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Unmasking Freemasonry

Digital Authoritarianism: AI Surveillance Signals the Death of Privacy

“There are no private lives. This is a most important aspect of modern life. One of the biggest transformations we have seen in our society is the diminution of the sphere of the private. We must reasonably now all regard the fact that there are no secrets and nothing is private. Everything is public.” – Philip K. Dick Nothing is…

The corporate media respects the Science, wages jihad against natural medicine

Covid-19 was so dangerous, according to the corporate media and federal government, as to warrant worldwide lockdowns and emergency “vaccines.” They came with nearly incalculable social fallout and economic costs – but those were just the costs we had to pay for the sake of Public Health. If we are operating on the assumption that…

WEF Proposes Globalized Plan to Police Online Content Using Artificial Intelligence

The World Economic Forum published, in August, an article calling for an online censorship system powered by a combination of artificial and human intelligence that one critic suggested would “globalize” the “search for wrongthink.” Warning about a “dark world of online harms” that must be addressed, the World Economic Forum (WEF)…

The Psychological Warfare Apparatus Creates False Beliefs

Fighting the Sleep of Reason – Reporting, Class, Independence An increasingly large number of people now agree that information of all kinds in the countries of North America, Europe and their Pacific allies is deployed overwhelmingly to serve the interests of Western corporate oligarchs and the politicians who front for them. Outlets…

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