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Spiritualitate universală

Cel de-al doilea creier al nostru

  Ați avut vreodată senzația fizică cum că ceva nu e în regulă? Ați simțit vreodată că o situație în care vă aflați – un potențial pericol, un examen, un interviu, o întâlnire importantă – vă provoacă furnicături sau „fluturi în stomac”, cum spun americanii? Ei bine,…
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The Ancient Tibetan practice for Health and Vitality

How ten minutes a day can transform your life The Five Tibetans or the Five Rites of Rejuvenation is a system believed to be Tibetan Yoga exercises over 2,500 years old. You flow through the five exercises almost in a meditative dance. Each exercise stimulates a particular CHAKRA or hormonal system and…
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Is Your Consciousness Flexible?

  Many of us today are interested in keeping our bodies flexible and fit, but how many of us are interested in developing neuroplasticity? What does it mean to have a flexible consciousness? What is neuroplasticity? Observe your own mind for a few minutes. What…
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