
The Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are intimately related to the mind. Having an agile, independent and often versatile intelligence, like the wind, mostly animates these natives. This incarnation is an excellent school chosen by souls seeking evolution of mental activity which was neglected in past lives. This is the reason why they tend firstly to make mental contact in interactions, which allows them to exercise this aspect of their character. Some natives escape to this area to avoid responsibility, which is the typical weakness of air signs. These natives do not like to openly face life, as do the fire signs. Another major fault of these natives is pride which finds expression in the disregard for social contracts, for example marriage.


Gemini natives considerably developed their mental qualities in the past. Presently they are seeking improvement in this area. Their great mental capabilities allow them to be simultaneously interested in many fields at once. In order to accomplish their mission, they must firstly focus and control desire, harmoniously refraining to deal with everything at the same time.


Librans aim to regain a state of harmony and social justice, allowing it to fully manifest around themselves. This indicates that they have lived at least one existence marked by the effort to assure a happy marriage as a loving and intimate couple. This is why they work on creating as many harmonious or balanced friendships as possible. Instead of trying to change their lover”s character with whom they are compatible at any price, Libra natives should accept and love him as he is. The necessary approach is to transfigurate those they love, and to respect differences between people.


Aquarians lived in historical times where liberty and fraternity were wisely valued. Their concept of love is almost always ahead of time. However they often forget those closest to them. Therefore their lesson for this life is to learn that a group first starts with two people.

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