A lucid outlook over our own life

Leisure and spiritual awakening

by Alexandru Haris
Motto: “Poirot, ” I said. “I have been thinking.”
“An admirable exercise my friend. Continue it.”
(Agatha Christie, Peril at End House)
2013: how does it look like a day in the life of an allegedly normal person? Wakes up, starts preparing the children for kindergarten/ school, takes them to kindergarten/ school, then headed for its own job where it spends most probably more than the usual working day till evening when it returns home worn out tired, and then eats something, zapping through the TV channels possibly with a newspaper in the other hand and then falls asleep. To this basic scheme are added the monthly worries for paying the bills, everything required at school for the children and so on. This entire scheme converges to a high enough economic pressure that forces the regular human being to search of yet another source of income, to work at least part time, to cover the needs of one’s family. In general, this is how it looks currently the ordinary life of a human being from the great mass of the many.

Do you think that such life “pattern” has been reached randomly? Many voices declare, in order for those materials not to be taken into consideration that the Freemasonic protocols are just some historical documents which have never been applied and does not apply currently. But the careful reading of these documents clearly contradicts such misleading statements. In the third Freemasonic protocol are specified exactly the issues highlighted above on the human life: “The people are chained with more efficiency and force through hard work than they were chained by slavery and bondage. Sometimes, people could escape one way or another from ancient times’ slavery or the Middle Ages’ bondage. In those times slaves could be redeemed, but today we are doing our best at making sure that most people can’t get rid of misery. The rights that we have presented into constitutions are chimerical fancies for the crowd, because they are untrue. All these so-called “rights of the people” can exist only in imagination, because in reality they can’t be accomplished. (…) Republican rights are merely illusions for the piteous man: his need for work almost daily is not allowing him to use them; instead these rights can deprive him of the guaranty of a safe and steady earning, leaving him at the mercy of unscrupulous employers or their fellows’ strikes. (…) The aristocracy, which was enjoying the full right on the fruits of the workers’ labor, was interested to keep the workers fed, healthy and strong. On the contrary, our interest is that the Christians will degenerate quickly. Our strength stems from deficiencies, chronic hunger, and the weakness of the worker because all these are making the worker a subject to our will, losing his power and determination to resist this will. Hunger gives capital more rights over the worker than the aristocracy had gained from the power of kings and laws. Through the misery and hate that hunger produce, we guide the crowds, we use their hands to crush those who oppose our plans.”
With all the work that the human beings must perform on a daily basis in order to insure a decent living for themselves and their families, their spare time is reduced to the minimum needed for eating and sleeping, sometimes even that being quite poorly. Some may ask: why the human beings need time off? Do we have to answer to such a question? You, dear reader, now that you reached this point reading our article, aren’t you doing this in your own spare time? Leisure time is a constant necessity for every human being, but probably very few realize it.

Leisure time is one of the most prized assets of the human being and almost the only good that the human being can have as its heart desires. The human being can do as he/ she pleases: study, think, meditate, be informed or play football, can go to the stadium to meet with friends, do exactly what they want, as they want. Unfortunately, those who are directing from the shadow all that is happening on this planet know the value of leisure time and by advertisements and the means of a cunning mass-media, they do whatever it takes, in terms of leisure time, to deviate the intentions of the human beings from those activities, which would really help them in their own development and spiritual elevation, by mundane activities that consume their energy and of course, their money.

In the XIIIth Freemasonry protocol is specified as follows: “We will do this for preventing these throngs of people achieving anything deep by cogitation. In order that the masses don’t figure out what they are really doing we will further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, and luxury homes. Via the media, we shall soon begin to propose competitions in art, and in sport of all kinds: these interests will finally distract their minds from asking questions which we would definitely not want to answer. These mass concerns will ward off forever the spirits from the elevated aspects where we would have a lot to contend with. Growing more and more unaccustomed to reflect and form any spontaneous and independent opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the same manner as we think because we alone shall be offering them new directions for thought by the means of our propaganda. Due to their shallowness and laziness of thinking, we will be the only ones that will give impetus and guidance for thinking patterns. Of course we will do this through persons who will not be suspected of working alongside us.”


This induced deflection of how human beings can spend their free time is, from a spiritual perspective, a danger “dressed” in the illusion of freedom and relaxation or pleasure. It is the danger that they could stagnate, not evolve and not really awaken to what they can be. It is actually the peril of remaining in a subhuman state as stated in the book The House of Lord: “Man without a thirst for higher knowledge has not yet reached the actual statute of a man – in every sense of the word – being nothing more than just an animal in human form, unable to think about anything other than food, and then sleep or mating. He is completely devoid of other preoccupations, except those relating to the natural functions and material comfort such as procuring food and a warm and soft place to rest.

Yes, you should avoid such people, because within them resides only the animal soul, which has no aspirations to transcend his/ hers pre-existential statute, preferring to eat rather than work in any way or be involved in any effort for his/ hers subsequent awakening of the immortal spirit within. Such people have nothing holy in them except their stomach! (…) If anyone is thirsty for knowledge, his/ hers spirit is already awaken, just as the baby sucking its mother’s breast is already awakened to life! What does such a child wants? Why does this baby cry? It cries for food! The baby wants nothing but to eat! Awakened from its long sleep, the spirit does the same thing: it cries out of hunger, shouting its thirst for knowledge.” (Jakob Loerber, The House of Lord, vol.2, chapter 60)

But this awakening is extremely dangerous for those who want to lead the destiny of the planet sheltered by the shadows, as people (the awaken ones) realize that these individuals are not interested by the welfare of the common people, or their health, and so on – they just want to use them as a blind mass of slumbering slaves for their own interest. The human destiny, embedded within by the very existence of the divine spark that we all carry in our spirit, is not to be a slave. A thirst for spiritual knowledge and a wise use of our free time, as well as consistent efforts for this inner awakening are keys for fulfilling this destiny.

“Answer Me but in all honesty: will the baby feel nourished if the mother will give her finger to suck on or another bottle, given the fact that none of these are able to provide the nutrients needed by the baby? As much as the mother would nurse the baby, if she does not provide the true nourishment the baby needs, sooner or later the child will die because life can’t be preserved without the necessary substance. Do you understand this truth? (…) Similarly, the spirit is thirsty for truth, its only real food. If you merely quench your spirit with empty knowledge, devoid of any spiritual substance, tell Me how could your spirit progress?” (Jakob Loerber, The House of Lord, vol.2, chapter 60)

Spiritual awakening can begin with a lucid outlook on how we spend our leisure time. Who chooses what you do?

Read also:

Inspiring thoughts regarding the Spiritual Guide – aspirant relationship

About spiritual awakening – an interview with Eckhart Tolle (1)


September 19, 2013


Also available in: Română

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