The program of the second day of the Congress «God is giving us signs…», Thursday, 14th October
Access is free in order of arrival, according to the number of available places. If the hall is full, Entrance will only be permitted to the guests of the Congress (the ones who give lectures).
Obor, Hall no.1
Chairman: Cristian Ion, Romania
16.45 -17.00 Entrance
17.00-17.10 Meditation: The state of irresistible spiritual ardour towards God
[L04] Gianina Georgescu, MISA Romania
[RO, 120 min]
VIJNANA BHAIRAVA TANTRA – 112 exceptional methods for direct spiritual enlightment and communion with God (lecture and workshop)
[L05] Dan Spătariu, MISA Romania
[RO, 90 min]
Conscious mental projection in the superior astral universe, HIRANYA LOKA
[L06] Adina Stoian, NATHA Copenhagen, Denmark
[RO, 120 min]
Genetics and Tantra – secrets of the neuro-hormons and couple happiness
Obor, Hall no. 2
Chairman: Eduard Selea, Czech Republic
16.45 -17.00 Entrance
17.00-17.10 Meditation
[L07] Cristian Boerescu, MISA Romania
[RO, 50 min]
Yoga therapies and preventive Medicine
[W02] Alexandru Acs, MISA Romania
[RO, 50 min]
The kinetic (tactile) perceptions from the distance of the aura
[W03] Ana Stoian, MISA Romania
[RO, 90 min]
Meditation of purification through the grace of Vajrasattva
[L08] Mihai Stoian, NATHA Copenhagen, Denmark
[RO, 90 min]
Sexual continence, the key to achieving supreme happiness
Hall in Pipera 1
Chairman: Andrei Gămulea, România
16.45 -17.00 Entrance
17.00-17.10 Meditation
[L09] Doru Bodea, Deutsche Akademie fur Traditionelles Yoga, Berlin, Germany
[RO 50 min]
Inner Fire – the essence of the spiritual transformation
[L10] Yogeshwar Kartik, Vidya Vahini Trust, India
[EN 90 min]
Yoga as the way to achieve wisdom – Tattwa darshana upayam – a Vedantic perspective
[L11] Swami Mahalayananda, NATHA, Academia de Yoga é Tantra, Lisbon, Portugal
[EN 90 min]
Ten gates to revelation of the self
[L12] Uriel Yariv, MISA Romania
[EN 50 min]
Comparison between Sacred Esoteric Judaism and Kabala and Sacred Esoteric YOGA
Hall in Pipera 2
Chairmen: Aurora Nicolae, Romania
16.45 -17.00 Entrance
17.00-17.10 Meditation
[L13] Johanes Suoranta, NATHA Helsinki, Finland
[EN 50 min]
Synchronicity – glimpsing the unknown, scientific and spiritual viewpoints[L14] Andra Bazavan, Bogdan Penescu, MISA Romania
[RO 90 min]
Ten important reasons that help us understand why is very good to communicate with the beneficial extraterrestrial beings
[L15] Angelika Hünefeld, Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga, Berlin, Germany
[EN 90 min]
The possibility of achieving states of ecstasy and other very high states of consciousness trough erotic games based on love, transfiguration, perfect sexual continence and consecration of the fruits
[L16] Lucian Milea, MISA Romania
[RO 50 min]
The universal law of resonance. Analogies between the mechanical resonance and the occult one
DISCLAIMER: The organizers of the International Yoga Congress “God is giving us signs…” did not censored the content of the materials presented in the lectures and worksops included in the program. Everything that the guests invited to give lectures in this Congress will present, represent completely their opinions and point of view. The organizers of the Congress (MISA) has no responsibility regarding the content of the materials presented. All responsibility belong to the authors and lecturers.
12th October 2010