
Definition 1: Parapsychology is the scientific study of events associated with the human experience. This definition is very vast but it is still accurate. Indeed parapsychology is meant to re-consider the entire human experience, offering a new vision of life.

The ”common sense” premise, which has long dominated the mainstream view, is that the objective and the subjective worlds are completely distinct; there are no loops or interconnections between them. That is, the subjective world is “here, in the head”, while the objective world is “out there, in the exterior, in the world”.

Definition 2: In a limited sense, parapsychology represents the unusual study of phenomena that belongs to both spheres; pure subjectivity and pure objectivity. We call these phenomena “anomalies”, “mysteries”, “paranormal phenomena” because they are difficult to explain using current scientific methods.

Three categories of phenomena are included in this sphere:

  • ESP – extra-sensory perception; This is possible through the stimulation of the receptive, lunar, Yin aspect of man. Such phenomena are: intuition, premonition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and other paranoramal powers. Those that have such abilities are mediums and the very sensitive.

  • PK – psychokinesis – This is psychokinetic phenomena through which the consciousness can act physically upon matter. These phenomena occur through the galvanization of the emissive, solar, Yang aspect of the person. They are: levitation, telekinetics, psychophotography, materialisation and inedia (breatharian). People with such abilities have very strong will.

  • Another category includes suggestive phenomena regarding life after death of the physical body, including near death experiences (NDE), the apparition of spirits and reincarnation.

Parapsychologists expect future research to explain these “anomalies” in scientific terms, although it is clear they will not be completely understood in the absence of a significant (or even revolutionary) expansion of the current level of scientific knowledge.

Certain researchers claim that the most recent scientific models of perception and memory are able to explain some or even all psychic phenomena.

Also available in: Română

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