ESSENTIAL READING: Pawns In The Game by William Guy Carr (7)


Read the sixth part of the article

Jewish control of trade and commerce, both legal and illegal, grew tighter and tighter. It spread far and wide, until every European country’s economy was more or less in their hands. Evidence in the form of Polish and Hungarian coins bearing Jewish inscriptions gives some indication of the power they exerted in financial matters during those days. The fact that the Jews made a special effort to issue and control currency, supports the opinion that the money-lenders had adopted the slogan “Let us issue and control the money of a nation and we care not who make its laws”, long before Amschel Mayer Bauer (1743-1812) used the slogan to explain to his co-conspirators the reason the Jewish money-lenders had obtained control of the Bank of England in 1694.

The barons, who were the leaders of Aryanism, determined they would break the Jewish control of trade, commerce and money in Europe. It was with this purpose in mind that in 1095 they obtained the support of certain Christian rulers to start The Crusades or Holy Wars. Between 1095 and 1271 eight Crusades were organized. Officially, the Crusades were military expeditions undertaken to ensure the safety of Pilgrims who wished to visit the Holy Sepulchre and set up Christian Rule in Palestine. In actual fact they were wars fomented for the purpose of dividing the population of Europe into two camps. One camp pro-Jewish and the other Anti-Jewish. In more recent years, the Secret Powers divided the white race into Semitic and Anti-Semitic groups. Some of the Crusades were successful, some were not. The net result was that, in 1271, Palestine still remained in the hands of the Infidels, although the countries of Christendom had spent MILLIONS IN MONEY and treasure to finance the Crusades and sacrificed MILLIONS OF HUMAN LIVES fighting those Holy Wars. Strange to relate, the Jewish money-lenders grew richer and stronger than ever.

There is one phase of the Crusades which must not be overlooked when the “Causes” are being studied in relation to the “Effects” they produced in later years. In 1215 the Roman Catholic Hierarchy held the Fourth Lateran Council. The main topic under consideration was Jewish aggression in all the countries of Europe. During this period of history the Rulers of the Church, and the Rulers of the State, worked in unity. The rulers of the Church, after due deliberation, expressed themselves in favour of continuing the Crusades. They also drew up, and passed Decrees, designed to put an end to usury and the Jewish money-lenders practice of using unethical methods in traffic and trade to obtain unfair advantage over Gentile competitors, and to curb corrupt and immoral practices.

To achieve this purpose the dignitaries attending the Fourth Lateran Council decreed that in the future the Jews be restricted to living in their own quarters. Jews were absolutely prohibited from hiring Christians as their employees. This decree was passed because Jewish money-lenders and merchants operated on the Joint Stock Company principle. They employed Christians to act as their front men while they hid in the background directing operations. This was convenient because, when anything went wrong, the Christian front men got the blame, and the punishment, while they got off scot-free. In addition, by the Decrees, Jews were absolutely prohibited from employing Christian females in their homes and establishments. This decree was passed because evidence was produced to prove that young females were systematically seduced, and then turned into prostitutes; their masters used them to obtain control over influential officials.

Other decrees made it unlawful for Jews to engage in many commercial activities. But even the power of the Church, supported by most Christian officials of the State, could not make the Money-Barons amenable to the law. All the decrees accomplished was to intensify the hatred the Illuminati had for the Church of Christ, and they started a continuing campaign to separate the Church from the State. To achieve this purpose they introduced the idea of secularism amongst the laity.

In 1253 the French government ordered the Jews expelled because they refused to obey the law. Most of the Jews who were expelled went over to England. By 1255 the Jewish money-lenders had obtained absolute control of many Church dignitaries and most of the Nobility. That the money-lenders, the Rabbis, and Elders belonged to the Illuminati was proved by evidence given during the investigation ordered by King Henry III into the ritual slaying of St. Hugh of Lincoln in 1255.

Eighteen Jews were proved to have been the culprits. They were tried, found guilty, and executed. In 1272 King Henry died. Edward I became King of England. He determined the Jewish leaders must give up the practice of usury. In 1275 he had Parliament pass the Statutes of Jewry. They were designed to curb the power Jewish usurers were exerting over their debtors, both Christians, and fellow Jews. The Statutes of Jewry were probably the first legislation in which The Commons in Parliament had an active part. They cannot be classified as Anti-Semitic because they actually protected the interests of honest and law-abiding Jews.

But, as had happened so often before, the Jewish money-lenders thought that the power they could exert over both the Church and the State would permit them to defy the king’s decree in the same way as they had set at nought those passed by the Lateran Council. They made a grave mistake. In 1290 King Edward issued another decree. ALL Jews were expelled from England. This was the start of what historians call The Great Eviction.

After Edward I started the ball rolling, all the Crowned Heads of Europe followed his example.
In 1306 France expelled the Jews. In 1348 Saxony followed suit. In 1360 Hungary; in 1370 Belgium; in 1380 Slovakia; in 1420 Austria; in 1444 the Netherlands; in 1492 Spain.

The expulsion of the Jews from Spain has special signification. It throws light on the Spanish Inquisition. Most people have the idea the Inquisition was instituted by Roman Catholics to persecute Protestants who had broken away from the Church. As a matter of fact the Inquisition, as introduced by Pope Innocent III, was a means of unmasking heretics, and infidels, who were masquerading as Christians for the purpose of destroying the Christian religion from within. It didn’t make the slightest difference to the Inquisitors whether the accused was Jew or Gentile, black or white. The terrible ceremony of the “Auto-da-Fé” or “Act of Faith”, was specially designed to be used in connection with the execution of all convicted heretics, and infidels, when Torquemada (1420-1498) was Grand Inquisitor.

It is these hidden incidents which reveal so much truth. It was in Spain, during the 14th Century, that the Jewish money-lenders first succeeded in having the loans they made the State secure by the right to collect the taxes levied upon the people. They used such cruelty, when demanding their “pound of flesh”, that it only required the inflammatory oratory of the priest Fernando Martenez to produce mass action which ended in one of the bloodiest massacres recorded in history. Here again is a perfect example of how thousands of innocent Jews were victimized, for the sins and crimes committed against humanity by just a few.

In 1495 Lithuania expelled the Jews. In 1498 Portugal; in 1540 Italy; in 1551 Bavaria. It is important to remember that during the general evictions certain wealthy and influential Jews managed to obtain sanctuary in Bordeaux, Avignon, certain Papal States, Marseille, Northern Alsace, and part of northern Italy. But, as stated in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, “The masses of the Jewish people were thus to be found once more in the East and in the Polish and Turkish Empires.”

The few communities suffered to remain in Western Europe were meantime subjected at last to all the restrictions which earlier Ages had usually allowed to remain as an ideal; so that, in a sense, the Jewish Dark Ages may be said to begin with the Renaissance. This admission would indicate there is some justification for the claim made by certain historians that not until the Western European nations wrested economic control from the Jewish money-lenders did the rebirth of western civilization occur.

Following the Great Eviction, the Jews again resumed living in Ghettos or Kahals. Thus, isolated from the masses of the population, the Jews were under the direction and control of the Rabbis and Elders, many of whom were influenced by the Illuminati and the wealthy Jewish money-lenders who remained in their various sanctuaries. In the Ghettos, agents of the Illuminati inspired a spirit of hatred and revenge in the hearts of the Jewish people against those who had evicted them. The Rabbis reminded them that, as the chosen people of God, the day would come when they would have their revenge and inherit the Earth.

It should be mentioned that most Jews who settled in Eastern Europe were restricted to living within the “pale of settlement” located on the western borders of Russia and extending from the shores of the Baltic Sea in the north, to the shores of the Black Sea in the South. Most of them were Khazar Jews. The Khazar Jews were noted for their Yiddish culture; their rapacious practices in financial matters, and their lack of ethics in commercial transactions. They should not be confused with the Biblical Hebrews who are mild mannered and, generally speaking, pastoral people.

Within the Ghettos, in an atmosphere of hatred, the desire for revenge was developed by the agents of the Illuminati. They organized these negative conditions, into the World Revolutionary Movement, based on Terrorism. From its very inception the international-minded Money-Barons, and THEIR High Priests, designed, financed, and controlled the World Revolutionary Movement. They used it as the instrument by which they would obtain their revenge on the Christian churches, and the crowned heads of Europe.

History proves HOW the Money-Barons developed the revolutionary movement into international Communism as we know it today. They organized individual acts of terrorism into a disciplined revolutionary movement. They then planned systematic infiltration of the Jews back into the countries from which they had been expelled. Because their re-entry was illegal the only method by which infiltration could be accomplished was to establish Jewish undergrounds. Because the Jews who infiltrated into the Undergrounds of the European cities could not obtain lawful employment they were supplied with funds with which to develop the Black Market system. They indulged in every kind of illegal traffic and trade. Working on the principle of the Joint Stock Co., the identity of the Money-Barons, who owned and controlled this vast underground system always remained secret.

Count de Poncins; Mrs. Nesta Webster; Sir Walter Scott; and many other authors and historians have suspected that the Illuminati and a group of internationalists were the secret power behind the World Revolutionary Movement, but it was not until recently that sufficient evidence was pieced together to prove that what they suspected was an actual fact. As the events of history are unrolled in their chronological sequence it will be seen how the Illuminati used the Semitic groups and the Aryan groups, to serve their purpose, and involved millions upon millions of people in revolutions and wars to further their own secret and selfish ambitions.

William Foss and Cecil Gerahty who wrote The Spanish Arena said: “The question of who are the leading figures behind the attempt of the Joint Stock Company domination of the world, and how they obtain their ends, is beyond the scope of this book. But it is one of the important Libres a faire yet to be written. IT WILL HAVE TO BE WRITTEN BY A MAN OF THE HIGHEST COURAGE WHO WILL COUNT HIS LIFE AS NOTHING COMPARED WITH ENLIGHTENING THE WORLD AS TO WHAT THE SATANIC SELF-APPOINTED PRIESTHOOD WOULD ORDAIN.”

How successful turned out to be the plan to infiltrate back into the countries from which they had been expelled, can best be judged by the following records. The Jews were back in England in 1600; back in Hungary in 1500. They were expelled again in 1582; they were back in Slovakia in 1562 but were expelled again in 1744; they were back in Lithuania in 1700. But, regardless of how many times they were expelled, there always remained the Jewish underground from which the revolutionary activities of the secret powers were conducted.

Because King Edward I of England had been the first to expel the Jews, the Jewish Money-Barons in France, Holland, and Germany decided it would be poetic justice if they tried out their planned revolutionary technique in England first. They used their underground agents, or cells, to cause trouble between the king and his government; employers and labour; ruling class and workers; Church and State. The plotters injected controversial issues into politics and religion, to divide the people into two opposing camps. First they divided the people in England into Catholics and Protestants, then they divided the Protestants into Conformists and Non-Conformists.

When King Charles I was brought into disagreement with his Parliament a Jewish Money-Baron in Holland, named Manasseh Ben Israel, had his agents contact Oliver Cromwell. They offered him large sums of money if he would carry out their plan to overthrow the British Throne. Manasseh Ben Israel, and other German and French moneylenders financed Cromwell. Fernandez Carvajal of Portugal, often referred to in history as “The Great Jew”, became Cromwell’s Chief Military Contractor. He re-organized the Round Heads into a model army. He provided them with the best arms and equipment money could buy. Once the conspiracy was under way, hundreds of trained revolutionaries were smuggled into England and were absorbed into the Jewish underground. The same thing goes on in America today.

The head of the Jewish underground in England at that time was a Jew named De Souze. The Great Jew, Fernandez Carvajal, had used his influence to have De Souze appointed Portuguese Ambassador. It was in his house, protected by diplomatic immunity, that the leaders of the Jewish revolutionary underground remained hidden and worked out their plots and intrigue.

Once the revolution had been decided upon, the Jewish plotters introduced Calvinism into England to split Church and State, and divide the people. Contrary to general belief, Calvinism is of Jewish origin. It was deliberately conceived to split the adherents of the Christian religions, and divide the people. Calvin’s real name was Cohen! When he went from Geneva to France to start preaching his doctrine he became known as Cauin. Then in England it became Calvin. History proves that there is hardly a revolutionary plot that wasn’t hatched in Switzerland; there is hardly a Jewish revolutionary leader who hasn’t changed his name.

At the B’nai B’rith celebrations held in Paris, France, in 1936 Cohen, Cauvin, or Calvin, whatever his name may have been, was enthusiastically acclaimed to have been of Jewish descent.

Read the eighth part of the article


March 25, 2019


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