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Healthy Food

How to clean your arteries with one simple fruit

The future of cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment will not be found in your medicine cabinet, rather in your kitchen cupboard or in your back yard growing on a tree. Pomegranate Found To Prevent Coronary Artery Disease Progression A study published in the journal Atherosclerosis confirms that pomegranate extract may…

Is Coconut Water Good for You?

Indian classics refer to the coconut palm as kalpavriksha, which means “the all giving tree.” Coconut products, including the oil, milk, cream and water, have been used for thousands of years for their nutritive and medicinal properties, which include antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective and…

Discover the powerful health benefits of tree nuts

Nuts have been an amazing and wholesome source of nutrients for thousands of years. A longtime addition to the Mediterranean diet, nuts have only recently received the spotlight for their health benefits in Western medicine. In fact, the American Heart Association (AMA) refers to nuts as “petite powerhouses of taste and nutrition.”…

Fermented green tea is a novel functional food that can help reduce obesity and regulate triglyceride levels

The practice of drinking green tea originated in Ancient China, where infusions made with the leaves of Camellia sinensis were consumed for medicinal purposes. Green tea is one of the seven ingredients the Ancient Chinese believed were essential for daily living; hence, they made a habit of drinking green tea to support their health.…

Food of the gods: sacred chocolate

Ever wondered why people exchange chocolate on romantic occasions? Long before Willie Wonka came around, it was known among the ancient Maya as the “food of the gods,” because chocolate, or cacao, can act as a powerful aphrodisiac that awakens the “love hormones” in the body, such as serotonin and dopamine. It has the power to…

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