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6. The ten things one must know

1. One must know that all visible phenomena, being illusory, are unreal. 2. One must know that the mind, being without independent existence , is impermanent. 3. One must know that ideas arise from a concatenation of causes. 4. One must know that the body and speech, being compounded of the four elements, are transitory. 5. One must…

4. The ten things to be avoided

1. Avoid a guru whose heart is set on acquiring wordly fame and possessions. 2. Avoid friends and followers who are detrimental to thy peace of mind and spiritual growth. 3. Avoid hermitages and places of abode where there happen to be many persons who annoy and distract thee. 4. Avoid gaining thy livelihood by means of deceit and…

3. The Ten Things To Be Done

1. Attach thyself to a religious preceptor endowed with spiritual power and complete knowledge. 2. Seek a delightful solitude endowed with psychic influences as a hermitage. 3. Seek friends who have beliefs and habits like thine own and in whom thou canst place thy trust. 4. Keeping in mind the evils of gluttony, use just enough…

2. The ten requirements come next

1. Having estimated one’ s own capabilities, one requireth a sure line of action.2. To carry out the commands of a religious preceptor, one requireth confidence and diligence. 3. To avoid error in choosing a guru, the disciple requireth  knowledge of his own faults and virtues. 4. Keenness of intellect and…

1. The ten causes of regret

The devotee seeking Liberation and the Omniscience of Buddhahood should first meditate upon these ten things which are causes of regret: 1. Having obtained the difficult- to- obtain, free, and endowed human body, it would be a cause of regret to fritter life away. 2. Having obtained this pure and difficult-to-obtained, free, and…

YOGA: a short definition

by Gregorian Bivolaru YOGA is a genuine science of the human being and also a quite rigorous discipline, which unfortunately got rather coarsened and degraded in the West. As a term, YOGA stems in the Indo-European root, that could go in English for YOKE or JOIN, GATHER, MERGE, or BRING TOGETHER.…

Stages of Maha Vidya Yoga

This article is dedicated to those aspirants that have been given the specific initiation in Maha Vidya, provided by our yoga course. This information is meant to settle the  fundamental experiences of the aspirant on this genuine spiritual path. The traditional texts state that the 10 Great Cosmic Powers are the 10…

Maha Vidya Yoga

Maha Vidya Yoga is the path of the adoration of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers.   In the traditional texts it asserts that the 10 Great Cosmic Powers are the 10 fundamental faces of God in manifestation. Therefore, so to know God the aspirant has to gradually merge with every one of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers. It is also…

The Law of Resonance

The Law of Resonance The Hidden Key Of All The Keys Of The Manifestation Of The Universe   For the western mind, the language of yoga and other spiritual paths is many times difficult to decipher: the symbols and metaphors are a jungle where both initiates and (mostly) uninitiates are lost.  The hidden key that opens all these…

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