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These positions (asana) are part of the yoga system called Hatha-Yoga. This a system seemingly most accessible to Westerners, who unlike oriental people are less inclined to contemplation. In every yoga system, the ultimate goal is to balance the energies of the whole being; to…

Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana Meditation (awareness) is a method said to be first taught by Buddha to his disciples. This method involves concentration on breathing. Budhha said: "inhale attentively, exhale attentively". These simple words reveal the essence of practicing this form of meditation. The Yogi watches his breathing with the same total…

Dharana – Mental Concentration

The mind is similar to a monkey: the more one wants to calm his mind down using force, the more it will refuse to comply, and will skip with even more agitation from one thought to another.Mental concentration can be described as “do not act”. Zen adepts say it is “to simply stay” (Zazen).A perfect state of mental…

Asanas – the order of execution

Asanas - the order of execution (as taught at our yoga school) padahasthasana padangusthasana talasana sahaj agnisara dhauti agnisara dhauti (pranayama) katichakrasana garudasana trikonasana ardha-chandrasana utkatasana uddiyana bandha nauli kriya uttytha ardha dhanurasana jivabalasana shutarmurgasana prasarita padattanasana…

Another type of Vipassana

Be aware of your actions, your body, mind and heart. When you walk you should walk consciously; when you move your arm you should move it consciously, knowing exactly the fact that your arm is in motion. You move unconsciously when doing something mechanical, for example when you have an early morning walk and the leg…

Prana – the universal force of life

Prana is the vital, psychic and spiritual force that sustains the actions and the manifestations of both the body and the mind. It is subjugated by these as a horse is harnessed to a carriage and is directed by the mind exactly along the paths where it wants to travel in order to fulfil its wishes. The great wise men and the masters of…

Meditation (Dhyana)

Meditation is an ancient method to reduce agitation in our inner and outer life, creating harmony between the individual and his social and spiritual life. It does not rely on faith, and can bring perfection both in our inner self and outer self, as it simplifies our lives and enriches our souls. It confers on us…

Improving Conditions for Meditation

Generally there should be a special place reserved for meditation, for example, a certain room. The moment we step into that room we can imagine that we leave behind all our thoughts, preoccupations, worries, and problems which could distract our attention and impede our practice of meditation. Gradually this room will become…

Free Will and Predestination

  Most people believe that the doctrine of reincarnation and karma is fatalistic, denying the individual’s right to live his own life and destroying his ideals by a structure of inevitable circumstances. Therefore, the first question should be: is there or not a free will? This philosophy appears to deny the…

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