Meditations and favorable astrological conjunctures for March 2014

Attention! Each of these beneficial moments that are hidden gifts we are given by God, are helping us entering and enjoying, in a spiritual way, the secrets of occult astral resonances. The strong and continuous focus of our attention on these ineffable moments offer us the opportunity to live fully and deeply the mystery of the present moment.

Motto: „Sometimes people stumble over the truth, but only the foolish one are rising immediately and indifferently continue walking on their path.”
By yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

Saturday, March 1, from 5.50 to 6.35 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Sun trine Jupiter. Effects
: It awakens and amplifies generosity, kindness, dignity, responsibility, altruism and common sense. However, this astrological moment gives impetus and supports long-term expression of compassion and a vigilante spirit that can be manifested in various fields.

Monday, March 3, from 21.00 to 21.45 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Sun sextile Pluto. Effects: It awakens the mysterious energy of will, it brings a pregnant state of spiritual aspiration, and it facilitates superior and profound understanding of esoteric knowledge; favors the appearance of an increased state of confidence in ourselves, it awakens in the human being a good and deeply transformative force. It favors the intuition and revelation of our mission in this life. This aspect also gives us the strength to surrender to the Will of God. It also helps us to capitalize on the chances that could lead us to a spiritual leap; it amplifies the inner self transfiguration process and the profound connection to our own soul.

Saturday, March 8 – Women’s Day. From 19.45 to 20.30: Meditation of communion with the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Sundari.

Sunday, March 9, from 18.00 to 18.45 – Meditation of communion with the Christian celebration of the 40 Martyrs

Wednesday, March 12 – Special meditation on the occasion of Grieg’s birthday

Thursday, March 13, from 23.00 to 23.45 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Sun trine Saturn. Effects: It awakens and amplifies the responsibility, patience, self confidence, stimulates the practical sense, it brings an objective attitude and it favors depth of thinking. Facilitates overcoming of pride, awakens self-esteem and the power to fight against evil; supports us in our endeavors to carry out our aspirations. This is a beneficial moment for assuming special responsibilities spiritually, favoring the materialization our soul sublime feelings. It awakens and amplifies tenacity and temperance; it brings the state of practical wisdom, and awakens and stimulates the organizational skills.

Friday, March 14 – TRIPURA SUNDARI – from 11.55 to 12.55: meditation of communion with the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Sundari. The favorable period for engagement in lovemaking for couples, with love, transfiguration and sexual continence starts Friday, March 14, at 2.00 and lasts till 23.00. The moment of maximum positive influence is Friday, March 14, at 12.25.

Friday, March 14, from 18.00 to 18.45 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Mercury trine Mars. Effects: Stimulates the easily transpose of beneficial ideas into action. Awakens and stimulates combativeness, facilitates overcoming inertia, favors the awakening of the ability to find beneficial ingenious and effective solutions; it brings clarity in expression. Helps smooth integration into the material sphere, increases spontaneity and speed of decision making. It brings courage to freely express our ideas.

Sunday, March 16 – Full Moon; the period of negative influence of the Full Moon begins Sunday, March 16 at 1.05 and it ends Monday, March 17, at 13.05. The moment of maximum negative influence of the Full Moon is Sunday, March 16, at 19.05.

Tuesday, March 18, from 20.45 to 21.30 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Venus sextile Uranus. Effects:
stimulates and enhances the perception of the state of mysterious beauty of human beings with whom we come in contact; it facilitates the emergence of an ineffable state of fascination, it refines sensuality and awakens romance and originality. It gives brilliant inspiration that may result in immortal works of art. Especially in this situation, love fully manifested in all its forms it is permeated with an overwhelming mystery. This moment facilitates the entrance into a state of resonance with the affective macrocosmic sphere, awakens and also amplifies the power of transfiguration. This aspect gives a great creativity, it brings freedom of expression, refined erotic imagination; it awakens and amplifies facilitates the plenary manifestation of love, it stimulates enthusiasm and ingenuity; it awakens the ability to become conscious of the collective ideals of humanity and allows us to intuit the innovative direction of the age in which we live. It also makes possible the discovery of new and brilliant solutions, and facilitates solving couple problems, favors the appearance of spontaneous states of empathy, and awakens the superior sensitivity.

Thursday, March 20 – Sun enters the sign of Aries.
This beneficial subtle influence can be felt during a special meditation of communion with the moment of the vernal equinox, from 18.30 to 19.45.
The significance of the vernal equinox: The night decreases and the duration of the day increases (the day then becomes almost equal with the night). This moment of balance symbolizes an ineffable state of harmony that makes possible the appearance of a state of profound and strong transformation of the outer nature as well as a beneficial transformation of our human nature. Everything then awakens to life and tends to surface to enjoy the intense and profound beneficial subtle energies of spring.
After a period of „conservation during which the restrictions of the winter were felt”, especially when the diet of most of the yogis is consisting of seeds, grains and dairy products, it is coming, according to the Christian Orthodox tradition, the Lent which comprises also the moment of equinox. Especially in this period occurs spontaneously a special purification process both in our physical body and in some of our subtle bodies. As a result of this phenomenon, it gradually appears a state of mental silence, of mental balancing, and affective boosting. Regarding this moment from an esoteric point of view, this moment puts us in a state of resonance with the ineffable glorious androgynous state, with the mysterious state of harmony that under certain conditions appears in our inner universe between the masculine nature and the feminine nature, between inner man and inner woman (between anima and animus). Not accidentally, especially in this time of rebirth and mysterious regeneration of nature, it occurs the mating of most animals, plants begin to sprout and, step by step, the germs of life are reviving all around us. Regarding at this moment from the astrological point of view, it is found that it is then the moment when sun moves from the sign of Pisces into the sign of Aries. Thus we are witnessing the end and the beginning of a mysterious zodiac cycle. Man becomes especially now, analogically speaking, like a volcano which is about to erupt, to explode. Therefore it becomes often capable of, especially now to achieve unprecedented things. The meditative and contemplative state of the Pisces is now replaced by the spontaneity and willingness for assertion of the Aries.
Especially now we give up to unnecessary sacrifices and excessive idealism in favor of the exaltation of concrete experiences, of direct actions which are performed in the idea of realizing our inner aspirations in the best possible way. The human being must now fully adapt to these requirements of revival, reinvigoration, the awakening to the reality of the present moment, stopping the state of sleep, halting the process of hibernation (this step having a material and social significance as well as a spiritual one). Therefore, the human being must adapt as well as possible to the mysterious cycles of nature, especially now as its opposition is like – analogical speaking – swimming against the current. In some cases, this maladjustment phenomenon will often give rise to tiredness and nervousness that often are not motivated – this is broadly defined by medicine as „spring fatigue”. This mysterious moment of hiatus spontaneously puts us in connection with the subtle and huge energies of the beginning, which are full of the optimism that appears on every new start of life. However, this moment brings a fascinating effervescent flourishing vitality. It awakens harmoniously into the human being the virility and femininity, boosting the ecstatic living of the mysterious tumult of the spring that makes us spontaneous, courageous, dynamic and active. The moment of maximum influence of the vernal equinox is Thursday, March 20, at 18.57.

Saturday, March 22, from 22.00 to 22.45 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Mercury conjunct with Neptune. Effects: this aspect facilitates the awakening and amplification of the creative intelligence; facilitates the occurrence of a state of detachment. Awakens the memory of early spiritual states and it brings a state of mystical communion. Awakens and stimulates telepathic communication capabilities. It allows us to intuit the meaning of synchronicity phenomena. It facilitates the perception of the presence of the angelic entities in our existence.

Tuesday, March 25, from 19.00 to 19.45 – Meditation of communion with the Christian celebration of the Annunciation

Wednesday, March 26, from 14.55 to 15.40 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Mercury trine Jupiter. Effects: This aspect awakens the skill, the insight, stimulates practical thinking, philosophical spirit, and discernment; it awakens and amplifies prudence and common sense. It brings a state of spiritual nobility, awakens the ability in communication, comprehension and facilitates overcoming the limitations of any kind. It facilitates the rapidity in achieving beneficial actions, awakens altruism, stimulate the ability to communicate with the subtle spirits of nature (undines, salamanders, gnomes, fee).

Friday, March 28, from 7.15 to 8.00 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Mercury sextile Pluto. Effects:
It awakens and promotes the emergence of a refined way of thinking and the power of mental acumen. It also represents a chance to discover new ways to overcome the mental sphere by cultivating a state of abandonment to the Will of God the Father. Facilitates the occurrence of a spontaneous state of transfiguration and also gives a very good control over mental fluctuations. Develops and supports the aspiration to transform, make possible the conscious access into the collective subconscious, allows overcoming of phobias. It is a very favorable moment for overcoming obstacles of all kinds; also this moment raises the speed of thinking (the mental ability to find creative and beneficial solutions), while associating it with the force of mental acumen; it awakens the energy of the individual will, it awakens and stimulates the spontaneous process of sublimation of the energies in the mental sphere, encourages the manifestation of a great beneficial mental strength, it brings a state of unshakable firmness regarding spiritual beliefs, and it awakens the ability to project ourselves (to travel) at will in the astral worlds.

Saturday, March 29/ Sunday, March 30 – Yang spiral meditation of communion with Shiva from 23.30 to 1.00, on the occasion of Shivaratri moment.

Saturday, March 29/ Sunday, March 30 – Daylight saving and time change: thus, 1.00 becomes 2.00.

March 2014



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