases being created. And when I remember the one statement and remember the other statement, I believe AIDS is a disease which has been created in the laboratory and I think that one purpose it serves is to get rid of people who are so stupid as to go along with our homosexual program. Let them wipe themselves out.

Now it’s hard for me make clear how much of it is I’m remembering with great confidence and how much is pure speculation. But as I synthesize this – this is I think what happens… “If you’re dumb enough to be convinced by our promotion of homosexuality you don’t deserve a place and you’re going to fall by the wayside sooner or later. We’ll be rid of you. We’ll select out… the people who will survive are those who are also smart enough not to be deluded by our propaganda”. Does that make sense?

Well, it certainly makes sense for them. And I think also this early sex initiation has the over all purpose which I think we’ll get to in depth a little later. But of the sexualization of the population… when he said on the tape, basically, “Anything goes”, I think that is what we’re seeing. It’s not so much that, let’s say, someone may not adopt the homosexual style for himself, but as a result of the propaganda he certainly will be a lot more tolerant of that type of behavior too. So it’s a desensitization, even for the individual who doesn’t go over and accept it for himself.

D.L.D.: With the power of propaganda you dare not be against homosexuals, otherwise you get labeled homophobe. You dare not be against any of our programs for women, otherwise you’re a male chauvinist pig. It’s like anti-Semitism. If this label gets enough currency in the culture that people get shockingly stuck with it. It’s easier to keep quiet.

Another theme was this business about “CHANGE”. And I want to get to change in relation to religion and family, but during the period of hearing this tape, I remember going to a MASS and they happened to have at that point DANCING GIRLS FROM THE ALTER. So when I was sitting and getting a chance to listen to the tape I thought, as a Catholic that has been… if you talk about effective change, that has been probably the most difficult and the hardest thing has been to watch our traditional Mass, those things which Catholics have practiced and believed for so long and… at about that time this speech was given which was about late 1969, everything had begun to turn over on its head, so much so that I think many people feel now when they go into a church where there is the Novus Ordo (sp), I think you’re almost in a state of constant anxiety because you’re not quite sure… What am I going to encounter now?

You look at the little song book; of course that’s changed radically and you see, instead of brethren, you see people; or you might see something odd happening up at the alter which is now the “table”.

The notion of God as eternal and the teachings of Jesus Christ as eternal, and therefore the teachings of the church as eternal depends on the authority of God, and God brings about change in God’s way. What this boils down to me is these people say, “No, we take the place of God; we establish what will change and what will not change, so if we say that homosexuality or anything is moral today… wasn’t yesterday, but it is today. We have said so, and therefore it’s moral. We can change tomorrow. We can make it immoral again tomorrow”. And this is the usurpation of the role of God to define what the peon, the ordinary person’s supposed to believe.

D.L.D.: So, the idea is, that if everybody is used to change most people aren’t going to ask, “Well who has decided what should be changed and how it should be changed”? Most people just go along with it, like hemlines, and shoe styles and that sort of thing. So it IS a usurpation of the Rule of God, and if you read the Humanist Manifesto, and somewhere early in the introductory part of it, they say, “human intellect is the highest good”. Well, to any human being, what you call the highest good, that’s your god. So to these people human intellect being the highest good is god. And where does human intellect reside? Well, in the brain of one or more human beings. So these people, in effect… I don’t know think they’d be so candid as to say so, but whether they know it or not what they’re saying is, “I am god. WE are gods, because we decide what is moral what is moral tomorrow, what is going to be moral next year. WE determine change.”

That’s right. And of course, in a nutshell, you’ve just explained the human potential, the New Age, all the new esoteric movements that we’ve seen. But with regard to change, he seemed to acknowledge that there were a couple of entities which traditionally blocked this change and therefore made people resistant to constant manipulation.

And of course one of those is the family, and that would include grandmothers, grandfathers, our ethnic background and so forth and I guess I was impressed by everything he seemed to mention whether it was economics, music… had the overall effect of diminishing the family and enhancing the power of the state.

That was a constant theme, and therefore when we’re evaluating things I think one of the things we should generally say to ourselves is, “What effect does that have on family life, and the family and I think if every congressman or senator asked that question we probably wouldn’t have much action up on Capitol Hill, because almost everything coming down the pike has an effect of disavowing, hurting the family life and enhancing and expanding the power of government.

D.L.D.: It has an ostensible purpose, and then it has a REAL purpose.

Yes, and as a so-called helping professional your ability to say that is very interesting. The other factor is this whole factor of religion, and he was talking basically about a religion without dogma, a religion that would have a little bit from all the other traditional religions so no one would really feel uncomfortable, and he said, rather condescendingly, some people need this and if they need it we’ll manufacture something that they need. But of course it can’t be anything that would declare anything that were moral absolutes or the natural law. Which means that the main target of this group of controllers of course, was and is the Roman Catholic Church and he mentioned the Roman Catholic Church specifically.

D.L.D.: Religion’s important because it is eternal and we… people who would follow the church will not buy our rules about change. But if we make our own religion, if we define what is religion then we can change it as it suits us. Yes, the Roman Catholic Church… I was kind of flattered sitting here as a catholic, hearing it pointed out that the church is the one obstacle that, he said, “We have to change that. And once the Roman Catholic Church falls, the rest of Christianity will fall easily”.

I notice that, as the conversation went on, he said, “Now you may think Churches will stand in the way, but I want to tell you that they will HELP us”, and he didn’t say they will help us, all except the Roman Catholic Church… he said, “They will help us”, and unfortunately…

D.L.D.: He was right.

He didn’t say this explicitly, but again it was one of those themes that came through… he apparently thought the use of words was real important because he mentioned this with regard to a number of things, like the Bible. The very same as the psychiatrist, Miralu (sp?) mentioned that “if you want to control the people, you control the language first”. Words are weapons. He apparently knew that very well and I think the controllers as a whole know this very well. Of course, it’s part of their campaign.

But that little statement about words, that “words will be changed”. When I heard that I thought… “Instead of saying ‘alter’ you say ‘table’. Instead of saying ‘sacrifice’ you say ‘meal’ with regard to the Mass”, and people say, “That’s not important”. Of course, you know that’s VERY important, otherwise, why would they bother to change it? Otherwise, why go through all this rigmarole if it isn’t important? It’s obviously important for them because they know WITH THE CHANGING OF WORDS YOU CHANGE IDEAS.

D.L.D.: They’re exerting a lot of effort and time to change it and they’re not exerting effort on things that are NOT important, so yes, you’re absolutely right. The priest no longer has the role… in some cases he no longer has the role the priest formerly had. Because words carry meaning. There’s the dictionary definition, but I think we all know that certain words carry meaning that is a little bit hard to put into words… but they carry meaning.

Read the 7th part of the article


February 2, 2021



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