14 Year Old Student Wins the North Museum Science & Engineering Fair with New GMO Detection Device


Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are becoming a big problem, because every year more GMOs are being created and sold on the public market without proper testing of how they affect the environment and the human body. So far (July 2017), there are no effective laws that require GMOs to be labelled in the USA. Fortunately, many other countries throughout the world have GMO labeling laws.

The problem with GMOs is that they do not harmonize well with the energy and genes of our bodies. Scientific studies have linked GMOs to serious health problems, such as infertility, birth defects, immune disorders, growth and digestive problems, and premature aging. The health hazards of GMOs are becoming mainstream, causing one of the outlets of the mainstream media to admit that GMOs are health hazards.

Because GMOs are health hazards and most of them are not labelled properly, we need to find alternative ways to detect GMOs. One alternative way is to use a GMO detection device.

Here is an excerpt from LancasterOnline.com about a GMO detection device created by Gaurav Mittal, a 14 year old freshman at Manheim Township High School:

“While his classmates were playing video games or scrolling through Facebook, as many teenagers tend to do, Gaurav Mittal was creating a homemade polymerase chain reaction thermal cycler.

That is a device used to detect whether a food is genetically modified.
The 14-year-old’s invention earned him the honor of grand champion at the annual North Museum Science & Engineering Fair, held in March 2017 at Spooky Nook Sports.

‘I’m pretty proud,’ Gaurav said. ‘The fact that I can come this far and actually achieve a really big thing with this, it makes me happy.’

Gaurav said he worked up to 20 hours a week since December 2016, trying to perfect the thermal cycler.

In the end, the device, which uses varying temperatures to replicate and amplify a plant’s DNA in order to tell whether it is genetically modified, didn’t work as well as Gaurav hoped, so he is now working to refine the device.”



July 11, 2017

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