Yoga and Christianity
“People do not live on bread alone, but also with the word of God.”
Transcending the Ephemeral Personality
There are four main methods for transcending our small ephemeral personality and for attaining Communion with God:
In the…
The Ideal Pattern of a Spiritual Master
Many times, once engaged to a genuine spiritual search, we find ourselves lost and confused, not knowing which is the next step we…
Planetary Aspects
The angles formed by the planets and the Earth are measured at the birthplace in degrees. These angles are found on the astrogram…
Conditions for success and obstacles
The main conditions to successfully practice the Art of Blessing are the following:
• great faith in God; • love for God;…
Meditation Techniques
In order to practice real meditation and quickly reach either the Samadhi state (state of divine ecstasy) or to…
Stages in the Practice of Yoga
According to Patanjali yoga is comprised of 8 parts or stages:1. Yama - the rules for behaviour; control of negative…