10 Facts You Must Know About The Jesuits! (1)


“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” – Yahushua in Matthew 7:15

“We came in like lambs and will rule like wolves.” – Francesco Borgia, Third Jesuit Superior General.

The Society of Jesus, more commonly referred to as the Jesuits, are the armed militia of the Roman Catholic Church. They were sanctioned in 1540 by Pope Paul III with one mandate: to defeat Protestantism and regain worldwide Papal rule. To achieve this monumental task, they employ ever-adapting methods of pseudo-education, social programs, infiltration, and all wickedness that could possibly be conceived. Needless to say, they are achieving great success in their mission, which is climaxing with the present pope, Pope Francis, i.e. the Eighth and last Pope of Revelation 17, who held some of the highest positions in Argentina, including Provincial Superior in the Society of Jesus and Archbishop of Buenos Aires. He was made a cardinal by Pope John Paul II.

Today most of the world is oblivious as to how Jesuits operate, from their inception to this very day. Now more than ever, World’s Last Chance believes it is exceedingly important to bring up the following historical facts about this evil society, to expose the wicked nature of this truly malevolent order.

Pope Clement XIV abolished the Jesuits.

Fact 1

Pope Clement XIV abolished the Jesuits as a society in 1773:

It did not take long for the 18th Century Catholic nations to get tired of the meddling of the Jesuits into their national affairs. They were so infuriated against the Jesuits that they demanded the Roman Catholic Church abolish them once and for all. Sufficient political pressure was brought to bear on Pope Clement XIII. However, he passed away before he could do anything about it. The task of abolishing the Society of Jesus then fell on his successor, Clement XIV. As Clement XIV signed the decree abolishing the Jesuit Order he said, “I have signed my death warrant.” Within nine months he was dead. [Many contemporaries considered his death a case of poisoning, and suspected the Jesuits were responsible].

Fact 2

No other entity on Earth was expelled and suppressed by Catholic and non-Catholic countries as the Jesuits:

Obviously the Jesuits were not expelled from many nations (even Catholic nations) because of their educational or charity work. They were expelled for engaging in and carrying out subversive political plots against humanity to advance their own cause.

“Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection.” – The Babington Plot, by J.E.C. Shepherd, p.12

The Jesuits are known for their deception, spying, infiltration, assassination, and revolution. They worked deep into the political field and plotted through politics throughout the world countries.

When the Jesuits are expelled from a country, they simply change strategies and return to the country they were expelled from under a new disguise. The following sums up their operational strategy:
“We came in like lambs and will rule like wolves. We shall be expelled like dogs and return like eagles.” – Francesco Borgia, Third Jesuit Superior General

Fact 3
Hitler modeled his dreaded SS army and party after the organizational structure of the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church:

“…the SS organization had been constituted according to the principles of the Jesuit Order.”

Walter Schellenberg, former chief of Nazi counter-espionage made this statement: “The S.S. organization had been constituted by Himmler [Heinrich Himmler, leading member of the Nazi party] according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly. Himmler’s title as supreme chief of the S.S. was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits’ ‘General’ and the whole structure was a close imitation of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical order.” – The Secret History of the Jesuits, by Edmond Paris, p. 164

“Above all I have learned from the Jesuits. And so did Lenin too, far as I recall. The world has never known anything quite so splendid as the hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church. There were quite a few things I simply appropriated from the Jesuits for the use of the Party.” – Manfred Barthel, The Jesuits: History and Legend of the Society of Jesus (New York, 1984), Adolf Hitler, p.266.

“I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits”,said Hitler… “Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the Earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party… I am going to let you in on a secret… I am founding an Order… In my ‘Burgs’ of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble.” Hitler then stopped, saying that he couldn’t say anymore. – Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig: “Hitler m’a dit”, (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss).

“Signing the concordat is Cardinal Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII). By 1933 he was the Vatican Secretary of State. Second from left is Franz von Papen, a sinister Nazi and devout Roman Catholic who was Hitler’s ace diplomat and the Vatican’s agent in helping to bring Hitler to power. Standing at the far right can be seen the little-known Vatican prelate, Montini, later to become Pope Paul VI.” – Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig: ‘Hitler m’a dit’, (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss).

“The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum [Center Party overseen by Jesuit Ludwig Kaas], only five years before 1933, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in Mein Kampf were already realized; this book was written by the Jesuit controlled Father Bernhardt Stempfle and signed by Hitler. For it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it.” – Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits, page 138

Franz von Papen, another powerful Nazi, who was instrumental in setting up the concordat between Germany and the Vatican had this to say: “The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy.”

Signing the concordat is Cardinal Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII). By 1933 he was the Vatican Secretary of State. Second from left is Franz von Papen, a sinister Nazi and devout Roman Catholic who was Hitler’s ace diplomat and the Vatican’s agent in helping to bring Hitler to power. Standing at the far right can be seen the little-known Vatican prelate, Montini, later to become Pope Paul VI.

Fact 4

Over the last 400 years the Jesuits have succeeded in establishing the largest worldwide network of schools and universities.

These prominent schools and universities, have produced many well known alumni. Thus, the Jesuits have been able to shape and mould the thinking of many famous world leaders, and produce generations of political and religious leaders who were favorable to the Roman Catholic Church, and her doctrinal agenda.

The renowned British preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, once warned about the church ministers who are graduating from these universities that “… they keep back a portion of the gospel … having studied in the devil’s new Jesuitical college.” – Charles H. Spurgeon, A Solemn Warning for All Churches, Sermon No. 68

Fact 5

Agents of the Jesuits have been responsible for assassinating many heads of State over the centuries:

Heads of states were assassinated by the Jesuits, when they attempt to suppress the influence and meddling of the Jesuits in their national affairs. Of heads of states that are known to have been assassinated by Jesuits we mention for example: William of Orange, Kings Henry III and Henry IV of France, Czars Alexander I and Alexander II of Russia, President Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy, and Mexican President Benito Pablo Juarez.

Jesuit connection to Lincoln assassination

Abraham Lincoln was fully aware of the evil nature of the Jesuits. He stated, “… it is not against the Americans of the South, alone, I am fighting. It is more against the Pope of Rome, his perfidious Jesuits and their blind and blood-thirsty slaves that we have to defend ourselves.” – Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, by Charles Chiniquy. p. 496

“It would seem that the Jesuits had had it in mind, from the beginning of the war [the American Civil War of 1861-1865], to find an occasion for the taking off [i.e., the assassination] of Mr. [Abraham] Lincoln.” – Thomas M. Harris (U.S. Army Brigadier General; Author of the book Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln)

“The favorite policy of the Jesuits [is] that of assassination.” – U.S. Army Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris, Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln; 1897; Page 19)

“It is of faith that the Pope has the right of deposing heretical and rebel kings. Monarchs so deposed by the Pope are converted into notorious tyrants, and may be killed by the first who can reach them.”

“If the public cause cannot meet with its defense in the death of a tyrant, it is lawful for the first who arrives, to assassinate him.” – Defensio Didei, Jesuit Suarez, Book VI. C 4, Nos. 13, 14

[Donald] Freed remembers what apparently passes for polite conversation when men such as [William] Colby and [Ray] Cline get together. “It was quite bizarre” Freed said, “for the subject they chose was, ‘When is it acceptable to assassinate a head of state?’ Colby presented what he said was a theological and philosophically sound approach. ‘The Catholic Church,’ he said, ‘had long since wrestled with this question and had,’ to Colby’s mind, emerged with a sound concept: ‘It is acceptable,’ he said, ‘to assassinate a tyrant.’” [Donald Freed is a friend of the author, Mark Lane. He organized a conference at USC for the U.S. intelligence community and its critics to meet. In the panel were Lane, Ellsberg and John Gerassi, all critics. On the other side were William Colby, former DCI (Director of Central Intelligence from September 1973 to January 1976), David Atlee Phillips, and Ray Cline, former deputy DCI’s.] – Plausible Denial, Mark Lane, 1991, p. 85

Jesuit connection to Kennedy assassination

President John F. Kennedy was another victim of appalling Jesuit wickedness. Once he outwardly distanced himself from the Papal agenda and stood for more liberal ideals and human rights, he was considered, by their standards, a traitor to the Vatican and a “tyrant” worthy of death.

This is an excerpt from Vatican Assassins, by Eric Jon Phelps:
“Knowing that President Kennedy was not going to escalate the Vietnam War, the Intelligence Community began to prepare for his assassination. Cardinal Spellman [Francis Spellman, Archbishop of New York from 1939-1967], through FDR, had arranged the release of ‘Lucky’ Luciano. Now the Cardinal needed a favor. If refused, Spellman could use the entire intelligence community which he had helped to organize, to eliminate any mob boss. If agreed to, new gambling centers would open up, Atlantic City in particular. Clearly, if the President [JFK] was removed, everybody would acquire more power and wealth, the intelligence community would become more absolute, and the Cardinal would be even more respected by his peers in Rome.”

“Later, in 1964, for the first time in history, the Pope of Rome set foot in Fourteenth Amendment America. Cardinal Spellman had performed well and was rewarded by a visit from his Master, fellow Cold Warrior and Vatican Ratline handler, Cardinal Montini, who was now Pope Paul VI. There is yet another reason for the removal of President Kennedy. He wanted to arm Israel. Loftus writes:

‘In September 1962 Kennedy decided to supply Israel with defensive ground-to-air missiles capable of stopping aircraft, but not the Egyptian offensive missiles. It was the first arms sale by the U.S. Government to Israel…. Kennedy promised the Israelis that as soon as the 1964 election was over, he would break the CIA ‘into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds’…. With Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963, the Israelis lost the best friend they had in the White House since Truman departed.’ – The Secret War Against The Jews, John Loftus, 1994

And why did the Vatican’s Jesuits not want any arms sales to Israel at this time? Why did the Jesuit-controlled President Johnson turn his back as the Egyptian army moved up through the Sinai desert to prepare its assault on Israel in 1967? Because the attack upon Israel had to be provoked. That attack was provoked by the Jesuits’ International Intelligence Community through Egypt falsely perceiving the weakness of the Israeli army and the supposed abandonment of Israel by the American Empire. The six-day war, engineered by Knight of Malta James Angleton, had one primary purpose: the taking of Jerusalem along with the Temple Mount. The apparent lack of military hardware on the part of Israel provoked the planned attack by Egypt. Therefore, Israel launched a preemptive strike and, in six days, the holy city was in the hands of Rome’s Zionist government.

Had Kennedy armed Israel, the Egyptians would never have been emboldened to maneuver for war. With no provoked war, there would have been no Israeli attack. With no Israeli attack, Jerusalem would never have been taken by the Zionists, controlled by the Jesuits’ Mossad. With Jerusalem in Arab hands, the Zionists could never rebuild Solomon’s Temple—unbeknown to them—for the Jesuits’ ‘infallible’ Pope,

‘Who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so he is God sitteth in the temple of God [Solomon’s rebuilt temple], showing himself that he is God.’ – [II Thes 2:4]
It is safe to say that the Jesuit General, using the Pope with his most powerful Cardinal, [assassinated President Kennedy].”

Assassination of Kennedy “Pietà” hangs in the Vatican Cathedral of St. Paul.

One might assume that this emotive painting would hang somewhere in Dallas, Texas or perhaps in the Smithsonian. And one would be wrong on both counts. This painting of President John F. Kennedy’s gruesome assassination, by Mark Balma, hangs in the Vatican Cathedral of St. Paul. The painting is entitled “Pietà” after Michelangelo’s famous sculpture of Mary holding the body of the crucified Christ, which is also located at the Vatican. Isn’t this a macabre way to “celebrate” the life of perhaps America’s most beloved President? or is this rather an homage to the Jesuit agenda, serving as a stern warning/reminder to those willing to cross them?

Read the second part of the article


June 21, 2020

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