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The Yogi Meditation

Your Brain On Meditation

Science is beginning to prove what Buddhist monks have known all along, that those who engage in daily meditation permanently change the way their brains function. That the simple act of sitting quietly as you shift your attention to your breath, following as it slowing enters and leaves your body, not only allows for the…

Useful comments about meditation practice

by yoga professor Dan Bozaru   The type of meditation to which we refer does not involve the mental utterance of a MANTRA; it also does not involve any complex visualisations, no colours, no lights, no landscapes, no gods, no angels, no saints or other beings or entities that may guide us.  We refer here exclusively…

Stages in meditation

by yoga professor Gregorian Bivolaru   There are several  attitudes and predominant states that can appear while doing the yogic meditations, attitudes and states  which are specific to the aspirant’s level of spiritual evolution and to his/her progress in the meditation practice. These attitudes and…

Aphorisms About Meditation

yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru 1. The profound yogic meditation on God the Father can also be considerred a novel form of prayer, as the one who practices it prays in this way both in Spirit and in Truth. 2. The profound yogic meditation allows a better control over the senses and that is why it improves the practice of…

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