Zodiacal calender for those celebrating birthdays today


Yogaesoteric offers its readers an novel astrological present for their birthday: a description of their personality according to the date on which they were born. Beginning with the first day of the sign of Aries, we invite you daily to discover what specific characteristics they have by being born today, what are their qualities, strong points and weak points.

Every human being is unique in their own way. We can say that two people are alike, but they will never be identical. This uniqueness is generated by the combined actions of the specific astrological aspects at the moment of their birth. In the following articles we will show you how the Sun influences us, constantly moving through different signs, generating in the inner universe of the human being a series of specific traits and characteristics, which will form every personality. After that is depends only on how we use the qualities with which we are endowed with from birth.

The zodiacal calender is presented for every day of the year and contains information about the personality of the human being born on the day as well as their qualities, defects and useful advice to study thoroughly the native gifts and to have harmonious relationships with those around us

April 2007


Also available in: Română Français

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