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Spiritualitate universală

The Art of Blessing Our Food

  For millennia, we humans have had our most important conversations, forged our strongest alliances, and made our biggest decisions at the same location. The dinner table. In every corner of the globe, family traditions have been passed down through recipes, ceremonial serving items (Grandma Pearl’s set of fine…
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Studiile asupra ADN-ului: conștiința şi trupul sunt una. Experienţele se transmit copiilor

  De mii de ani atât filozofii cât şi oamenii de ştiinţă au încercat să afle dacă spiritul determină materia sau materia determină spiritul. Recent, o nouă ramură a cercetării ştiinţifice aduce o abordare complet diferită a problemei. Relaţia dintre ADN şi materie – corpul uman în mare, poate…
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It’s Time to Take the Gaia Hypothesis Seriously

  Can a planet be alive? Lynn Margulis, a giant of late 20th-century biology, who had an incandescent intellect that veered toward the unorthodox, thought so. She and chemist James Lovelock together theorized that life must be a planet-altering phenomenon and the distinction between the “living” and…
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Step by step guide to talking with animals

Each time you want to talk with an animal, always start by sending a feeling of total, unconditional love. The same love you feel for the person you love most in the world.How to tell an animal something, so that they understand 1. Send a feeling of love to the animal, tell “I love…
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