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Globalist next move in the Marxist playbook: Ostracize the unvaccinated like Hitler ostracized the Jews

According to the Marxist playbook, it’s time to begin disarming the unvaccinated in America and moving them all to the Covid ghettos, like lepers. No vaccine passport? No traveling for you. No job. No groceries. Time to starve to death or get the jabs. Your choice. The globalist agenda is to turn all of the vaccinated American sheeple…

The inanity of RNA vaccines for Covid-19 (II)

Read the first part of the article To recap, we are experiencing a rather peculiar “pandemic” that exhibits: - a case fatality ratio lower than the seasonal flu, - kills less than the usual infectious diseases, - didn’t trigger marked excess mortality and - didn’t really lower life expectancy. Existing treatment Not only…

COVID crisis schemed to decoy Cyborg Plot capable of linking brains to the cloud: National Security fraud/crime charged against Moderna / Pfizer / DOD…

The COVID crisis was schemed militarily to foist untested vaccines on the public as a “decoy” concealing worse threats from “devices” called a “hydrogels”. The new ‘mysterious’ nano-biotechnology in vaccines and nasal swab tests are capable of electronically-linking human brains to the cloud wirelessly, according to federal court…

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