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Covid 19 crisis

Pfizer And Moderna Covid-19 Injections Hijack Your Cell’s Ribosomes And Churn Out Toxic Proteins That Attack Your Body

In a factory that produces products, there are mechanisms and machines that churn out those products, and their functioning mechanisms can be controlled, of course, as to how many are produced, how quickly, and when that production line needs to be shut off or shut down. Sometimes supply exceeds demand, so there’s no more need to…

The Gibraltar Massacre

Gibraltar had the world’s worst Covid-19 death rate per capita (2791 per million at mid April 2021). The disaster started on December 12, when an unprecedented surge in cases was witnessed (see graph below). Until that point in time, like in other European countries, Covid cases had been in constant decline for a while. In Gibraltar,…

Covid-19 vaccines to decimate world population, warns microbiologist … and it’s already occurring in India and Brazil

A world-renowned microbiologist has warned that the new Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) vaccines are contributing to the decimation of the world’s population. In an exclusive interview with The New American in April, German microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi explained how coronavirus vaccines affect the body at the cellular level. He warned…

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