ESSENTIAL READING: Pawns In The Game by William Guy Carr (3)


Read the second part of the article

Once a person reads Pawns In The Game and The Red Fog Over America it will be easy to realize that the struggle going on is NOT of a worldly or temporal nature. It originated in that part of the universe we designate “The Celestial World”; its purpose is to win the souls of human beings away from God Almighty.

Learned theologians have stated that Lucifer, Satan, or call the head of the Forces of Evil simply “The Devil” knows he did wrong and knows that he was wrong. He is a spirit in his essence and therefore indestructible by anyone else except God. Knowing he is wrong he still is determined to drag as many souls as possible into hell with him to share his misery. This being a fact, our duty is clear: We have to make known the TRUTH in this regard to as many others as quickly as possible so they can avoid the snares and pit-falls set by those who serve the devil’s purpose and penetrate the lies and deceits of those who wander about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Wars and revolutions give the devil his greatest harvests of human souls, because “so many are called and so few are chosen” (Matt. 20; 16; 22: 14). We so often hear what is going on in the world to-day referred to as “A war for the minds of people”. That is only a half truth and is worse than a whole lie.

Weishaupt’s plot requires:
1. Abolition of ALL ordered national governments.
2. Abolition of inheritance.
3. Abolition of private property.
4. Abolition of patriotism.
5. Abolition of the individual home and family life as the cell from which all civilizations have stemmed.
6. Abolition of ALL religions established and existing so that the Luciferian ideology of totalitarianism may be imposed on mankind.

The headquarters of the conspiracy in the late 1700s was in Frankfurt, Germany, where the House of Rothschild had been established and linked together other international financiers who had literally “sold their souls to the devil”. After the Bavarian Government’s exposure in 1786, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed established their headquarters in Switzerland; since World War Two the headquarters have been in the Harold Pratt Building New York. The Rockefellers have replaced the Rothschilds as far as the manipulation of finances is concerned.

In the final phase of the conspiracy the government will consist of the king-despot, the Synagogue of Satan, and a few millionaires, economists, and scientists who have proved their devotion to the Luciferian cause. All others are to be integrated into a vast conglomeration of mongrelized humanity, by artificial insemination practiced on an international scale. On pages 49-51 of The impact of Science on Society Bertrand Russell says that ultimately less than 30 percent of the female population and 5 percent of the male population will be used for breeding purposes. Reproduction will be strictly limited to the type and numbers required to fill the needs of the state.

Because the rulings of the courts are so much in the public mind today, I will conclude my introduction by quoting from a lecture given to the members of the Grand Orient Lodge of Paris, France, by a top executive of Pike’s Palladian Rite, at the turn of the present century. He said: “Under our influence the execution of the laws of the Goyim has been reduced to a minimum. The prestige of the law has been exploded by the liberal interpretations introduced into this sphere. In the most important and fundamental affairs and questions judges decide as we dictate to them: see matters in the light where with we enfold them for the administration of the Goyim, of course through persons who are our tools though we do not appear to have anything in common with them. Even Senators and the higher administration accept our council…”
This should explain the “Little Rock” incident, which took place a half century later.

Can any thinking person deny that the conspiracy as revised by Weishaupt in the latter 1700s, and the plans drawn up by Pike in the latter 1800s, haven’t matured exactly as intended? The empires of Russia and Germany have been destroyed. Those of Britain and France reduced to third class powers. The crowned heads have fallen like over-ripe fruit. The world’s population has twice been divided into opposing camps as the result of propaganda put out by the Illuminati. Two world wars have seen Christians kill each other off efficiently by the tens of millions without any person engaged having the slightest personal animosity towards the other. Two of the major revolutions, those of Russia and China, are accomplished facts. Communism has been built up until it is equal in strength to the whole of Christendom. Intrigue now going on in the East and Middle East is fomenting World War Three. After that, unless stopped right now by sheer weight of informed public opinion, will come the final social cataclysm; then absolute physical, mental, and spiritual slavery will follow.

Can any informed person deny that Communism is being tolerated in the remaining so-called “free countries”? The British special branch of intelligence; the Canadian R.C.M.P., and the U.S. F.B.I. could arrest every Communist leaders within twentyfour hours of the order being given, but they are not allowed to act. WHY? The answer is simple. Communism is being ‘Contained’ on the national and international levels of government on the ‘ADVICE’ of the Illuminati’s agentur who give a great many utterly unconvincing excuses for the present policy of Britain, Canada, and the United States towards national and international Communism. If the F.B.I. or the R.C.M.P. act then the Judges of the Supreme Courts of both countries find reason in law why those arrested should be set free. Such action would be utterly ridiculous if Communism wasn’t being contained for use in the final social cataclysm.

Is it not time Christians woke up to the realization of their danger? Is it not time parents refused to allow their children to be used as cannon fodder to serve the Luciferian cause? Is it not time we became “Doers” of the WORD of God instead of “Hearers” only?

The Federation of Christian Laymen, of which I have the honour to be president, has made available all the knowledge obtained to date dealing with the various aspects of the conspiracy. We have published Pawns In The Game and Red Fog Over America in book form, and other pamphlets. We keep those who have read our books up to date concerning the progress of the conspiracy by publishing a monthly news letter, entitled News Behind The News. Our predictions of forthcoming events are based on our knowledge of the continuing conspiracy. They have come true to such an amazing extent that we have aroused the interest of thinking people throughout the world. We invite you to join us. Make yourselves fully acquainted with the various aspects of the conspiracy, then pass that knowledge on to others. Do this and the power of informed public opinion will become the greatest power on earth.

I urge you to organize Christian Civic Leagues or similar groups. Use them as study groups. Use them to elect people who are loyal citizens. But before you select a candidate for public office make sure he/she is fully informed regarding all aspects of the International Conspiracy on the municipal, state, and federal levels of government. Most of the One World-ers won’t serve the Synagogue of Satan knowingly. It is our duty to make them acquainted with the truth. Christian civic leagues should be non-partisan, and non-denominational. Their purpose should be to put God back into politics so we may establish government in accordance with His Plan for the rule of the universe as explained to us in The Scriptures and by God’s only son Jesus Christ. Only then will his will be done here as it is in heaven. In my humble opinion, not until this is done will God intervene on our behalf and the words of The Lord’s Prayer be accomplished.

In order to understand the causes in the past, which have produced the effects we experience today, especially in regard to the unsatisfactory state of national and international affairs, history must be studied because history does repeat itself. History repeats itself because there has been perfect continuity of purpose in the struggle which has been going on since the beginning of time between the forces of Good and Evil to decide whether the Rule of Almighty God shall prevail, or whether the world shall literally go to the Devil.

The issue is just as simple as that. It is a fact that both the forces for Good, and the forces for Evil, have been divided and split into factions. These factions often oppose each other in an effort to reach a common goal — this makes a study of the subject complicated. These differences in opinion have been produced by propaganda which is used more often for spreading lies and half-truths, than it is used as a medium for telling the plain unvarnished truth regarding any given event or subject.

Warmongers have used propaganda to divide human beings into opposing camps on political, social, economic and religious issues so they could stir them up into such a state of emotionalism that they will fight and kill each other. In order to discover the causes which have produced the effects we experience today all available evidence must be studied carefully. Truths must be separated from falsehoods, and fiction from fact. Past events must be studied to see how they have affected and influenced conditions existing today.

The human race is divided into two main camps as far as religion is concerned. Those in one camp believe in the existence of a God. Those in the other camp deny the existence of a Supreme Being of any kind. This fact is of major importance, because it will be proved that all wars and revolutions have been the result of one group or another trying to force their ideologies upon the people of the entire world.

The conception of GOD varies with different sects. Theism teaches that God is a personal being and the author and ruler of the universe. Pantheism identifies God with the universe but not as a personal Being. Pantheists believe in the doctrine of the universal Presence of the Divine Spirit in nature. A kind of Pantheism has found its way into many religious and philosophical systems — Buddhism and Hinduism both partake of this doctrine. Belief in a personal God includes belief in a celestial world, belief in the soul and life in the celestial world after the death of our mortal bodies. People who believe in a personal God must of necessity believe in the existence of Satan — a personal Devil.

A study of comparative religions proves that, as far as it is possible to probe back, even the members of isolated tribes have always had a religious instinct which caused them to discuss and ponder the questions: “Why were we born ?”, “For what purpose do we live ?”, “What ends do we serve ?”, “Whither do we go when we die ?” Even the most backward tribes of Central Africa and Australia seem to have had no doubts regarding the existence of God, a spiritual world and another existence for their own souls, after the death of their mortal bodies.

A study of comparative religions also indicates that most, if not all religions (which teach belief in a Supreme Being) started out on a more or less uniformly high level in which the worship and love of Almighty God, respect for our elders and parents, love for our neighbours, i.e. benefactors, and the offering of prayers for deceased relatives and friends formed the basic principle. Evil men, actuated by motives of selfishness and greed and the desire for power, caused nearly all religions to deteriorate to the levels we find at them to-day. Some religions deteriorated as far as having priests sacrifice human beings as their offerings to God. Even Christianity, which is one of the most recent religions, deteriorated. Christianity has been split up into many factions (denominations) and it would require a great deal of imagination to picture the vast majority, who profess to be Christians today, as true soldiers, or followers, of Jesus Christ.

Generally speaking, Christianity has deteriorated in regard to the practice of good works. This becomes a matter of major importance when we study the struggle going on between the forces of Good and Evil today, because the practice of good works created neighbourliness, and brought about unity in the Christian fold. The real definition of the word ‘neighbour’ is a person who has proved himself your benefactor; a person upon whom you can rely; a person who, you are certain, wouldn’t do you any harm under any circumstances; that man or woman is your neighbour. The Scriptures tell us we must love our neighbour as ourselves for God’s sake. The only way to make good neighbours is to perform good works unselfishly.

Lack of individual good works means lack of unity and lack of the proper community spirit. Today we have adopted the cold cheque-book type of doing good works. We leave the performance to professional social welfare workers. This has justified the use of the term “As cold as professional charity”. It is well to remember that even government Social Security legislation does not relieve individuals of the duties of neighbourliness. Prayer without good works availeth a man nothing. In Christian weakness and disunity lies the atheistic strength.

For one reason or another many Christian denominations are fast losing their hold upon the youth of the so-called “Free Nations”. Each person lost to the Christian belief usually turns to secularism and often ends up as a “Fellow Traveller” in one or another of the atheistic ideologies of Communism or Nazism.

The vast majority of professed Christians are not real “Soldiers of Jesus Christ” whereas every card-bearing member of either the Communist or Nazi parties must swear to give unlimited obedience to the leaders; to devote every waking hour to the furtherance of the Cause; and contribute one tenth of his, or her, income, towards financing the party’s activities.

Read the fourth part of the article


February 24, 2019


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