MK ULTRA Survivor Shares How Her Multiple Personalities Were Used By The Global Elite
According to the US Government, MK ULTRA was the code-name for a secret program run by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to conduct mind-control experiments on human beings from 1953 to 1964. The people used in these experiments did not suspect it, seemed to be chosen at random, and were often left emotionally crippled for the rest of their lives.
The rationale for this type of activity? Well, it’s the typical answer, for “national security” purposes. Basically, the program was designed to make people do things they normally wouldn’t do whilst under mind control, for the purposes of whoever is in charge and calling the shots atop the military industrial complex.
Dr. Ewen Cameron, who’s since passed away, was a Scottish-born psychiatrist who served as President of the American Psychiatric Association and Canadian Psychiatric Association, among others. He was one of many who conducted these experiments on patients. Again, the subjects were never told that they were being used as guinea pigs.
This topic became so serious, and a lot of information and research was being conducted by independent researchers to the point where the United States government could no longer deny that these programs took place. Eventually, they declassified what they had, and the government issued an official apology for the program and its victims in the mid 90’s.
Multiple victims have also come forward sharing their disturbing experiences.
You can access those files via the CIA’s electronic reading room. Simply use “MKULTRA” as the key word in the search.
As with any sensitive and controversial subject, the disclosure of information is usually, based on research into Black Budget Special Access Programs, a way to put the subject to rest, or claim that this is all there was to this program. It’s a quiet way to stop the concern and questioning from citizens, without really disclosing the full extent of the program, and whether it still runs today.
A speculation more and more spread today is that the U.S. television, mainstream media and more were all birthed out of mind-control programs and intentions.
Was the program really terminated? We’ll get to that a little later on in the article. The main concern right now is the idea that MK Ultra mind-control experiments only consisted of LSD, electroshock “therapy” and other torturous actions. This is evident by recent programs who covered the topic, but it’s simply not true, and as usual, there is much more to the story.
Most recently, the History Channel aired a program called America’s War on Drugs, a mini docu-series. It was a good documentary, and they seemed to provide some good information about the CIA’s involvement in the war on drugs and the massive political propaganda campaign that went along with it. The series criminalized the CIA and the government, and rightly so, discussing their involvement in drug trafficking, production, and testing – on both volunteers and unwilling patients – and even murder.
The issue with mainstream coverage of MK Ultra, however, is the fact that they constantly focus on one aspect of the program, and that’s the LSD part. As a result, when it comes to public knowledge and awareness of MK Ultra, it’s often believed that they were simply drug mind control experiments conducted by the CIA, but it’s much deeper and more disturbing than that.
We know this, because a small fraction of the MK Ultra files remained to be examined, the rest of it was ordered to be destroyed, so, in an official manner, the public could never become aware of what really took place inside of these programs… If we truly knew what U.S. government was doing, we’d be horrified. We’re already horrified at what’s been disclosed, just imagine what hasn’t. That’s where the video below comes in.
MK Ultra Survivor
Below is a video of Elisa E., author of two books, Our Life Beyond MKULTRA, which comprises of Book 1 and Book 2. In it, she describes her life of trauma based mind control from birth, what happened, who was involved, and basically answers every question that would pop into your heard if you are somewhat skeptical.
In the book, and in the interview below, she describes how the trauma she experienced split her personality into several different people, to be used by prominent figures within the military industrial complex, for multiple purposes.
For anybody who researches the MK Ultra topic, this is the basis of it. It’s trauma based mind control. Multiple Personalty Disorder (MPD) is a real disorder, and is often triggered by severe trauma experienced as a child. This is the backbone of the MK Ultra program, torturing individuals in order to create multiple personalities. These “soldiers” are then apparently used by the global elite to share classified information and messages (among other things), without ever questioning what they were doing, sort of like a robot. They don’t even remember what they do, because when they’re doing it they’re taking on the consciousness of somebody else.
Their uses are many.
There are rumours floating around among researchers in this community that numerous presidents and politicians are actually part of the program themselves, having suffered from trauma based mind control in order to play a certain role, like the president of the United States for example, but we can’t actually verify that as truth.
But again, the fact is that multiple personalities do develop as a result of trauma. Kim Noble, for example, is an artist with different personalities – twenty of them, in fact. After suffering childhood abuse, Kim’s mind split into twenty distinct personalities to cope with the trauma. Over a dozen personalities are painters, including Judy the bulimic teenager, a gay man named Ken, and a mother called Patricia.
Here is a story that VICE did on her.
There is an enormous amount of literature and information that exists out there, so if you want to learn more, please do your research.
It’s important to make note of the fact that the MK Ultra program was not the only one which dealt with mind control, there was also Bluebird, Artichoke, MK Search, MK Naomi, and the STARGATE project.
Beyond simple use of mind-control slaves for political, and other purposes, like warfare, in the interview below Elsa also mentions that altered states of consciousness and magic type rituals were used by the elite to communicate with extra-dimensional beings.
Now we know where popular Netflix series Stranger Things got their inspiration from…
At the end of the day, there are multiple programs inside the military industrial complex, utilizing information and knowledge not available to the public for their own selfish purposes. The type of information that exists within the black budget world actually has the power to help transform humanity. It’s not what you know, and what you can do, or what type of technology you can make, it’s the consciousness behind these things that determines what direction we take it. We can use our knowledge and understanding of the human mind for good, or not.
At the very least, talking about and exposing that this type of activity is actually a reality still needs more attention. Even for those of you who don’t know what the solution is or how to stop it, staying silent and not sharing this type of information is just not right.
Important Info
Researchers in the field, and those from within these actual program have been coming forward for years sharing what they know regarding the truth about MK Ultra.
One of these people is Dr. Colin A. Ross, a psychiatrist who was the president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation from 1993 to 1994. He’s an internationally renowned clinician, researcher, author and lecturer in the field of dissociation and trauma-related disorders. He is the founder and President of The Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma.
He has been running a hospital-based trauma program in Dallas, Texas since 1991, and has authored 29 books and over 200 professional papers.
So, what does it say when a professional like him has been touring the world with MK Ultra victims spreading awareness about trauma based mind control? The people this man has come into contact with, in some cases, in order to treat, must be quite overwhelming for him.
“I’m going to base what I have to say here on the motto of one of the great law enforcement officers of all time, which is Sergeant Joe Friday, and his motto was: ‘Just the facts man, just the facts’. So what I’m going to give you is just the facts, a little quick synopsis of absolutely documented objective, real, history of CIA military mind control experimentation… This for sure is just the declassified tiny tip of the iceberg, but it’s definitely fact and it’s definitely stranger than fiction.” – Dr. Ross
The quote above comes from Dr. Ross, giving a lecture alongside Cathy O’Brian, a supposed MK Ultra Victim, and Roseanne Barr, a famous Hollywood actress and director who once said “MK Rules in Hollywood”.
A couple of years ago, Roseanne and Cathy actually came to Toronto to give a talk. Someone in attendance asked her a question regarding some popular entertainers and celebrities. She asked her if they have multiple personalities, and if they have “handlers” to trigger them into a specific personality before a performance.
She told me yes, and used Miley Cyrus as an example. This means, when you see some entertainers giving certain performances, it’s not really them, but an alter personality which exists inside of them that is triggered before the performance. They are hypnotized.
This is why she said, MK Ultra rules in Hollywood, and that it’s a cesspool for government mind-control.
When Ross started getting into his research a little deeper, his name was slandered, as expected when going beyond what’s been disclosed about the MK Ultra program, especially as a respected academic. He was taken to court multiple times, having a number of false accusations placed against him.
It’s similar to a high-ranking reputable scientist, with verified credentials, from within the Department of Defense. Despite the fact that there are dozens of them, when they chose to speak of facts they’ve become aware of that just doesn’t fit the framework of accepted knowledge, they too are often ridiculed.
You’ll see this if you do any research into the UFO phenomenon.
Ross eventually uncovered a number of individuals with repressed memories of abuse that started shortly after birth. By use of brainwashing techniques (drugs, hypnosis, age regression, calling out alter egos and more), these people were controlled. Many of them, as uncovered by Ross and many others, have multiple personalities within them as a result of childhood incest rape/abuse, Satanic cult abuse/ rape, and more.
Again, he’s not the only one. This is a topic that involves too many professionals to name, and too many victims as well, at least the ones who survived.
Survivors of the program, like Cathy O’Brian, describe these they experiences as well, being forced into these things from a very young age, since birth, and points to the fact that the families, the parents and the siblings, have or do all go through the same thing.
This happens shortly after birth, with cutting off the breath of the baby, and other horrible things we do not want to mention. These people grow up believing that what is happening to them is normal, and they develop multiple personalities that cannot communicate with each other, and the original personality does not remember what is stored in the minds of the other “people” existing within them. They dissociate from themselves as a result of extreme trauma, as the mind cannot handle it – it’s a completely different state of consciousness.
Supposed victims of the program also describe horrible experiences of watching others tortured to death.
This also correlated with FBI investigations, and reports of elite level child abuse in the form of pedophilia rings.
Ted Gunderson, former FBI special agent and head of their L.A. office worked to uncover and expose these horrors before he died. A simple YouTube search of his name will show you what exactly he spent his last years researching. Here is one of his last lectures.
One of the most recent examples is former U.S. State Department official Steve Pieczenik. His roles within U.S. politics were many, having been the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vacne, and James Baker, he’s recently been outspoken about pedophilia within elite political groups.
May 18, 2018
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