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Stages in the Practice of Yoga

Meditation – Effects

The beneficial effects which result from constant practice of meditation is due to the resonance with the subtle energies of the Mind of God. The specific effects are that it: makes possible the amplification and inner directing of mental and psychological processes. gradually eliminates nervousness,…

Meditation Techniques

In order to practice real meditation and quickly reach either the Samadhi state (state of divine ecstasy) or to know the Self, the following conditions should be observed: practice being silent - at least a few hours per day have light nutrition meals consisting of milk, fruits and cereals (generally a…

Experiencing the Samadhi State

There are many levels of experiencing the state of Samadhi, the profound state where man penetrates the ultimate essence of everything, perfectly identifying himself with God, the Supreme Absolute. Thus, in Raja Yoga ( Royal Yoga), Nirodha Samadhi is obtained when divine ecstasy appears through the suspension…


These positions (asana) are part of the yoga system called Hatha-Yoga. This a system seemingly most accessible to Westerners, who unlike oriental people are less inclined to contemplation. In every yoga system, the ultimate goal is to balance the energies of the whole being; to…

Transcending the Ephemeral Personality

There are four main methods for transcending our small ephemeral personality and for attaining Communion with God: In the first method, also called the negative non-dualistic method, the seeker denies the existence of everything that is manifested around him, as nothing represents the Absolute Reality. For instance, he says: “I am…

Dharana – Mental Concentration

The mind is similar to a monkey: the more one wants to calm his mind down using force, the more it will refuse to comply, and will skip with even more agitation from one thought to another.Mental concentration can be described as “do not act”. Zen adepts say it is “to simply stay” (Zazen).A perfect state of mental…

About Samadhi…

Famous quotations that reveal the experience of the Samadhi state The one who has this understanding (that the Universe is identical to his Inner Self) and sees the entire manifestation as a God’s game with Himself, is, doubtless, a living liberated person. (Spanda Karika, V, 5) Like the salt becomes one with the water it is dissolved…

Meditation (Dhyana)

Meditation is an ancient method to reduce agitation in our inner and outer life, creating harmony between the individual and his social and spiritual life. It does not rely on faith, and can bring perfection both in our inner self and outer self, as it simplifies our lives and enriches our souls. It confers on us…

The Qi

The literal meaning of the Chinese term qi is “breath”, “gas” or “ether”. In traditional texts, the term was never clearly defined, as the Tao masters preferred not to limit the miracle of this mysterious energy in sterile definitions. The Chinese philosophers, Lao-Tse (604-531 BC), the legendary author of the work Tao Te Ching,…

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