Top 19 Tips to Reduce Your EMF Exposure


Exposures to EMF radiation from cellphones, Wi-Fi networks and “smart” devices has been linked to chronic diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias, anxiety, depression, autism, Alzheimer’s, infertility, mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA damage, eye and heart problems, chronic pain and suppressed immune function — and with 5G on the horizon, dangers are about to be magnified. The potential ramifications of unchecked exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation are immense.

As explained in an interview with Martin Pall, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of biochemistry and basic medical sciences at Washington State University, the primary danger of EMFs — and what drives the processes of chronic disease — is the mitochondrial damage triggered by peroxynitrites, one of the most damaging types of reactive nitrogen species.

Devices that continuously emit EMF radiation at levels that damage your mitochondria include your cellphone, cellphone towers, Wi-Fi routers and modems, baby monitors and “smart” devices of all kinds, including smart meters and smart appliances.

Types of Damaging EMFs

EMFs can be broadly divided into three categories:

1. Electric fields: AC electric fields at 60 Hz (50 Hz in Europe) from house wiring and corded appliances (especially ungrounded ones: cords that have only two prongs rather than three). Electric fields are the most challenging to measure accurately and significantly contributes to the confusion about EMFs.

2. Magnetic fields: AC magnetic fields at 60/50Hz Hz from power lines, wiring errors on house wiring, current on grounding paths, and from motors and transformers.

3. Radio frequencies (RF) from cellphones, smart meters, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other wireless devices.

In addition to these three categories, you also have dirty electricity, or EMI (electromagnetic interference) caused by transient voltage spikes.

If we go back in time to the end of World War I, around 1918 or so, and use that timeframe as a baseline of EMF exposure among the general public, you come to the astonishing conclusion that EMF exposure has increased about 1 quintillion times over the past 100 years. You’d have to be irrational to assume that this radical increase — an increase of 1 billion times — couldn’t have some adverse effects.

The reality is that most people are experiencing biological impacts as a result of EMF exposure, but have no appreciation of the damage it’s causing until it’s too late. Even then, it’s extremely difficult to link the exposure to the symptoms or the disease.

Unrelenting EMF Exposure Can Wreck Your Health

Martin L. Pall has published research showing low-frequency microwave radiation activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) — channels in the outer membrane of your cells. Once activated, the VGCCs open, allowing an abnormal influx of calcium ions into the cell, which activates nitric oxide (NO).

NO is the only molecule in your body produced at high enough concentrations to outcompete other molecules for superoxide and is a precursor for peroxynitrite. These potent oxidant stressors are associated with an increased level of systemic inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction, and are thought to be a root cause for many of today’s chronic diseases.

For an in-depth understanding of peroxynitrites and the harm they inflict, see “Nitric Oxide and Peroxynitrite in Health and Disease” — a 140-page paper with 1,500 references by Dr. Pal Pacher, Joseph Beckman and Dr. Lucas Liaudet. It’s an epic paper and one of the best reviews, free to download.

One of its most significant downsides of peroxynitrite is that it damages DNA. Your body has the capacity to repair that damage through a family of 17 different enzymes collectively called poly ADP ribose polymerases (PARP).
However, while PARP work well, they require NAD+ for fuel and when they run out of NAD+ they stop repairing your DNA, which can lead to premature cell death.

Heart, Brain and Male Reproductive Organs are at Greatest Risk

According to Pall’s theory, the physical locations where VGCCs are the densest are indicative of the diseases you might expect from chronic excessive exposure to EMFs. As it turns out, the highest density of VGCCs are found in your nervous system, your brain, the pacemaker in your heart and in male testes.

As a result, EMFs are likely to contribute to neurological and neuropsychiatric problems, heart and reproductive problems, including but not limited to cardiac arrhythmias, anxiety, depression, autism, Alzheimer’s and infertility. Excessive calcium signaling produced by EMF exposures also has important roles in producing pathophysiological effects of EMFs, including each of the effects listed above.

For the past 25 years, the industry has claimed that nonionizing radiation is harmless and that the only radiation worth worrying about is ionizing radiation. Pall’s research unequivocally proves that this assumption is false.

Thanks to Pall’s work, we now know that VGCCs are 7.2 million times more sensitive to microwave radiation than the charged particles inside and outside our cells. This means the safety standards for this exposure are off by a factor of 7.2 million. In terms of oxidative damage, research shows 3G creates the same level of cellular stress and oxidative damage as about 1,600 chest X-rays.

Disinformation by Industry Threatens Public Health

Unfortunately, negative health effects from EMFs are usually not immediately noticeable, as the damage accrues over time, similar to that from smoking. It’s important to note that researchers are in general agreement that there’s a latency period of about 10 years or more before the damage shows up, which places children at greatest risk, since their exposures are earlier in life and longer.

There’s no doubt that cellphones are one of the greatest public health threats of the 21st century. But, like the tobacco industry before it, the telecommunication industry has manipulated federal regulatory agencies, public health authorities and professionals through powerful and sophisticated lobbying efforts, leaving consumers confused about the health risks.

In an investigative report for The Nation, Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie reveal “the disinformation campaign — and massive radiation increase — behind the 5G rollout.” By early 1999, findings from more than 50 studies were already raising “serious questions about cellphone safety,” and this evidence was shared with the CTIA (the trade association for the wireless industry) board of directors. They ignored it, and have consistently fought to prevent public discussion and knowledge about the possible effects.

There’s no doubt that RF-EMF exposure is a significant health hazard that needs to be addressed if you’re concerned about your health. The rollout of 5G would certainly make remedial action all the more difficult, which is why we all need to get involved and do what we can to prevent it.

Apart from that, here are several suggestions that will help reduce your EMF exposure and help mitigate damage from unavoidable exposures.

1. Identify major sources of EMF, such as your cellphone, cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth headsets and other Bluetooth-equipped items, wireless mice, keyboards, smart thermostats, baby monitors, smart meters and the microwave in your kitchen. Ideally, address each source and determine how you can best limit their use.

Barring a life-threatening emergency, children should not use a cellphone or a wireless device of any type. Children are far more vulnerable to cellphone radiation than adults due to having thinner skull bones, and developing immune systems and brains.

Research also demonstrates that infants under the age of 1 do not effectively learn language from videos, and do not transfer what they learn from the iPad to the real world, so it’s a mistake to think electronic devices provide valuable education.

2. Connect your desktop computer to the internet via a Ethernet wired connection and be sure to put your desktop in airplane mode. Also avoid wireless keyboards, trackballs, mice, game systems, printers and portable house phones. Opt for the wired versions.

3. If you must use Wi-Fi, shut it off when not in use, especially at night when you are sleeping. Ideally, work toward hardwiring your house so you can eliminate Wi-Fi altogether. If you have a notebook without any Ethernet ports, a USB Ethernet adapter will allow you to connect to the internet with a wired connection.

4. Avoid using wireless chargers for your cellphone, as they too will increase EMFs throughout your home. Wireless charging is also far less energy efficient than using a dongle attached to a power plug, as it draws continuous power (and emits EMF) whether you’re using it or not.

According to Venkat Srinivasan, director of Argonne Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science, keeping your cellphone or tablet fully charged at all times will also reduce the life of the battery, which will necessitate the purchase of a brand-new phone.

As a lithium ion battery charges and discharges, ions pass between a positive electrode and a negative electrode. The higher the battery is charged the faster the ions degrade, so it’s better to cycle between 45 percent and 55 percent.

5. Shut off the electricity to your bedroom at night. This typically works to reduce electrical fields from the wires in your wall unless there is an adjoining room next to your bedroom. If that is the case you will need to use a meter to determine if you also need to turn off power in the adjacent room.

6. Use a battery-powered alarm clock, ideally one without any light.

7. If you still use a microwave oven, consider replacing it with a steam convection oven, which will heat your food as quickly and far more safely.

8. Avoid using “smart” appliances and thermostats that depend on wireless signaling. This would include all new “smart” TVs. They are called smart because they emit a Wi-Fi signal and, unlike your computer, you cannot shut the Wi-Fi signal off. Consider using a large computer monitor as your TV instead, as they don’t emit Wi-Fi.

9. Refuse a smart meter on your home as long as you can, or add a shield to an existing smart meter, some of which have been shown to reduce radiation by 98 to 99 percent.

10. Consider moving your baby’s bed into your room instead of using a wireless baby monitor. Alternatively, use a hard-wired monitor.

11. Replace CFL bulbs with incandescent bulbs. Ideally remove all fluorescent lights from your house. Not only do they emit unhealthy light, but more importantly, they will actually transfer current to your body just being close to the bulbs.

12. Avoid carrying your cellphone on your body unless in airplane mode and never sleep with it in your bedroom unless it is in airplane mode. Even in airplane mode it can emit signals, which is why you can put your phone in a Faraday bag.

13. When using your cellphone, use the speaker phone and hold the phone at least 3 feet away from you. Seek to radically decrease your time on the cellphone. Instead, use VoIP software phones that you can use while connected to the internet via a wired connection.

14. Avoid using your cellphone and other electronic devices at least an hour (preferably several) before bed, as the blue light from the screen and EMFs both inhibit melatonin production.

Research clearly shows that heavy computer and cellphone users are more prone to insomnia. For example, one 2008 study revealed that people exposed to radiation from their mobile phones for three hours before bedtime had more trouble falling asleep and staying in a deep sleep.

15. Since we now know the effects of EMFs are reduced by calcium-channel blockers, make sure you’re getting enough magnesium. Most people are deficient in magnesium, which will worsen the impact of EMFs. As noted by Pall:

“It is clear that when you’re deficient in magnesium, you get excessive activity of the VGCCs. You also get excessive calcium influx through the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, caused by magnesium deficiency, which is also problematic, so it’s important to allay that deficiency.”

16. Pall has also published a paper suggesting that raising your level of Nrf2 may help ameliorate EMF damage. One simple way to activate Nrf2 is to consume Nrf2-boosting food compounds.

Examples include sulforaphane-containing cruciferous vegetables, foods high in phenolic antioxidants, the long-chained omega-3 fats DHA and EPA, carotenoids (especially lycopene), sulfur compounds from allum vegetables, isothiocyanates from the cabbage group, and terpenoid-rich foods.

Exercise, calorie restriction (such as intermittent fasting) and activating the nitric oxide signaling pathway (one way of doing that is the Nitric Oxide Dump exercise) will also raise Nrf2.

17. Incorporate the Nitric Oxide Dump into your daily fitness routine. According to Pall, the nitric oxide signaling pathway and the peroxynitrite pathways inhibit each other, meaning that as nitric oxide signaling increases, peroxynitrites decrease. As the Nitric Oxide Dump boosts nitric oxide, it may help provide some protection against EMF damage.

18. Molecular hydrogen has been shown to target free radicals produced in response to radiation, such as peroxynitrites. Studies have shown molecular hydrogen can mitigate about 80 percent of this damage.

19. Certain spices may help prevent or repair damage from peroxynitrites. Spices rich in phenolics, specifically cinnamon, cloves, ginger root, rosemary and turmeric, have exhibited some protective effects against peroxynitrite-induced damage.


January 31, 2020


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