Additional observations

Through the Art of Blessing we can say we can find out the true “opinion” God has about the person we bless. Thus we can correct any absurdities we might think/feel about certain people. The energy which manifests every time we practice the Art of Blessing is specific to the person we bless, which shows that God always gives us what we need. This Energy has a purifying effect, upon both the person who realizes the blessing and the blessed person, and even on the medium it is channeled through. We can use this spiritual technique at any time to ask for help from God The Father, for us or for other people. In prayer we can still make mistakes, asking God certain things, but in blessing we cannot make any mistakes.

The Art of Blessing can be used in all worlds, because it is not forgotten after we leave the physical plane. If we want to ask for help from God The Father, we can practice the art of blessing even after our physical death, with the condition not to arrive in the infernal worlds where we don’t deserve to receive it. Both the living persons and those deceased (who are in other planes of existence) can be blessed (it is exactly as in case of prayer, sacrifice of light, requiem etc which are done for them).

The blessing can also be performed for people who have left the physical plane, but the formula differs if the person is in this world or not. If the person has left this world, the formula for blessing becomes: “…if this person
who had the name of…” (because after leaving this world we do not keep the same identity as in the physical plane).

In the case of repeated blessings for the same person, realized at different moments in time, we’ll notice that the effects are different from one blessing to the other. Thus we can notice the transformations produced in that person we want to help.

We should have no prejudices regarding the answer of God, as it is indescribable and unimaginable. Due to the Blessing, the relationship between the bless-er and the blessed persons gains a deeper quality and intensity. The one who does the blessing is also blessed in turn because the supreme Divine energy is passing through his being.

Blessing in Unison as a Group

It is recommended to perform the Art of Blessing on a group, or to do group Self Blessings, for about 7-10 minutes at the beginning of every meeting. A person can be chosen by a consecrated drawing of lots and asked to stand in the middle of the group. Everybody should direct the Supreme Divine Energy towards this person. This technique is similar to a group prayer, but more powerful.

A group of 7-28 people can apply the technique to major, divine oriented, problems.  They should state this issue, which is about the profound preoccupations of the being, with profound sincerity. Mobilization of the whole being, detachment and surrender to the Divine Will are necessary for solving the problem. A drawing of lots should be done again in order to choose a person called “the ear”, who will be told all the revelations that are to follow. The next step is the meditation for increasing the creativity (that is, projections in the superior astral worlds, in Shambala, contact of some spiritual guides). Everybody must attentively note  what is revealed to them and communicate this to others or only to the “ear”. Every participant must make a commitment (for example: I will practice the Art of Blessing 7 times per day in order for divine inspiration to offer me the necessary elements to improve my creativity, to become a perfect force). This commitment must be re-activated every morning, in order to speed up the resolution of the problem. Manifestation in the physical plane has precise laws regarding transformation of energy from the causal plane into the physical plane, that is, enough energy must be accumulated. If we do not keep on re-activating this commitment, we will gradually fall back to the old level where the problem seemed unsolvable, due to tamas. Practicing the Art of Blessing daily, we have a dialogue with God deep down in our being and we connect to the Energy of Divine Possibilities. Therefore our desires can more easily manifest in the concrete domain. By applying the Art of Blessing with as much intensity as possible, we obtain Divine Inspiration and our mental field becomes connected to the invisible point, although it may not appear so. At subsequent meetings everything is reported and conclusions drawn. The aim is to make the position we hold in this “warp” appear in a clear and divinely integrated manner.
By starting from our problem and practicing the Art of Blessing in a group, we become open towards inspiration and creativity in solving it. Thus everything becomes clearer and we obtain the courage to truly create.
Even the definitive exorcising of a possessed person can be acheived by practicing the Art of Blessing in unison as a group, combined with complete fasting. In the case of weak possessions, exorcisms can be done by a single person or by self-blessings practiced daily.

The Blessing is in essence a mysterious divine power pouring from up downwards: this is the recognizable sign. This flow of Supreme Spiritual Energy manifests in man in the form of a divine favor in reply to a prayer done with faith and humility by a human being to God The Father. This evokes divine assistance and guidance for him/her or for another person. The one who blesses benefits as well, because he opens his being for the Supreme Energy to pass through. He is actually self-blessing and is therefore helped.

Self – Blessing

In the beginning when the ego is very strong, it is possible to be unsuccessful in conducting the self-blessing. It is then necessary to bless others with humility and faith as often as possible. Only when detachment appears by unselfishly offering aid to others through blessings can we diminish the ego and progress spiritually. After the necessary transformations have occurred in us, we will also be able to realize the Self-Blessing.

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