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Spiritualitate universală

The Cosmic Matrix and How to Exit this Labyrinth

  We hear so much about people channeling from other entities and information being downloaded from above, as if they are a conduit to attract external energies. Many people bring light down through their Crown CHAKRA and even grounding this energy into the Earth itself. Many people traverse the inter-dimensional…
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Cum au murit Apostolii şi Iisus

Matei: martirul a murit în Etiopia, ucis cu sabia.Marcu: a fost omorât în Alexandria, Egipt, fiind târât de cai pe străzi până a murit.Luca: a fost spânzurat în Grecia, ca urmare a predicilor sale stăruitoare către cei pierduți.Ioan: a făcut faţă martiriului, scăpând…
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The Power of Thought

  You are responsible for everything you have brought into your life, everything you have left out of your life, and everything that you are currently intending to bring into your life. Every single relationship, association, difficulty, failure, fear, plan, hope, and success is in your control no matter…
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