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The MISA case at an International Scale

by Anca Munteanu Romanian media has continuously outspoken the danger of yogis. The word MISA instantly triggers strange connections in people’s mind: group sex, brain wash, urine therapy. Still, there are 35,000 people attending the yoga courses that testify the opposite about the MISA School. They are talking about how their…

On National Day, may long live Romania!

by Maria Nicola The national history is rather confused to most of the Romanians, to say the least. For they have been taught different things concerning history, according to the time they were attending school. Moreover, in communist times, there was some exhibitionist drive about the so-called “patriotism” that slightly…

Yoga by Mail

Learn how to spiritually live life at maximum ! The course is highly practical and the YOGA techniques are simple and at hand to everyone. It addresses to both beginner and advanced learners, as it contains much  more practical traditional elements, then available in any YOGA writings in the West. If for any reasons you cannot…

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