Titanic parallels with 9/11 (I)
by Tapestry
In the 1970s, the British Gov allowed Lloyd’s to move its assets offshore, avoiding taxes. Only the fact that the same people that owned Lloyd’s also owned the British Gov can explain that. Lloyd’s immediately became a tax shelter, and all sorts of new fraud was encouraged – which Wikipedia admits.
This is also admitted in the Sasse scandal story of the 1970s, which somehow came to light. There, it is admitted that the “risks written were rigged: typically dilapidated buildings in slums such as New York’s south Bronx, which soon burned down after being insured for large sums.” That just proves that insurance companies can be involved in precisely that sort of scam, and we must assume it worked by part of the money being kicked back to the insurers. They also admit it worked by targeting minor underwriters in the syndicate, who were told they were responsible for the losses. In the mainstream stories, they pretend that head underwriter Dennis Harrison was not an approved underwriter of Lloyd’s, instead being a mafioso who had fooled the society somehow, but that is just cover. Anyway, it looks like this came to light due to lawsuits by these minor underwriters, who figured out they were being scammed. But they were only partly successful, only lowering their losses by about 55%. Amazingly, Lloyd’s itself dodged blame. And the major underwriters dodged scrutiny, we may assume by owning the courts. This is because after 1911, Lloyd’s was basically a ghost. Legally, it didn’t exist at all, except as a name. Legally, the individual underwriters shouldered all the financial responsibility, so “the society” was untouchable. In court, “the society” disappeared into a London fog.
A similar thing happened in the late 80s with the Piper Alpha oil rig explosion. Through re-insurance, many minor underwriters were exposed multiple times, and a large number were destroyed. This of course links us to the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, that may have been a fake as well. No doubt this was another chance for insurance fraud, though I haven’t read anything about it.
Tellingly, Lloyd’s was also involved in insuring the Twin Towers on 9/11, and they are among the ones who paid out to Larry Silverstein. This of course gives us a whole new twist on that event, one given little time up to this point. I beg you to notice how much that event looks like the Titanic event, from the point of both the insured and the insurer. It has previously been suggested that a main point of the 9/11 event was to get rid of buildings that were no longer profitable, didn’t meet code, and couldn’t be brought up to code without ruinous losses. It has been shown that Larry Silverstein made a huge profit from the event, but it was never shown why the insurers didn’t properly investigate, finding what private “conspiracy” investigators discovered very quickly without that much effort. Since Lloyd’s has an extensive intelligence gathering department, it should look odd that it failed to discover these things, and never brought any of the anomalies up in court. Also notice that 9/11 not only looks like a later clone of the Titanic event, it also looks like an analogue of the event described above in the Sasse scandal, where “risks written were rigged: typically dilapidated buildings in slums such as New York’s south Bronx, which soon burned down after being insured for large sums.” Don’t the Twin Towers now look like just a larger version of the same con?
You will say I have no proof Lloyd’s was involved in either 9/11 or the Titanic hoax, which is true enough. Everything I have presented is circumstantial, and stands only as a suggestion. However, my line of reasoning here is pretty obvious. I saw and wrote all this in less than 24 hours, so it didn’t take much research to come to this conclusion. It only required I follow a line of pretty obvious clues. No doubt anyone who cared to could make a strong case with more work, and the governors’ only consolation is that it appears no one cares to do stuff like this. The minor insurers of the Titanic are long dead, and their ancestors have no reason to reopen the case. The lawsuits of 9/11 are over as well, and since no minor underwriters got a sniff of the fraud there, it is doubtful they will read this paper and have any light turn on. So it all may appear academic. Which is fine with me: I have not been hired by the defense or the prosecution, and I am just here to solve the case for my own edification, as you probably are. Yes, this will further discourage me from buying insurance, but since I don’t own any of any kind, that is pretty meaningless as well. I had already decided insurance was a scam before I discovered any of this today, so this won’t change my beliefs at all. Besides, I don’t believe in betting against myself. All insurance is a bet against yourself, and therefore it is tempting Fate.
While I am here I might as well return to the Wiki page on the Titanic, to see if I can tease any more information out of it. Everything I look at these days tends to crumble into a pile of salt, so I guess I should continue to do my thing. The first thing I notice is Gladys (Millvina) Dean, alleged to be the last survivor of the Titanic. She was 2 months old in April of 1912.
First of all, the name Gladys Dean indicates she was probably Jewish. Her page has several anomalies, the first being that her mother was 33 in 1912. The second is that her brother Bertram allegedly died on April 14, the anniversary of the event. The third is that his middle name was Vere, probably linking this family to the de Veres of the peerage. They were the Earls of Oxford, and one was involved in the Shakespeare hoax. The fourth is his first name Bertram, which is another name from the peerage. You would much more likely find the name in first class rather than third class. The fifth is that we are told Millvina and Bertram were raised on pension funds. What pension funds? Their father was allegedly in his thirties, moving to Kansas to co-own a tobacco shop with his cousin. So where does any pension come in? And how could this third-class traveller afford to buy a tobacco shop? The sixth is that Millvina didn’t become involved in Titanic promotion until she was in her 70s. I guess that is because the Titanic wasn’t famous until the 1990s.
In fact, I later discovered a probable link between this Dean woman and the captain of the Titanic Edward Smith. I have linked Smith to the Smith baronets through the name Melville. In making this link, I found an Abel Smith of that Melville line who married a Calvert in 1826. Her brother, the 2nd Baronet, changed his name from Calvert to Verney, and married the daughter of Admiral Sir George Hope-Vere. We just saw Bertram Vere Dean, brother of Millvina Dean. That indicates Dean and Capt. Smith were closely related, and both from the peerage. They don’t tell you that, do they?
We are told the Carpathia rescued 705 people from the Titanic, so my guess would be that was all that were ever onboard. Minus 212 crew, that would be 493 passengers, which sounds about right. Since this was a managed event, either the passenger lists were faked, the crew list was faked, or both. The Carpathia list was probably also faked, since that ship was part of the hoax. It may have picked up more than 705. The Titanic lists could be padded in several ways, which we have seen in more recent hoaxes. They could include people that had recently died from other causes, so we should look for a preponderance of elderly onboard. They could include the names of agents throughout the world who needed to disappear as part of their cover that year. And they could include names simply made up from scratch. These made-up names often include some sort of inside joke.
Further down the page, we have a huge anomaly. Canadian ships were allegedly the first to arrive on the scene after the Carpathia took the survivors away. These Canadian ships were supposed to collect bodies, but there were too many to collect. So Captain Larnder of the Mackay-Bennett decided to preserve the bodies only of first-class passengers, dumping second and third-class passengers and crew back into the sea. Of course this makes no sense on any level. What it indicates is that these second and third-class passengers never existed. In fact, there is no proof of their existence, or at least of their deaths. All evidence was conveniently “buried at sea” as usual. Plus, how exactly did Captain Larnder and his men figure out who was from what class? Did they all still have ticket stubs in their pockets after floating for several days in the ocean? Or did he just pull in those wearing tuxedos or top hats? Despite the Canadians only collecting the wealthy-looking, one-third of the bodies were never identified or claimed. Really? One-third of the first-class passengers had no relatives and no one was looking for them? Almost half the bodies gathered (150) were never collected or claimed, and were buried in-masse in Halifax. Again, really? That is what we are expected to believe? Despite picking out only first-class passengers from the floaters, 150 were never claimed and were dumped into a mass grave in Nova Scotia?
Three more bodies from “collapsible A” were unceremoniously dumped at sea by the RMS Oceanic, with no effort to identify them. The Oceanic didn’t have the lame excuse of the Mackay-Bennett, since she picked up only a dozen survivors. So she couldn’t claim there was no room onboard for three more bodies.
Then we are told that in June, the last support ships were reporting that life jackets were failing, and the last bodies were sinking to the ocean floor. Again, WHAT? We are supposed to believe that not only did Capt Larnder order the bodies to be thrown back in the ocean with their life vests still on, someone ordered all other ships to leave the bodies out there, with no effort at retrieval? Does that make any sense to you? Because these hundreds of bodies were third-class or crew, they were just flotsam? No one was looking for these people or their bodies? There was no outcry in the US or Europe from family members? Just think if this happened today. Do you think hundreds of bodies in life-jackets would be left floating for two months, in the sight of many rescue ships? Of course the fact that no one was looking for these people and no one was raising any outcry in the US indicates these people did not exist. The whole story was manufactured. And yet, despite the absurdity of the story, it is still being sold 106 years later, and I guess most people are buying it.
Next, I tried to access a death list at titanicfacts.net, but was denied access, even to a cached page. So I went instead to the Belfast Telegraph, but it only has a list from A to Pa. So I returned to Wikipedia. The first thing I noticed is that the list does not include Astor’s butler, though he is listed elsewhere. This Victor Robbins is also not listed with second or third-class passengers. Rather, we are told Mrs. Astor had both a maid and a nurse. This is curious since Mrs. Astor had no child. She was only pregnant. So why did she need a nurse? You will say “because she was pregnant. She might need medical care or a midwife.” No, she was in the first stages of pregnancy, not even showing, so there would be no need for a nurse.
John Jacob Astor and his wife Madeleine
The next thing I noticed is that whoever faked this list didn’t like vowels, especially the letter “E”. Statistically, there are far too few surnames starting in vowels, especially in first and second class. Only the letter “A” is representing in anything like a statistical manner. All other vowels are used far too infrequently for this to be a real list.
Another curious thing we find on that page is that some numbers were not used, just so the total could stand at 333. For instance, they skip the numbers 324-5, for no apparent reason.
I encourage my readers to study this list for more anomalies, but I don’t have the stamina for it right now. I want to return to the high profile passengers like Astor. One of these was Benjamin Guggenheim, father of Peggy Guggenheim of the Guggenheim museums. We can be sure he faked his death. Why? Here’s why: on his page we are told he put his women on lifeboat 9. This was a huge wooden Harland and Wolff lifeboat, with a capacity of 65 people. Wikipedia has very little to tell us about Benjamin Guggenheim’s life, but they are keen to tell us he bravely went down with the ship:
“As Aubart and Sägesser reluctantly entered lifeboat no. 9, Guggenheim spoke to the maid in German, saying, ‘We will soon see each other again! It’s just a repair. Tomorrow the Titanic will go on again.’ Realizing that the situation was much more serious than he had implied, as well as realizing he was not going to be rescued, he then returned to his cabin with Giglio and the two men changed into evening wear.”
That is quoted from the New York Times, April 20, 1912. But it turns out it is hogwash, since all he had to do is step on that boat with the women. No one was fighting for the extra seats, not women or children of any class. If we check the stats, there were only 22 people on lifeboat 9, so 43 seats were empty when it lowered. There were four people from first class, 16 from second class, and two from third class. So please tell me why Benny didn’t jump on. He just had a death wish? Of course Guggenheim’s body was never retrieved or identified. Although Capt Larnder pulled 306 first-class looking bodies out of the water, and although only 118 men from first-class died and 154 from second-class died, he wasn’t able to locate Guggenheim or any of the other important people. Amazing, isn’t it? I guess they thought life vests didn’t look good with their evening wear.
Read the second part of the article
September 11, 2019
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