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Grace and Individual Effort

The most important thing, necessary to an aspirant to spirituality is the aspiration to God, the desire to look for Him and to find Him. There are many religions in the world, countless esoteric groups with different theories, beliefs and doctrines, but all these only help if they succeed to awake in us the desire to know God. They are…

The importance of Master-Disciple Relationship

“The stranger asks the way from the one who knows the way. Taught by the one who knows, he will not get lost. Indeed, this is the blessing of knowledge; he finds the path which leads straight ahead.” RIG VEDA X.32.7Much importance has been given to the disciple-master relationship, that is, the adept and initiator, in the…

The Act of Consecration in the Yoga Practice

The consecration is the act through which we offer in a conscious and unconditioned way the fruits of our actions to God. This act absolves us from a karmic point of view from the effects of the consecrated actions. The specific words are: “Lord, I consecrate You, unconditionally, the fruits of this action”. In this situation, after the…

The Master’s Role

The indispensability of the guru-shishya (master-disciple) relationship appears to be a simple superstition in this age of rationalism. However, even though each of us has a spark of divine light, there are few who can sense its presence. How many of us can be open to accept His (God''s) directions?In the spiritual field, as well…

Meditation Techniques

In order to practice real meditation and quickly reach either the Samadhi state (state of divine ecstasy) or to know the Self, the following conditions should be observed: practice being silent - at least a few hours per day have light nutrition meals consisting of milk, fruits and cereals (generally a…

What is YOGA?

YOGA is an extremely complex spiritual tradition, having a history older than five thousand years. It possesses a very rich and extensive literature. YOGA is what we traditionally call "the knowledge of liberation". We all seek, consciously or not, to rise above the limited notion of what we are. More exactly, we seek to rise…

The Centres of Force – Chakras

Each person is a microcosm containing seven fundamental centres. These complex systems receive and emit the seven essential types of vibration that exist in the entire world, which is the Macrocosm. They are known as ''chakras'' or energy centres. The chakras have the role of instantly aligning the…

The Ideal Pattern of a Spiritual Master

Many times, once engaged to a genuine spiritual search, we find ourselves lost and confused, not knowing which is the next step we ought to make. At this point, the need for a master appears to be acute. In fact, in any profession, in any field, someone who has gained that certain knowledge will also teach others and share with them his…

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