This Will Shock You, but This Juice Successfully Prevents Cancer, Diabetes, Gastritis and Lowers Blood Pressure


This juice is way more effective than any type of modern medicine. It successfully prevents diabetes, gastritis, high blood pressure and many other serious diseases, including cancer.

The healthy benefits of raw potatoes are known for centuries, for people who use them in natural medicine, but despite that, many people still think that we should not consume raw potatoes. But, actually, we are wrong, because in raw form, potatoes are very healthy and contain high amounts of good nutrients. Another important thing worth mentioning is that if you buy your potatoes from the supermarket, it’s necessary to peel them of before eating. This is because in this case the potato’s peel is poisonous. However, the peel on potatoes which are grown organically does not contain any type of harmful substances for you and your health.

Another thing you should know is that potatoes with green peel and potatoes sprout can also be dangerous. The danger lies in solanine.
Solanine is the poison that exists in the green parts of potatoes. All you have to do is peel the potato before you use it.

Potato Juice – Miracle Cure For Many Diseases

Many medical experts, including John Lesindzer and Dr. John Tucakov, wrote many articles about the healing properties of potato juice.

John Lesindzer believes that this juice is the best natural remedy for the treatment of gastritis and we all know that gastritis is one of the most common diseases of modern times. Lesindzer recommends taking 1 tbs. of homemade potato juice with some water. You should drink this homemade potato juice 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

He also mentions that in treating stomach and duodenal problems, you should take a deciliter of potato juice on empty stomach. And you should take ½ deciliter 30 minutes before lunch and dinner. On the other hand, Dr. John Tucakov claims that potato juice has some other health benefits as well. He says that this juice has a beneficial effect on lowering blood sugar levels and in treating lung diseases and problems with the respiratory organs. It’s also very effective in treating more severe illnesses, such as emphysema.

Emphysema gradually damages the air sacs (alveoli) in your lungs, making you progressively more short of breath. Emphysema is one of several diseases known collectively as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Your lungs alveoli are clustered like bunches of grapes. In emphysema, the inner walls of the air sacs weaken and eventually rupture creating one larger air space instead of many small ones. This reduces the surface area of the lungs and, in turn, the amount of oxygen that reaches your bloodstream.


The author of the book The road to a healthy lifestyle: Cancer is nothing to fear is the Buddhist monk Tomizawa. According to Tomizawa, just by drinking 2 cups of potato juice every day you greatly contribute to cure cancer and other diseases as well.

Dr. Kagamine, a professor of Medicine University of Akita, Japan, has conducted a study in which he managed to isolate the substance of raw potatoes. He found that this substance was effective in suppressing the growth of tumor cells in mice. The results of his study were published in the IC (International Congress) for the fight against cancer, in Germany.

This amazing potato juice is also used as a part of the famous Broys cancer therapy.

The potato is getting very important role as a very efficient tool in the fight against kidney problems and liver diseases. It’s also used in treating other conditions, such as: heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, lumbago, rheumatism and others. Drinking potato juice is also very good for boosting up your immune system. It also helps in reducing headaches and menstrual pain.

Sometimes, when you feel tired, just drink juice made of a medium-sized potato, carrots and apples. Drink it twice a day, in the morning and evening time and in just 2 weeks you will feel much better.

Health Benefits of Potato Juice:

– Fights cancer;
– Lowers blood sugar levels;
– Treats skin diseases;
– Boosts immune system;
– Cleanses the body from harmful toxins;
– Helps with gastritis;
– Aids in kidney and liver ailments;
– Protects against cardiovascular disease.

It may be hard to believe, but the organic potato peel is also very good for you. It helps with the detoxification process in removing the harmful toxins from your body and it’s a source of many healthy nutrients. The potato peel contains high amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, protein and a lot of carbohydrates.

It’s very important for you to know that potatoes lose their Vitamin C when they are cooked. This is really a great pity, because there is 27 mg of Vitamin C in one medium sized raw potato, which makes 45% of the recommended daily intake for this vitamin.


Potatoes are also very effective in treating skin problems. They give your skin a clean and radiant complexion, and skin without acne and blackheads. Because of their antiseptic properties, potatoes are a great cleaner for many different skin problems, and, as we mentioned before, because it contains high amount of Vitamin C, the potato nourishes the skin and prevents its aging. All you have to you is grind some potatoes and apply them as a facial mask. It will clean and tighten your skin.

Many people also use potatoes in the fight against cellulite. All you have to do is rub the critical area with a slice of potato.

How to Make Homemade Potato Juice

This is very easy. First, you need to wash the potatoes and remove all the green parts and the seeds from the crust. Then, cut the potato into this slices. Then, wrap them in a cloth fabric and squeeze the juice. Or you can use a juicer as well.

This is a very important thing to remember: always drink freshly prepared juice from potatoes. You can mix it with fruit and vegetables of your choice. You can add apples, carrots, lemon juice and some honey.


February 12, 2018

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