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Spiritualitate universală

5 Things The Highest Version Of You Is Doing Right Now

  Quantum physics is now indicating that there are infinite parallel realities. What this means is that there is, in some reality, a version of you who is living the happiest, most vibrant and joyous possible life you can imagine. If you aren’t in that reality, it is a matter of switching your vibration and…
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How Music and Meditation Address Memory Loss

  Meditation training program can have measurable effects on how the brain functions even when someone is not actively meditating. The effects are even more pronounced with music. In a recent study of adults with early memory loss, a West Virginia University research team lead by Dr. Kim Innes…
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Epictet și viziunea stoică asupra vieții

  Epictet este unul dintre reprezentanții principali ai stoicismului, deși acesta a trăit (55-135) la patru secole distanță de momentul în care această școală filosofică a fost creată. Viața lui Epictet este una ce poate fi catalogată ca fiind cel puțin interesantă. El s-a născut pe teritoriul Turciei…
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