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The Threat of Artificial Intelligence

Techno-censorship: the slippery slope from censoring ‘disinformation’ to silencing truth

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”, as George Orwell said. This is the slippery slope that leads to the end of free speech as we once knew it. In a world increasingly automated and filtered through the lens of artificial intelligence, we are finding ourselves at the mercy of…

There’s a loss of free will as humans hand over power to technology and biotechnology discusses the other side of the Great Reset, and what might occur socially and politically if the technocrats succeed in taking over. The long-term agenda is not about covid-19 or even the implementation of a biosecurity state but will be used for the extinction of homo sapiens – the end of humanity as you know it. This…

Whole Foods to roll out mark of the beast biometric palm scanning payment technology across its US stores

The first “Amazon Fresh” grocery store equipped with “Just Walk Out” technology has opened, allowing customers to purchase groceries without having to wait in a long checkout line. The catch is that all customers will be surveilled and tracked using an advanced system of cameras and artificial intelligence (AI). And the eventual goal is…

Biological weapons, chemical weapons, brain machine interfaces … and that’s just the covid-19 injections

Neuro technologies are based upon various tools to assess, access and affect structures and functions of the brain that may be involved in cognition, emotion and behaviours. It’s not just a question of pursuing to figure out what makes the brain tick and the way it’s built, it’s “can we get in there to effect the ticking and, by affecting…

Military origins: Pentagon shut down LifeLog Project the same day Facebook was created

Facebook’s growing role in the ever-expanding surveillance and “pre-crime” apparatus of the national security state demands new scrutiny of the company’s origins and its products as they relate to a former, controversial DARPA-run surveillance program that was essentially analogous to what is currently the world’s largest social network.…

“Extraterrestrial artificial intelligence is out there” – and it’s billions of years old

“I do not believe that most advanced extraterrestrial civilizations will be biological,” says Susan Schneider of the University of Connecticut and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton. “The most sophisticated civilizations will be postbiological, forms of artificial intelligence or alien superintelligence.” Schneider is one of…

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