ROMANIA NATIONAL DAY! The 1st December is the celebration of the Romanian feeling to us

by Anca Munteanu  

The 1st of December is a celebration to us. It’s not some pretence for a day off, or for some street party with meat and brandy. The national Day is not an obligation, nor a burden. Beyond the formal, dull speeches of the politicians, this day is a moment of joy to us. It’s the day when we feel our heart and soul belong to this country.

This is why we wanted to celebrate Romania’s National Day together. We went out and supported our love for our country. Hundreds of yogis from MISA Yoga School walked in the street waving the Romanian flags from Dealul Mitropoliei down to Parcul Tineretului in Bucharest. There they had a yang spiral meditation of communion to the soul of the Romanian people.

The spiral stirred the journalists as usual, who were the fly on the wall there. The reporters of different TV channels hanged around the yogis for an hour and a half and asked all sorts of questions here and there. “I cannot say what the spiral has to do with the National Day” a N24 reporter would say. “Do you think this can have a good impact upon Romania?” or “What about Grieg? Is his spirit watching you over here?” a journalist asked.

How could one give them two minutes explanation about what the communion to the Romanian soul is, what is the real meaning of being Romanian?

If you told them that the Romanians are a diligent people, kind-hearted, honest, hospitable, intelligent and humoured, they would just give a sarcastic grin. When the reporter is after earful news he may fail that these spirals are meant to awake the soul of the Romanian people and thereby can bring every Romanian closer to these qualities.

In a mean world, where the stronger is always ruling above, where the injustice runs the law, where money can afford anything, you may hardly believe there still are people that love and respect their country, in a thrilling, pure emotion. It’s our spiritual mentor, Gregorian Bivolaru that has urged us to look in our heart for the mysterious bound to the Romanian people.

After the spiral meditation we took our hands and reeled the “Hora Unirii”. We tapped the ground in Ciuleandra rhythm. The wind and the rain could not wipe our smiles away. Happily we hugged each other. God bless Romania!
1st December, 2005


Also available in: Română

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