Meditations and Astrological Conjunctures for December, 2012

Motto: „Sometimes people stumble upon the truth, yet the foolish ones stand up right away and keep on walking the same.”

ATTENTION!!! ”Each and every one of these beneficial moments presented here represent secret gifts and are offered to us by God, allowing us to enter and experience THE MYSTERIES OF OCCULT ASTRAL RESONANCES. By firmly and continuously focusing our mind in these ineffable moments, we are given the chance to experience THE MYSTERY OF THE PRESENT MOMENT, fully and profoundly.”

 yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru


Tuesday, December 11th / Wednesday, December 12th, between 23.30-1.00 – Meditation of communion with Shiva. Shivaratri.

Friday, December 14th – Starting Oshawa – before Christmas. This regime ends on Sunday, December 23th (Sunday is the last day of Oshawa).

Friday, December 14th, between 13.10-13.55 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Mercury trine Uranus. Effects: It awakens and activates telepathic communication, creativity, it promotes the release of prejudices, awakens and stimulates originality.
Saturday, December 15th – YANG spiral of communion with the soul of the Hungarian nation and Romanian soul
, performed together in several towns in Hungary and Romania. In Bucharest, the spiral will be held in Pipera 1.

Sunday, December 16th / Monday, December 17th – Extraordinary Collective Invocation consisting of 14 invocations, performed in unison in several cities across the country.

Wednesday, December 19th, between 23.20-0.05 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Venus trine Uranus. Effects: It awakens in one’s being a strong aspiration,inner freedom;it facilitates detachment and helps harmonize couple relationships. It amplifies the state of surrender, selfless love and allows the separation from the various vices, possessiveness, attachment, and bad habits that block us and limit our spiritual transformation. It favors inventiveness, creativity and spontaneity within amorous relationships, triggering surprising solutions, solving conflicts.

Friday, December 21st – the Winter Solstice: The Sun enters Capricorn. Between the hours of 12.45-13.45: Meditation of communion with the moment of winter solstice. Maximum beneficial influence: Friday, December 21st, at 13.11.

Friday, December 21st, 2012 – YANG spiral meditation followed by induction of the Divine Miracle and Collective prayer to God the Father.

Saturday, December 22nd, between 8.30-9.15 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Sun in sextile with Neptune. Effects: It awakens and amplifies spiritual intuition, effervescent creative force. It awakes the refined artistic refinement and sensuality, awakening intuitive communication skills with the angelic realms. It enhances purity and awakens healing abilities through curative magnetism. It awakes the ineffable state of unconditional devotion to God, and increases the aspiration towards spiritual ideals.

Saturday, December 22nd, between 17.00-17.45 – Meditation of communion with Sarada Devi.

Saturday, December 22nd, from 21.00 – YANG SPIRAL OF COMMUNION WITH ROMANIAN people’s soul, performed in unison in the country. In Bucharest, the spiral will be held in Pipera 1.

Sunday, December 23rd – Group Meeting for deepening the spiritual guide-aspirant relation, performed in unison in the country. In Bucharest, the meeting will take place in Pipera 1.

Sunday, 23rd of December from 21.00 – Yang spiral meditation with invocation of the divine grace, performed in unison in the country.

Monday, December 24th / Tuesday, December 25th – Christmas Eve. Between 23.30-0.30 pm, special meditation and intense evocation in Akasha, deeply transfiguring the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, December 25th, between 19.00-19.45 – Meditation of communion with the deep spiritual mystery of Christ consciousness that embraces the entire planet permanently.

Wednesday, December 26th – Tripura Sundari. Between 3.15-4.00 pm meditation of communion with the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Sundari. Favorable period for engagement in lovemaking the couple, with love, transfiguration and continence: from 17.30 (Tuesday, 25th December) -13.30 (Wednesday, December 26th). Maximum positive impact: Wednesday, December 26th, at 3.29.

Wednesday, December 26th – Starts the Meditation Camp for revealing the divine self Atman in Costinesti (Module 1: 26th of December 2012-1 January 2013 and Module 2: 1 January 2013-7 January 2013).

Thursday, December 27th – Festive Meeting of the yoga instructors and Ayurveda lectors.

Friday, December 28th – Full Moon. The period of negative influence of the Full Moon begins on Thursday, December 27th, at 18.21 and ends on Saturday, December 29th, at 6.21. The maximum negative influence of the Full Moon is Friday, December 28th, at 12.21.

Sunday, December 30th, between 15.20-16.05 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Sun in conjunction with Pluto. Effects: it favors spontaneous reaching higher states of consciousness, awakening the conscious astral projection capacity within the astral realms. It facilitates unison spiritual transformations by surrendering the individual will in front of the will of God the Father almighty. It facilitates the transmutation of energy and creative potential and makes easily possible the sublimation of the resulting energies into higher ones. It awakes optimism and increases confidence in the success of our good actions, refined erotic passion, aspiration for high spiritual ideals.

Sunday, December 30th, between 19.35-20.20 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Sun in sextile with Saturn. Effects: it brings a state of spiritual maturity and facilitates an increased awareness of the key priorities of our life. It enhances a sense of value, self-esteem, nobility, spiritual aspiration. It favors overcoming of pride and opens us up to new and profound spiritual experiences. It awakens and amplifies tenacity, temperance, practical wisdom, it awakes organizational skills, accuracy, skill in everything related to the practical aspects of life.

Sunday, December 30th, between 16.30-17.15 – Meditation of spiritual communion with the great sage Ramana Maharshi.

Monday, December 31th, 2012/Tuesday, January 1st, 2013:

23.00-23.15 Meditation of spiritual communion with the Great Cosmic Power Kali
23.15-23.30 Meditation of spiritual communion with the Great Cosmic Power TARA
23.30-23.45 Meditation of spiritual communion with the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Sundari
23.45-0.10 Meditation of spiritual communion with Shiva
0.10-0.25 Meditation of spiritual communion with the Great Cosmic Power Bhuvaneshwari
0.25-0.35 Meditation of spiritual communion with the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Bhairav
0.35-0.45 Meditation of spiritual communion with the Great Cosmic Power CHINNAMASTA
0.45-1.00 Meditation of spiritual communion with the Great Cosmic Power DHUMAVATI
1.00-1.15 Meditation of spiritual communion with the Great Cosmic Power BAGALAMUKHI
1.15-1.30 Meditation of spiritual communion with the Great Cosmic Power Matangi
Meditation 1.30-1.45 Profound communion meditation with the romanian people’s soul

Tuesday, January 1st, 2013, between 19.00-20.00 – Meditation of communion with Jesus.

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013, between 20.00-20.45 – Meditation: The divine grace.

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013, between 20.00-20.45 – Meditation of communion with Shiva.
Friday, January 4, 2013, between 17.00-17.45 – Meditation: God is permanently present within us and acts mysteriously through us.



December 2012

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