Timeline Reality Split, Frequency Vibration, And The Hidden Forces In Life (6)


by Bernhard Guenther

Read the fifth part of the article 

In this day and age, with the rise of the internet and instant “information” access, we have more available outlets for feeding our curiosity than at any time in recorded history. On the positive side, it helps us to sidestep the corrupted mainstream media (MSM) and mainstream education system in order to help us learn about alternative views and knowledge that has previously been suppressed/filtered/distorted. It also helps us to connect and network with people from around the world who have similar interests and questions.

On the other hand, this “unlimited” access of information has also opened the flood gates for a lot of rubbish and disinformation, making it harder and harder to discern truth from lies. Some of it is intentionally distributed so as to mislead people, and some of it occurs because of a lack of discernment within those individuals whom are re-posting/sharing it.

Besides the obvious surveillance issues, the internet is also a great tool for the powers that be to vector people away from truth via COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Programs), Psy-Ops, fake “whistleblowers”, and alternative-media-based, popular, charismatic, speakers/researchers who have been co-opted (usually without their awareness) and whose activities actually feed into the Matrix while seemingly exposing it, especially if they are not engaged in sincere self-work/embodiment-process and are not aware of how “hidden forces” can influence them, i.e. lack of understanding of the hyperdimensional matrix beyond its 3D manifestation.

Keep in mind that good disinformation is truth mixed with lies – most often a high percentage of truth and just a small percentage of lies, but enough falsity to undermine the truth, vector the seeker away from uncovering more truth, and make him/her take a detour down the rabbit hole and get lost in the labyrinth while believing themselves to be on the right track.

Disinformation can be spread intentionally via the aforementioned COINTELPRO and also through “controlled opposition” channels that are populated by conscious “agents” posing as gurus, whistleblowers, and charismatic “truth tellers” – or it can happen unconsciously, by well-meaning individuals who are not discerning, lack sincere self-work, and are hence easily manipulated, especially when they come from a savior or victim complex and their ego is involved… their self-importance gets activated, and they feed off of the attention they are getting.

Just as we obviously need to question the MSM, we also need to be very discerning about the information presented in the alternative media landscape, and the cult of personalities who populate that arena.

Many people have the need to follow some “figurehead”, be it a government ‘personality’, medical professional or spiritual guru. Individuals oftentimes get sucked into the ‘celebrity matrix’ and latch onto authors and researchers they admire as well, blindly following what they say without doing their own fact-checking or listening to their bodily intuition. There is a big difference between getting inspired by people who put out work that resonates with us (and from whom we can learn new points of view) and putting those same folks on a pedestal, living only by the content of what they publish without questioning it at all, and projecting absolute authority onto them, whether it’s done consciously or not.

The latter situation is how we wind up getting cut off from our own inner knowing intuition guidance system – the ‘network’ which holds our personal truth that is unique to us, and which lights up our individual path and illuminates our life lessons. When we abdicate personal accountability to sovereign thought and deed, it puts us into a tunnel vision situation which actually disconnects us from our divine nature and innate wisdom.

Nowadays, the internet is saturated with tons of information (mostly in over-simplified sound bytes), where most often people don’t read more than a headline or quote/excerpt from an article – they also have a hard time watching videos that are longer than five minutes. This is the epidemic of the short attention span, brought on as a result of the information overload and technological over-saturation of society – because our ATTENTION is constantly being vectored away from the truth, and we are being distracted with over-stimulation right at the tip of pressing a button on the screen, we are less and less able to focus, remain discerning, and stay present. It keeps us in a head-centric state on non-Being, cut off from our bodies.

“The problem is that the attention economy makes it economical to spread one’s attention across eight different interests and 23 different friends each day. And because we’re all spreading our attention so thin, many of us are losing the all-important life skill of focus. [As the short attention span epidemic is increasing exponentially.]
Focus is what generates long-term success. Focus leads to deeper and more meaningful relationships. Focus determines how well we can improve at something. Yet our current economy is constantly providing incentive away from focus and towards – ‘whoa, did you see that video of the guy on the motorcycle who landed on the car? That was crazy! Anyway, what was I talking about?’ Oh yeah… focus. The new age presents problems of attention, not of happiness or narcissism or loneliness.

The problem is not the technology itself, it’s how we choose to use the technology. Is it serving us or are we serving it? These are the new challenges new generations must face…. We must learn to master our focus and our self-awareness to properly take advantage of the attention economy.

Limitless access to knowledge brings limitless opportunity. But only to those who learn to manage the new currency: their attention. In the new economy, the most valuable asset you can accumulate may not be money, may not be wealth, may not even be knowledge, but rather, the ability to control your own attention, and to focus.
Because until you are able to limit your attention, until you are able to turn away, at will, from all of the shiny things and nipple slips, until you are able to consciously choose what has value to you and what does not, you and I and everyone else will continue to be served up garbage indefinitely. And it will not get better, it will get worse.” ~ Mark Manson, In The Future, Our Attention Will Be Sold

“Truth seekers” can also waste a lot of time and energy going down the “rabbit hole”, getting hooked/addicted to external information and “sensationalism” that has very little to do with “truth seeking”. In their attempt to “figure things out”, they can get lost in the “theory abyss”, especially if there is a personal lack of discernment, and Being has not caught up with Knowledge.

Gathering intellectual information alone does not help you (nor the world) in the long run, and most often results in self-delusion because Understanding/Wisdom (embodied knowledge) is lacking [as discussed in the triad of Knowledge – Being – Understanding earlier]. Another trap is to focus on just one topic or area alone, for this can create a tunnel vision of inflexibility (or even dogma, if one is very attached to a certain view).

This observation isn’t intended to invalidate the many amazing renegades who have done tremendous work in their particular field of expertise, many of whom I have learned from myself. I am simply pointing out the importance of a holistic approach that addresses body, consciousness, and spirit, which is more and more needed in this day and age.

To be clear, anyone who wants to awaken and seek truth needs to step into the unknown and go down the “rabbit hole”: to read, study, learn (un-learn) to the best of their abilities, and question everything they have been told and taught by official culture. This process is also different for each of us, depending on our personal lessons and talents. Hence, it’s not about all of us becoming “scholars” and study/researching everything there is to read/view, which would be ridiculous and impossible anyway.

However, if the process of intellectually gathering information in the pursuit of truth is not matched with the necessary inner work, the mind will trick you, and you will get lost in the rabbit hole, as I’ve seen with many well-meaning “truth seekers” and researchers. I got stuck in this ‘mind-minefield’ at some point myself. I don’t take myself out of the equation because I learned the “hard” way. It happens when we lose focus of the principle aim (emancipation) and get distracted by curious fascination. This is not meant to denounce curiosity, but curiosity alone is not enough.

Knowledge acquired through study in the pursuit of truth is an essential – but only temporary – stage of awakening. It helps us to de-condition ourselves from social, cultural, and educational programming (pushing through our own cognitive dissonance) while we learn about critical thinking, logic and how to use the mind properly as a “tool”. However, Gnosis (higher Knowledge) cannot be perceived by the mind alone, nor can it be intellectually understood. In order to receive and anchor Gnosis, the vessel needs to be built via esoteric self-work and embodiment.

In other words, our level of Being determines how much higher Knowledge we can access via direct experience – tuning into nature, the “universe”, and the present moment in our daily lives, where we are constantly being informed by spirit and the vast living library of interconnectedness. This Knowledge is impossible to put into the limiting constructs of language. You cannot access Gnosis via reading alone, for it resides beyond our five-sensory perception. This is also the gateway towards receiving and experiencing Higher Love of the Divine, which is beyond the love we experience (or “think/feel” it is) in the lower separate-consciousness state of ego/personality identification.

We should be mindful not to forget the most important part of seeking truth and its purpose: to assist us in our personal embodiment/self-work and collective “ascension” process so as to align with Divine Will (via anchoring to higher frequencies) in order to TRANSCEND the Matrix, and not get caught in shadow dance/projection, or will-fully trying to “fight” it. As embodied frequency anchors, we have far more positive effects to offer to others (and the Collective) than just sharing information and trying to wake up others via intellectual discourse alone. Again, it’s all about frequency and vibration.

“If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla

The process of “Awakening” is not just about gathering information and becoming a walking encyclopedia of how the world is controlled. Of course, having a solid understand of the Matrix Control System (in particular the hyperdimensional Matrix) and how it operates is a key aspect of the journey (“know thy enemy”), but when we get caught up in trying to figure everything out intellectually, we’ll hit a wall, especially since we are subjected to manipulation that is outside of our five sensory perception. It is about making the darkness conscious, NOT dwelling on it to the point that we only see darkness in the world, thus getting stuck there.

This can also result in seeing “evil” and “conspiracies” where there are none (as a result of shadow projection and paranoia), and this will keep you trapped in the lower frequencies – which is where the Matrix Control Systems wants your consciousness to reside. You can only transcend it, you cannot transform it. After all the rabbit-holing you do, if you don’t get stuck and lost, you will ultimately face a mirror, looking straight at yourself – and that is where the real works begins: with yourself.

“It’s been quite a concern for me for some time now, watching the growing information fascination phenomenon metastasize. It’s become contagious and extremely toxic for those who should have transcended this energetic level some time ago. If we are aware of the fact that we are co-creators of our reality, why are we fixated on this dark, false imposed one and its projection instead of what we know to be true and pure and empowering?

Why do we dwell on these dark temporal and clearly manipulative realities? Once we know they’re negatively charged and spiritually poisonous and clearly coming from the wrong source, why do we keep drinking at their well? Is the next purely logical step so hard to take? To break free of it and assert what we know to be the true alternative world? Or is something even more close to home afoot – having to do with our own personal issues?

For some reason we wrap our identity around what we participate in. Even though we have clearly found out that we each are the captain of our own sovereign ship, we still keep running around their decks and want to know every intricate detail of how their damned matrix tanker operates.

Where’s the cut off point? When is enough enough?
Never – but only if we’re operating in their system. That’s what it’s designed to be, a vortex. Entertain it and you become it. New and fanciful ways but part of it we are when we do this, when we’re caught in the fascination loop, for whatever personal or outside stimulated reason. This is where other forces are in full play, so our seeming reasons for being there are even convoluted within their false paradigm.
Staying on “top” of what’s going on becomes a 24/7 addiction and it sucks – literally – sucking the very life out of you.
But ironically you feel very connected, and on “top” of what’s going on in the world. Your personal life might go to hell but you feel essential to the process, and thereby very connected and self affirmed.

It’s a drug. A vibrational source of fascinating deception. […]
So much is at play, but yesterday’s truth can become today’s bullshit with just a spiritual nuance, a wrong source, or twisted application. That or just the overwhelming quantity of fundamentally negative crap can sink our once sailing ships – if we’re not careful.
Reactive living is a bitch. If we just react to everything that crosses our path or our screen we are not living very responsibly nor consciously. Time for meditation, being in nature, relaxing with friends, and doing personal energy work, are imperative.
More now than ever.
There’s always a lot of letting go involved in real change. Old habits, viewpoints, understandings, attachments, social contracts and on they go.” ~ Zen Gardner, Information Fixation and the True Breakaway Civilization

Regardless of how much information you take in (and how much effort you make to “stay on top”), in the end it is about APPLYING knowledge within your own life and relationships, taking full responsibility for your choices, engaging in self-work, confronting your own shadow, working on becoming embodied, and staying emotionally intelligent (not just “smart”) about how the matrix operates, with its endless conspiracies and manipulations that are also designed to keep us distracted from the real work.

It is also important to learn HOW to do self-work, which includes a basic understanding of psychology, the body-mind connection, and esoteric/spiritual self-work principles (among other “tools” and teachings) that will help you to re-connect with who you truly are. Of course, discernment is key as always, for there are many false and distorted False Light/New Age/Pseudo-Spiritual teachings out there.

The truth/alternative movement, while helping to bring awareness about important topics to many people, has also partly become an “entertainment circus”, with more and more conspiracy, UFO and “Truth” conferences popping up which attract large audiences in search of knowledge and answers, including individuals who are just fascinated and addicted to information.

While obviously not everyone who speaks at these events is co-opted, it is important to be discerning with regard to their agendas, and not simply remain fascinated by the information that is being presented from an intellectual perspective – tune into the “energy” and “being” of any given speaker/researcher, and allow that feedback to guide your information-filtering as well. It’s not a black and white issue, of course, and alternative conferences/gatherings are also great opportunities for networking and meeting people in person (something that is increasingly rare in our screen-addicted world).

Read the seventh part of the article


July 13, 2019

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